I saw Jack Mackenroth when he competed in Project Runway season four a decade ago. Who would have thought he is now so popular on JustFor.Fans with more than a hundred of bareback sex videos including group sex, outdoor sex, and even fisting. Below are some previews from his JustFor.Fans page.

Jack Mackenroth In A Bareback 4-Way Fuck Fest with Ryan Carter, Digger & Jay Austin

Jack Mackenroth Fucks Adam Killian Outdoor
+ Watch Jack Mackenroth’s Private Bareback Sex Videos
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Greg says
I am a little bit confused with him. I do understand we live in PreP age and being undetectable isn’t big danger for negative partner but I remember him being HIV ambassador who spread knowledge about this topic and now I see just unprotected sex…
booka says
Trippy huh, I remember that too and I was around 20 when he was going around advocating for safe sex and all that other bullshit he claimed. Guess now we know how he got HIV and also how much of a hypocrite he was.
Patrick says
When the world’s foremost HIV experts say that HIV transmission risk from someone on effective treatment is “effectively zero”, it is because the scientific evidence leaves no room for dispute. The risk of acquiring HIV from unprotected anal sex with an HIV+ top who comes in your ass is 1.4% per exposure. If he is undetectable, that risk is effectively eliminated (100% reduction). If HIV- guy is on PrEP, the risk is something like 0.05% (96% reduction). A properly used condom will reduce the risk to 0.4% (72% reduction.
It seems there are a lot of gay men who can look at those numbers and still insist that condoms are “safe sex” and that sex while on treatment or PrEP is “unprotected”. 30 years of being conditioned to see HIV+ men as nothing but vectors of disease allows them to make the same slut shaming moral judgments.
Mackenroth was diagnosed in 1990, before he began his public HIV activism, so if you remember him preaching safe sex, I would guess that he was hoping that those listening would avoid his fate. You have no call to imply that he got HIV because he rejected that in his own life. None of us can claim a perfect record of condom use everytime we had sex, we all had lapses of greater or lesser frequency; those who remained HIV- were luckier about their timing.
Jinx Parker says
Actually, those of us old enough to remember the bad old days of the plague can absolutely claim a perfect record of condom use, so stop trying to legitimize bad behavior. Aside from the ones I’ve busted (and immediately pulled out) never have I intentionally penetrated a partner unprotected. So dial down the lies, some of us paid attention.
You can get all manner of bugs besides HIV from barebacking your way across the country, no matter how hot you look, top or bottom, rich or poor, so yeah, you and your numbers are essentially meaningless. PREP IS NOT A CURE, IT’S JUST A TREATMENT
As drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea and syphilis continue to emerge, successful treatment of this sexually transmitted disease (STD) is becoming more difficult. In the 1980s, gonorrhea became resistant to penicillin and tetracycline, rendering these drugs ineffective treatment for gonorrhea. Syphilis quickly followed in the 90’s and is ESPECIALLY prevalent in gay men with multiple unprotected sexual partners. (CDC)
As recently as 2018 there were massive outbreaks of Syphilis in Palm Springs, The Desert Sun reports that the rate of syphilis in Palm Springs is 185 cases per 100,000 people, more than 10 times the rate in California overall.
You do the math.
Coco says
I’ll just say that… this man scares me.
there is something on his face that scares me, he has obviously had implants in his ass and I think that with his beard he tries to hide something, maybe some facial surgery that went wrong because his face always looks like swollen.
How is it possible that a person after having a certain “fame” turns to amateur porn to earn money? I feel a little sorry for Jack, I think it’s a bit unfortunate
On another point, I want to comment:
As I have always commented, I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST THE ONLYFANS / JUSTFORFANS, but the quality of these ” productions ” are terrible, bad angles, bad lighting, bad positions. I just love my regular studio porn it’s so much better.
Yannick says
If I had to pay for one of these onlyfans/jff accounts, it would be for him.
I believe he is 50 or something, what a nice daddy.
horno says
He’s liquified the hell out of bum in that first pic. Photoshop overboard.
J says
All from a so called “Ambassador” of HIV/Positive awareness.. smh, I guess we now know what led to him getting HIV,& god knows how many STDs
EAM says
Steven Daigle and Will Wilke walked so Jack Mackenroth could fly! LMAO
Wannalatino says
You dudes on here throwing shade constantly make my dick soft! I don’t mix politics and porn. I watch porn to enjoy sexy men fucking each other. These guys are adults. They can make their own decisions. Most are on PrEP or the poz ones are undetectable. Studios also do testing. Jack is a total stud and I enjoy watching him play. Let him do his thing! To paraphrase Rihanna, shut up and stroke!