This new GayHoopla model has muscular body, bubble butt, and big dick. But only members can see what his face looks like. They recently introduced the “Secret Menu” for members only and from now on, solo content on GayHoopla will be censored for general public. Only paid subscribers can see the uncensored pictures and jerk off videos of upcoming models. This new model even has no porn name. The title of video is just “Ripped Muscle Jock Jerks“.
There will be NO CHANGES to HARDCORE content (released weekly every Friday). So fans of Collin Simpson and the current GayHoopla hotties can still see uncensored trailer of them here.
I guess this change will make it easier for GayHoopla to recruit new models who are hot and muscular but prefer to keep their identities private (at least for general public) since only paid members can see them. This approach might be new for American and European viewers but Japanese porn industry has been doing this for a long time.
Do you think we will see American or European gay porn sites using this Japanese approach more?
Thank you my friend. Hardcore content will continue to show all faces. We’re just limiting solo content to NON MEMBERS only. Members will continue to get what they’ve been getting plus more! Lots of value coming members way.
— (@GayHoopla) March 12, 2019
Ahhhh I see. Hopefully one day you’ll be a member and let us know what you think of the content. Shoot me an email or Dm if you ever join and I’ll hook you up with some free days.
— (@GayHoopla) March 12, 2019

Paul says
Just plain stupid on their part…
sammy says
wouldn’t this still be leaked to illegal porn sites? Also the big difference between the japanese stuff and this is that there is noway we can ever see their faces in the japanese movies, yet here we can just pay to see them anytime. So i don’t see how this is a good idea at all
MoMo says
LOL what a stupid way to try and get subs. How about actually trying to improve on ur shooting skills and focus less on the str8 site. That’s what u get when str8 guys run a gay site lmao.
Anon says
And I’m certain the names and faces won’t be posted elsewhere on the internet. This is a bizarre idea.
Nick says
I’m a paying member but I also think this is stupid. I get i–all sites hurt from illegal downloads but part of enticing new people to sign up is to show you have a roster of of good looking models. The secret page with member only and streaming only videos I can understand but this is kinda bizarre.
And besides, if this solo vids are downloadable like they have always been, they will somehow land on illegal downloading sites.
Liam says
Stupid… And I don’t think people will care about guy who jerking unless there has sex….
José Luis says
What a stupid idea. I just see your face and name and other sites, just tape: Amari Johnson jerks his big cock’.
Que idea mas pendeja. Acabo de ver su cara y nombre en otros sitios, solo escriban:
‘Amari Johnson … ‘
Jerry says
The masking of faces (and pixellation of genitals) in the Japanese clips for many years was not by choice of the studios… the laws there REQUIRED it. And since most of the other photos and clips from this (and other) sites eventually end up being Torrented or shared on the various tube sites, the whole idea that something is being kept private or exclusive to “members only” seems pretty naive. Having a mystery model looks like an advertising gimmick or publicity stunt to get coverage from the blogs, and that aspect appears to have been effective.
pinky says
I’m familiar with the Japanese approach, which is why I use torrents lol.
Rrei says
Just shut down the damn sight already dipshits, we all know you want to focus 1000% on your pussy porn, just do us a favor and go do that full time.
Dave says
Pierre Johnson says
Does that mean subscription numbers are stagnant at the moment?.
Masaaki says
I think the reason why they have done this is to protect the identity of their modelas, because someone recently outed Peter Grom to his friends and family.
It was mentioned on GH twitter;
Ron says
This would do nothing for the leaks. They reveal the faces when u suscribe in the section. The video it’s already out there
janicedickinurson says
LOL This shit studio…