You asked for it, and now I can reveal it! MEN.COM just sent out these promo pictures for the upcoming video “Top To Bottom Part 4.” They revealed that Colby Jansen is the top who gets fucked for the first time a couple of days ago. Now it’s time to reveal which 9″ cock drills Colby Jansen, it’s Tommy Defendi
Top to Bottom 4 will be released this month but I haven’t got the release date yet. I can’t wait to see the trailer.
Chris Redfield says

Well well…let´s see if did a scene better than trailer with this TTB!
Louis says
Tommy looks better with facial hair
DD says
I’m a big Trevor Knight fan so I’m kind of disappointed the rumor didn’t turn out to be true. I like Defendi fine but as a bottom. Still check it out because, come on, it’s Colby bottoming and that should be hot.
Btw, go see the new movie GRAVITY with Sandra Bullock and uber-adorable George Clooney! Truly a great film to be seen in theaters!
manu says
These photos are beautiful!! Love Colby Jansen he’s very cheeky and playful I’m sure this will be awesome!
(When did Tommy Defendi get a 9 inch dick though? Not that it matters a lot but…;))
I hope this is not a one time thing for mr Colby Jansen, I would love if he became fully versatile after this.
WildPNW says
Taking on that massive dick of Tommy Defendi I doubt their statement this is the first time him getting fucked is true LOL!
Dan says
This is HOT
litper says
That beefy ass just begs for big dick!
Markus says
I live on Mars: Defendi needs that beard (or he looks weird) and Coby needs a diet.
john parker says
Now We Can Say Thanks
And Sorry For The Bad Words Maybe I Say To You .
kevin1012 says
COLBY JANSEN is a brave man. TOMMY Choose Defendi’s cock to be bottom for the first time, raising the score COLBY,
Is this your first time?
griffrag says
no release of trailer as of today, upcoming scenes got to 10/18/13 and it’s not listed.
Dan T says
Gotta say Colby’s ass is mighty juicy and the pic where he is laughing is adorable!! But, I hope he remains a top, cause he knows what he is doing!!
Dean says
fatboy and trollface! what a great pairing!
alex says
I think he will remain a top, but you can still bottom occasionally as a top. I was disappointed by the announcement of Defendi having the honors (he’s not horrible, but I would like someone a bit more like Colby). but then I saw Colby’s big ass again, and I’m sold. Hopefully Defendi’s dick is big enough where he can stay out of the frame so the camera can focus on colby’s ass. iexpct this to debut at the end of October.
Chad says
I’ll pass. I don’t care much for Colby as a bottom.. I am sure he is the bottom in his personal life even though his wife GIA is post opt.
meueu says
Well… I don’t like Tommy Defendi. I think Charlie Harding would be so much better in this scene.
litper says
@Chad he dates trans woman only because he’s scared to fully come out as a gay bottom boy
mick says
Thanks Manu. They were fun to take.
jose luis says
** I like that hot combination of athletic skinny top guy and a rough muscle big bottom man in a sex scene, more if that bottom man is the hot COLBY JENSEN. (What a bubble butt!!!)
I hope this not be the only or last bottom role for you, the first of many more.
** Me encanta la combinación de un delgado y atlético joven activo y un musculoso, rudo y alto hombre pasivo en una escena de sexo, mas si ese pasivo es el buenote de COLBY JANSEN, (Pinches nalgotas de cabrón!!!)
Espero que éste no sea el único o el último papel de pasivo para ti, mas bien el primero de muchos.
Kevin90 says
Looks hot! Colby is such a closeted cock whore. We know you like it Colby
Now its Topher’s turn. Better yet: Zeb Atlas! & My life will be complete.
romances says
está gordo y fofo
David Estrada says
COLBY es varonil y tiene una verga deliciosa. Para mi gusto, demasiado ‘normal’. TOMMY DEFENDI (que se ve hermoso con barba y bigote), es un ser afortunado: primero se cogió a ROCCO REED (mi IDOLO), y ahora a COLBY.
manu says
My hope is that Colby will next be bottoming for Paddy O’Brian ( flip flop) and then for CutlerX .
I hope he gets rimmed before.
Can’t get over how cute these photos are with that big ass about to be penetrated…
manu says
Oh of course I forgot to mention a flip flop with Tony Paradise should also be in the works for mr Colby Jansen
fredy says
well process of elimination how it would appear Topher might be the last lol i would love for it to be a gangbang lol have Colby Liam and Tony fuck Topher but that well manicured looking femmy bitch wouldn’t do that
i said it before i prefer Colby as a top nothing aganist Tommy i still nut to his scene with Gabriel Lenfant the face Tommy makes when fucked are hot
but after watch the pre-trailer maybe six time i got used to the idea of Colby bottom i did hope the top was Charlie Harding but Tommy looks more gentle then what Charlie could be and maybe for his first bottoming scene on camera (idk what he does in his personal life) he need someone who will go a slowly pace but under no circumstance do i want to see Charlie or Austin Wolfe (of RB) bottom the only way i watch Austin Bottom is if him and that Dan Harrington flip
Jordi Lim says
I dont like Coby Jansen now… why he bottomed. Why.
TJ says
Colby is hot and I can’t wait to see him bottom.
fredy says
don’t they get choose who they work with i mean didn’t Liam choose Connor ? all i know is i can’t wait to hear Colby moan oh i hope he’s a grunter you know like Mike Dozer ? i hope he’s vocal like that my favorite line that Colby says is “Now you know your bottoms feel” in TB1 i love to hear Tommy say “Not such a shit talker now?” lol or something all i have to say is least its not Johnny Rapid no tea no shade but theres people who should stick to bottoming and hes 1
manu says
Fredy, Johnny Rapid is better as a top in my opinion ( he doesn’t have enough ass to make me interested in seeing him bottoming – with 30 ibs more he would be perfect though) . You need to see his flip flop with Rocco Reed, the little guy gets all dominant, I think it’s Rocco’s best scene
I agree with what you said about the dirty talk but the best way to deal with this would be to have Tony paradise coming back for a vengeance on Colby’s ass :p
fredy says
okay my only compliant here is Colby’s face in some of the Men pics just don’t seem to know where to find his lightening
fredy says
@ Manu that would be hot for the final Top to Bottom 5 which i can’t imagine it Topher but how the advertise this b4 they revealed it was Colby it could be Topher next i think it be hot if its Tony Liam and Colby fucking Topher ass for the finale cause lets be honest if its not Topher who the fuck wants to see Jimmy Johnson or Jack King get fucked? i mean i don’t want to see Topher bottom either or top i don’t like Topher but hell he’s a bigger name then those 2 so he has to be T2B 5
fredy says
i saw the previews of Fallen with Gabriel Clarke and Paddy its so much more hotter then his first scene with Topher cause both were into it but back to topic i kinda hope this is Colby’s only bottom job or least bottom for specialtie scene don’t D.O it up its taken me awhile to get use to Colby bottoming just like it took me awhile to watch Christian Wilde bottom
manu says
hey I hope top to bottom 5 is not the final!!. This series needs to keep going forever, it’s the best concept ever
Billy Blue says
Work Bitch !!
Who me? says
I love to fuck guys who have the same body type as colby! Big beefy bottoms are my thing. LOL
griffrag says
Colby is hot no matter if he tops or bottoms can’t wait for this video, would like to get Charlie Harding back for a bottom scene, that would be hot also.
bucko0710 says
Colby has a big bubbly ass that begs a stiff cock! Hopefully we’ll see him in more versatile scenes and I’d like to see Charlie Harding get poked as well!
alex says
Top to Bottom I is the video that got me to subscribe to Top to Bottom IV is the reason I’ll resubscribe again at the end of the month. Really, if they can keep up these kind of videos, I’ll keep coming back — depsite how uninteresting I find all of their gangbangs with Mike and Johnny. A lot of porn tops are versatile — so it shouldn’t be that difficult to get guys to bottom — if they have financial incentive. I’m guessing this series is a big moneymaker for — as the first 3 videos are shown among their most popular videos. I fear Tony is actually gone, but if he ever returns — please have them in a 2-part flip flop. And if Charlie Harding ever is willing to take it on screen, I’d make him an offer for part 5.
evren says