Gay porn star Greg McKeon is joined by 6 twinks: Milo Miles, Craig Kennedy, Gabriel Parker, Matteo Twink, Tim Gottfrid, and Collas for this new twink orgy. It includes lift fucking, double fucking, and even a ‘triple penetration‘ at one point. Check out the XXX trailer below.

New Twink Orgy is here! The past few years I have been to going to Europe for the Grabby Awards show and had the opportunity to film a series called Twink Orgy. The first editions have been huge hits and this year we created our hottest video yet. This video features some of the cutest new creators in Europe and includes lots of lift fucking + double penetrations and a special surprise. – Greg McKeon
WATCH: Greg McKeon’s JustFor.Fans | Milo Miles’ JustFor.Fans
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kaospheric says
Why is Greg McKeon even a thing? Everything about him is sub average, with the icing on this really lousy cake being that vile moustache.
Jo says
It’s that hairline jumping back for me
Matthew says
His deformed head/face are the worst.