Check out this new face to the porn world. RONNIE is a hot muscular porn stud making his debut this week on two websites.
You can watch Ronnie fucks Alexander Garrett at Dominic Ford. And he sucks Mike Rivers’ cock then pounds him hard at Bait Buddies.
+ Ronnie Fucks Alexander Garrett
alex says
He’s hot, but needs to ease up on the manscaping. Trimming I can accept, but bald penises are for pre-teens. And yeah, I hope he is versatile!
sxg says
of all the names he could’ve come up with, why did he pick that one? he’s a goodlooking guy, but I can’t help but think of that overroided overtanned ronnie from jersey shore
Thiago says
Oh man, this one is really hot, I hope to see many videos of him…
mel says
nice, I like that DF is finding hot model and upping the anti against studios like RB and CF.
Tom says
Electrowhatt19 says
…..i just came.
Herman says
I’m hoping he comes to his senses and starts bottoming immediately. Love to see that hot ass spread.
XOXO Gossip Boi says
Now are we sure that Ronnie is Gay and not G4P? Editor of this blog is the Studio calling him New muscular Gay porn performer or is that label your doing?
Like I said there is nothing wrong with Ronnie,but it would be nice if he was/is playing on “our team”!!!!!!! 😉
Mini rant over Ronnie is HOT!!!!! 😉
MarcoManuel says
Ronnie looks boring.He is just another gay porn star with tattooes.He is most likely a gay for pay man.Where is Vince Ferelli?Vince didnt made gay porn for months.Does anybody knows if Vince Ferelli is retired from porn.Vince Ferelli is 1 of the best gay porn star.He is also 1 of the most beautiful man in gay porn.
Gregg says
Hes cute… It ends there.
Liam says
Fu*k me now! x]
alex says
He’s cute and he has a masculine look. I like that he started topping, but I hope he bottoms. Being that his ass got eaten already — and that it looks like it has seen some action, my fingers are crossed.
Lukink says
@marcomanuel – I agree . he’s hot , have a nice body and face , but hes G4P. WE NEED REAL GAY PORNSTARS , i mean hot guys that consider themselfs gay or bisexual. Plus , please dont name yourself after a famous person , now i can only think about Jersey shore.
Laredo says
Outside of the US this guy would be considered fat.
Adam says
…No he wouldn’t Laredo. Do you see that second picture?
sxg says
There’s fat and there’s having a thick, healthy body. He is not fat and f**k the rest of the world who cares what they think about his body? They would still jerk off to it.
Rick says
I know Ronnie personally. He danced in gay clubs in NJ and PA. He is a nice guy and everytime I see him he actually was str8. We traded # and he does keep in touch. I just recently saw his ad on an escort site when he says he is now bi. Seeing his bottoming vid today . Hmm I gotta cakk him.
Ian says
i know “Ronnie” personally two…used to dance at the one and only gay bar in atlantic city..very nice guy and straight..but i think hes that guy…wish he is in vegas..always wanted him…BAD!!
Edward M. says
Ronnie J is hot, love seeing him in action and now that he’s coming out with one with Frank the Tank, oh Man!!
Plus I love Ronnie from Jersey Shore. I’d take both!!
Thee Eddie Omega says
WELLL……….I know I am very late………..but since I am the Nancy Drew of Porn…I have come to the conclusion that “Ronnie” has been in, what could be arguably not considered gay porn. He was under the name of Knox and performed with his “brother” Tyson….performed as in solo but besides each other….well I have a picture of Knox from 2SCM, where he was first introduced. Ah, I forgot, to the naysayers…google ronni-mario-marky and you will see how Ronnie has to focus a little bit harder…something he addresses in the 2SCM video…BTW what happened to that site..fuckers took my membership and never uploaded new material!! Anywho, well I would to say that I am 100% certain, but I’m not gonna say that. So I give it a strong 75% chance that is “Knox,” who has made the choice I had hoped for!!! #BYEEEEEE
Thee Eddie Omega says
****i am slightly buzzeddd and would like to post the picture of “Knox.” But I don’t know how to embed or whatever….Ronnie J, is kinda horrible but whateves..
Thee Eddie Omega says
****Ronnie J is not a great choice of a name , yet it’s way better than Knox. I am happy that he is performing… GFP or not he has at least one fan over here, all buzzeddd….
Jim Tay says
Ronnie J looks like a man just show off sexier and what role does he play while performing sex with another guy. Just a simple and his images for job well done!
I feel so proud of him keep up the good work