On June 9th, James Huntsman tweeted this message on his Twitter @James_Huntsman: “I’m heterosexual. That is all” and coincided with the firing of Austin Wilde by Next Door Studios. It’s definitely not a good time for many gay-for-pay models. And looks like James Huntsman got his fair share of hateful (and heterophobic?) tweets. Below are his response.
My brother is homosexual. So before u talk about me and what u think u know, get ur shit together n realize how ignorant u look. Now breathe
I find it rather hilarious that I’m considered homophobic. And if u want to be honest through all the different situations I’ve been in my life through living as a minority of religion and race in certain areas I’ve been I have never witness such prejudice as I have since I have entered the industry and honestly at the end It upsets my stomach to even deal with the ignorance of ppl and what they consider to know about me based on never meeting me . They need help , not me
Well, at least James Huntsman is not another Cody Cummings. James is making his anal sex debut, fucking Cody Allen, at NEXT DOOR BUDDIES on June 21st. And from the preview video, it’s not the softcore scenes like Cody’s. James Huntsman fucks Cody Allen for real.
+ More of James Huntsman
bernardo says
To james huntsman: good for you that you have a gay brother. That has nothing to do with your statement on twitter. I am glad that you are heterosexual do you want a fucking medal for it. I am a gay man but I do not let that define me as a person. You can rant and rave all you want but walk in a gay man’s shoes and deal with all the bullshit and negative shit that we go through all of our lives then you can understand that bullshit comment that you made. If you do not like being in gay porn go to straight porn and fuck a girl.
cody d'amico says
like i said to tyler torro…say you’re a straight white guy and you get a job at a predominantly black club after which you proceed to tell every female who works there (sometimes whether they ask or not) that you aren’t into black girls. you say this over and over and over. maybe you even wear a shirt that says something to the same effect (like posting this BS on twitter). wouldn’t, at some point, they expect people to start thinking it sounded racist? wouldn’t they expect, at some point, people to get sick of it?
it’s no different with them entering the gay industry and claiming over and over (sometimes without being asked) they are “straight”.
bruce says
this guy is not “heterosexual”. sorry
alex says
i do not understand his statement at all. he goes out of his way to point out that he is straight and then says he’s never faced ignorance and prejudice like he has since entering the gay porn industry as a straight man!!!???? wtf like really?
mich says
They used a body double, a stand-in. I don’t believe any of it. And it still looks boring.
Nikos says
As long as they perform well i dont care! This is why I hate Cody Cummings. Hes done like 150 gay scenes, and cant even do one short kiss or touch another guy. I dont care how hot he is, just retire
cc boy says
@mich Have you even watched the video?
Cody D'Amico says
imagine i’m a straight white male and i get a job at a predominantly black club where i tell the women over and over again (sometimes without even being asked) that i’m not into black women. every time it’s brought up in the club i mention how i’m not into black women at all.
would anyone be surprised if people at that club would start being like WTF?!? would anyone be surprised if people perceived that as racism?
this situation is no different. the fact that these guys enter the gay industry and perform gay acts and claim to be “straight” over and over again like it’s some badge of honor for them yet feign offense any time someone calls them on it is laughable. they play victim and call gays “haters”.
what’s sadder though are the people who stick up for them or throw money at their homophobia.
bernardo says
Okay, QMN: I stated my feelings about James Huntsman and yet I am the one getting edited. So, james can say the most stupidest statements I have read and yet I can not fully express myself. Why is that? Please explain that to me. It is bad enough that the gay porn industry is becoming more and more gay for pay and to deal with guys who constantly brag about how they are straight then let me make this clear ” if you let a guy suck your dick your gay, if you let a guy rim your ass your gay, if you fuck a guy in the ass with your dick then your gay!” If you do not like a guy sucking your dick or rimming your ass or taking your dick up his ass then go to the straight porn industry and make your money there. I do not want to hear it anymore from anybody from “next door exclusives”. You want a medal for being straight? This is getting very old and very stupid. we need to stop promoting guys like this who make gay porn a joke. I love porn and the hot guys who do it but I am not going to waste anymore time on the ones who are faking their way just to get themselves in the limelight.
@bernardo You complained to QMN that your comment got edited? My comments were deleted!
cc boy says
@bernardo @HATERS LOL!
Thank You Hater says
asswipe says
All I know is that James Huntsman is super hot and now is topping there is no reason to complain. I think the comment he made was most likely some inside thing that fans should keep in context. James is a great performer.
2ndPeter says
i wished James Huntsman used my ass to lose his gay sex virginity.
MikeP says
I’m often surprised/ saddened by how narrow minded people in the gay community can be regarding sexuality and a person’s sexual identity. I doubt these words will change much, but here goes my attempt. If you search Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary you’ll find the first definition of “heterosexual” (adjective) says: “of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward the opposite sex”. The second definition reads: “of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between individuals of opposite sex” So, for James Huntsman to say that he’s heterosexual he’s likely trying to say that he more routinely feels sexual attraction/ desires for people of the opposite sex. Is that so difficult to believe @Bernardo? If James Huntsman goes to a bar looking for a hookup I’m gonna bet that he head home with person of the opposite sex, not a dude. Does getting a blow job from a guy or fucking another guy make him gay? Well by the first dictionary definition that would be a no regardless of what people like Bernardo would like to think. Does it make him bisexual? Maybe, maybe not. It depends if you are talking about his sexual practices or how he identifies sexually. It’s clear that the man identifies as heterosexual/ straight because women seem to be the object of his sexual desires; but yes, the dude has engaged in heterosexual and homosexual sex. Ok so far? Well here’s the part that I find sad. The sexual desires/identity of gay men and lesbian women have been constantly questioned by our society. To this day ignorant individuals continue to question our sexual identities and try to put us in their easy-to-define boxes (“you’re not gay, you’re just confused” or maybe “you’re gay so you must be a child molester”). Why then do we have to apply similar narrow definitions about sex/ sexual identity to sex performers who identify as straight? Yeah, everybody has to be a condescending a-hole and tell other people what they are and how they are wrong. Anywho, did Huntsman’s comment come out as too defensive/dismissive. Yeah. Maybe he should go to charm school. On the other hand it’s probably not easy to deal with all those queens that insist they know more about you than yourself. But honestly that’s not really much of a real defense, if you can’t stand the heat get the f out of the kitchen (but please don’t leave just yet…).
Matias says
It’s an odd choice to make a living for a straight guy doing gay porn, but I don’t think it is that uncommon. But are they really straight?
This is why I refuse to spend money on studios that continue to hire these pointless gay for pay performers. They completely turn me off
bernardo says
@mike p: I understand the definition of heterosexual. The thing is when someone believes in his mind that he is being prejudiced by the gay porn industry is laughable. He boldfaced made these statements. No one is forcing him to have sex with a guy and no one is saying to him come out of the closet. This guy has said so much in a few words that it borders on the insane. I am gay and I know I like dick, ass and balls. But, again that is just one part of my life. I am proud to be an open gay man. It is frustrating that in an industry where gay sex is seen as niche that more straight men do gay porn for the money and I get that but more straight men should be able to say that fucking a guy is not bad or sucking a dick is okay. And furthermore, what makes you think that a straight guy or any guy for that matter would not want to explore his sexuality. I think if you are fucking a guy you have to be a least bi-curious. But, again I say before if you do not want to do gay porn then there is always the straight side where the guys earn about 50 percent less in scenes then the women.
Skip says
It breaks my heart that Huntsman has been so ill-treated by the gays. How traumatic for him. What a douchebag.
ugh says
Oh not this argument again. How many times does it have to be said? If Gay4Pay actually existed there would be tons of established straight porn actors doing gay porn on the side since there is more work and it pays better. But they don’t. Because they’re straight.
As for James Huntsman, you guys need to chill out. Out of the “G4Pers” he’s the most tolerable. Nobody is as bad or as rude as CC. And RD and MM are pretty horrible and obviously not straight considering they’ve been fucked up the ass by almost every gay porn star. Stop harassing James Huntsman on twitter. It’s not right.
Jose says
This is why I like Tyler Torro. Tyler is straight. But Tyler gets it in when he’s with another guy. There are no hangups, work arounds, or softcore with him. If you are working for a gay porn site, then you have to have gay sex. Period.
GMan says
Three things with James
1. He looks awesome and knows it
2. He is only in gay porn because they pay more than straight porn period
3. When he speaks his looks go to shit.
MJ says
did we really need to have an explanation of what straight means again? I’m pretty sure everyone knows already because we’re not straight
raul says
Totalmente de acuerdo con @Bernardo.
Anderson says
If his brother is gay, I want to know him!!
Paul says
My question is simple: Is he the performer who refused to “touch” Austin Wilde?? If so, why? He’s already gone all the way with a guy according to the preview. It doesn’t make sense.
Anderson says
C’mon guys, I think you’re giving much importance to someone who is not that important!
dio says
i thought he lost his ‘virginity’ to Rod Daily or something and filmed the scene yonks ago? Did Rod use his clout NDS to get the vid backburnered to keep his distance until this all dies down? LOL
ricky says
minority? he’s white for christs sake! methinks the heterosexual white gay for pay person doth protest too much. he needs to shut the fuck up and suck a dick
Jay says
If individuals such as “Mr Huntsman” do not like how they are treated by a community they are not a part of, then they are more than welcome to leave it and go have a regular job and a regular life. If homos are such haters and so bigoted & mean-spirited, then don’t involve yourself with the gay porn business, since it is run by homos for homos. As for mentions of “Mr Daily” in this posting, let’s just get one thing clear about him–he is a prostitute in the true sense of the word…he will have sex with essentially anyone as long as he is paid afterwards.
Sam says
I think the gay porn stars should initiate all the gay4payers into their gay porn “fraternity” by fucking them and making them go down on each other. Film it too. I would pay for a membership on that site. These guys aren’t really straight anyhow…just closeted.
trex says
Good to see Paul asking the relevant question. BTW, “going all the way” apparently means letting the other guy such your cock and then topping him without ever touching his cock or kissing or any other contact. I guess TECHNICALLY that is sex but I have no idea why some gay men think that sort of sex is a turn on. The refusal to touch his partner in any other way is really the issue, and I’m assuming here that he did the same thing in the planned scene with Austin, as well as all the games this guy has played just to get to this point. If some gay men want to pay to see junk like this, its their money, but I’ll spend my money elsewhere.
cody d'amico says
jose – tyler torro is just as bad as the rest. if not worse. yes he does have “hang ups”, yes it is soft core in a sense and work arounds. no he doesn’t get it in. the man won’t touch another man in return. he won’t kiss, touch or suck dick. he even tweeted a couple days ago that he will NEVER touch another guy so people should stop expecting it. he then went on to say that he’s straight. when asked why he refuses to have gay sex even though he’s in GAY PORN he says that he does have gay sex and that anyone who thinks he doesn’t is an idiot. funny how a guy who one second says he is completely straight in the next breath says he has gay sex. as if the two things weren’t mutually exclusive. then again, he’s wrong. he DOESN’T have gay sex. he simply “lets” a guy suck him off or uses a guy’s ass. but he refuses to touch another guy. imagine if straight porn were filled with women who refused to touch men. no one would put up with it. they’d be told to take a hike. yet for some reason gays have such little self respect they simply accept it. they either think the guy is “so hot” or they think by accepting being treated as inferior somehow makes them open-minded.
mike p – you completely miss the point. we all know what heterosexual means. and you make assumptions about his behavior simply to assume things in his favor. the phrase gay4pay came out of the guy-on-guy scene for a reason. it was a way for self-identified straight men to distance themselves from their behavior so they could assert their so-called heterosexuality as much as possible. not unlike the term “metrosexual”. however, we are allowed to call him on his BS. it’s nothing like how gays are treated by straights. we don’t go around calling ourselves gay and then go have sex with women, in complete contradiction of ourselves, and then still fight for the right to call ourselves gay. the only reason guys like james have sex with men and then arbitrarily say shit like “i am heterosexual. that is all” is because they desperately want to cling to the label of being “straight” and wear it like some badge of honor. as if it says something about them as a person. it’s heterosexist and it’s homophobic. making excuses for it or making it seem like gays are being hypocritical or close-minded for refusing to accept the blatant contradiction is akin to christians who claim there is a “war on christmas” because people refuse to cater to allow religious symbols in PUBLIC places. or, worse yet, ones who claim they are being discriminated against when others are fighting against their bigotry. gay4pay performers can say/think they’re “straight” all they want. they can even believe it. however, people are going to hold them to their actions and if their actions contradict the words that come out of their mouths they shouldn’t be surprised when they are called on it. funny you bash marcus mojo but at least he PERFORMS. at least he does his JOB. as far as i’m concerned, the boy can call himself “straight” all he wants. he’s paid his dues. we all know when he says he’s “straight” it means something completely different than when our straight friends or our straight brothers mean it. because they’re COMPLETELY straight and would never do any of the shit any of these guys do for the fact that they ARE straight. however, at least marcus mojo has entered an industry with the willingness to perform according to the industry he’s entered. he hasn’t entered an industry and expected that it should cater to his own personal tastes, biases or preferences. again, if these were females in the porn industry we were discussing no one would even bat an eye at us saying that if they can’t do their job they should go elsewhere. no one would bat an eye if we said they were racist for refusing to reciprocate with someone from another race. yet all the self-loathing homos can’t see beyond their own sick issue of inferiority to “straight” men long enough to see they are perpetuating the very thing that allows these guys to not only get away with blatant homophobic hypocrisy but also get away with their money…and then turn around and paint themselves as the victim.
Cody D'Amico says
i love how so many guys are willing to give these guys a “pass” simply because they think they’re “hot” or because they want them to keep performing in the HOPES that they’ll one day do more.
jose – tyler torro is just as bad as the rest. if not worse. yes he does have “hang ups”, yes it is soft core in a sense and work arounds. no he doesn’t get it in. the man won’t touch another man in return. he won’t kiss, touch or suck dick. he even tweeted a couple days ago that he will NEVER touch another guy so people should stop expecting it. he then went on to say that he’s straight. when asked why he refuses to have gay sex even though he’s in GAY PORN he says that he does have gay sex and that anyone who thinks he doesn’t is an idiot. funny how a guy who one second says he is completely straight in the next breath says he has gay sex. as if the two things weren’t mutually exclusive. then again, he’s wrong. he DOESN’T have gay sex. he simply “lets” a guy suck him off or uses a guy’s ass. but he refuses to touch another guy. imagine if straight porn were filled with women who refused to touch men. no one would put up with it. they’d be told to take a hike. yet for some reason gays have such little self respect they simply accept it. they either think the guy is “so hot” or they think by accepting being treated as inferior somehow makes them open-minded.
mike p – you completely miss the point. we all know what heterosexual means. and you make assumptions about his behavior simply to assume things in his favor. the phrase gay4pay came out of the guy-on-guy scene for a reason. it was a way for self-identified straight men to distance themselves from their behavior so they could assert their so-called heterosexuality as much as possible. not unlike the term “metrosexual”. however, we are allowed to call him on his BS. it’s nothing like how gays are treated by straights. we don’t go around calling ourselves gay and then go have sex with women, in complete contradiction of ourselves, and then still fight for the right to call ourselves gay. the only reason guys like james have sex with men and then arbitrarily say shit like “i am heterosexual. that is all” is because they desperately want to cling to the label of being “straight” and wear it like some badge of honor. as if it says something about them as a person. it’s heterosexist and it’s homophobic. making excuses for it or making it seem like gays are being hypocritical or close-minded for refusing to accept the blatant contradiction is akin to christians who claim there is a “war on christmas” because people refuse to cater to allow religious symbols in PUBLIC places. or, worse yet, ones who claim they are being discriminated against when others are fighting against their bigotry. gay4pay performers can say/think they’re “straight” all they want. they can even believe it. however, people are going to hold them to their actions and if their actions contradict the words that come out of their mouths they shouldn’t be surprised when they are called on it. funny you bash marcus mojo but at least he PERFORMS. at least he does his JOB. as far as i’m concerned, the boy can call himself “straight” all he wants. he’s paid his dues. we all know when he says he’s “straight” it means something completely different than when our straight friends or our straight brothers mean it. because they’re COMPLETELY straight and would never do any of the shit any of these guys do for the fact that they ARE straight. however, at least marcus mojo has entered an industry with the willingness to perform according to the industry he’s entered. he hasn’t entered an industry and expected that it should cater to his own personal tastes, biases or preferences. again, if these were females in the porn industry we were discussing no one would even bat an eye at us saying that if they can’t do their job they should go elsewhere. no one would bat an eye if we said they were racist for refusing to reciprocate with someone from another race. yet all the self-loathing homos can’t see beyond their own sick issue of inferiority to “straight” men long enough to see they are perpetuating the very thing that allows these guys to not only get away with blatant homophobic hypocrisy but also get away with their money…and then turn around and paint themselves as the victim.
hhj says
i think the reason many of the str8 guys do gay porn is the pay, str8 male performers don’t make anywhere the money they make in gay porn (because in str8 porn, women are focus), so i’m assuming that has to be the motivating factor. I think the studios (NDS) play on many gay men’s fantasies of seducing/worshiping a str8 man . . .
Sam says
I hope that everyone puts their money where their mouth is in regrds to the gay4pay guys. if you really don’t like them or the studios that perpetuate it then cancel your memberships and encourage your friends to do the same. Stop complaining and make a difference. It’s the same guys who are bitching about it that support the sites.
eve says
looooooool… How can a person can even say “I’m Gay for pay?!!!” Really… THERE IS BLACK FOR PAY? JEW FOR PAY??? NOOOO… of corse not! so why some gay people insists in supporting these guys?… We all want the world looking at sexual orientation just like religion or race… but some people don’t get it…
I will never support gay for pay no matter how hot the guy is, sorry but it is pathetic and I encourage others to do the same.
Joe says
I just had first gay anak sex last night, anybody care to know?
Tyler says
Gay4Pay is definitely a real thing. Reese Rideout is married to a woman. They are too many Gay4Pay performers for them all to be gay guys pretending to be straight. Even the gay for pay performers who bottom are still straight. The anus is a source of pleasure and some straight guys do enjoy anal stimulation, such as a finger or a strapon. I don’t see why gay for pay is such a ridiculous notion. They have sex with men on screen for money. It is a job, not their love life.
Billy Blue says
Forget about the gay4pay thing; What hapenned to his hair ??
nikko says
Tyler, porn is not a job like real movie-making: it’s having real sex and that involves arousal. a person shouls be true to their sexual orientation and not smearr their conscience with g4P.
Jeff says
Some of you guys forget that we are talking about ACTORS so what we see in their movies have nothing to do with their “real” lives and wether they’re gay, str8 or whatever is none of our business.
I also have a question for those who loathe G4P actors : if you had the opportunity to fuck either with Tyler Torro or Jake Cruise are you sure you would choose the fat gay old pig ?
bigshane says
The bottom line is the dude is hot as fuck. He is cocky and that’s why he is a sexy porn star. He didn’t say anything offensive and all the people whining on here need to get over themselves. Just shut the hell up and don’t watch if you don’t like him tons of other people do.
As for his talking about being a minority in his area he said he is from the DC area and it is not easy to be a white boy in public schools in many places speaking from personal experience. You have to be tough and very few people understand that and it can be just as hard as being gay in a homophobic atmosphere.
Sam says
I wonder what would happen if everybody on this blog cancelled their NDS membership?….even for just 1 month. Would it even affect them?
nikko says
JEFF, you obviously didn’t read my post above your comment,eh? Porn, acting?
Jeff says
Nikko : yep I read your post and I respect your opinion but I do not share it …that’s what they call “tolerance”
Cody D'amico says
Jeff, if their orientation isn’t supposed to be an issue and is supposed to be private why are the studios and the performers the ones putting the label out there again and again and again and again?
Sam says
Jeff, regarding your question above; I didn’t know who Tyler Torro was so I did a google search. I have decided that I would choose to jack off alone rather than have sex with either of them. But I respect your opinion and I tolerate your taste in actors
andrew says
James Huntsman is one of the sexiest guys in porn. He sure is my fantasy top. He has kind of a James Dean vibe about him. I have also seen a couple of his interviews and he seems to be very smart. Love you, James. I know that you are straight. We will have to work on that.
Chris says
I am not sure how anyone can defend the homophobia that is behind much of the “gay for pay” phenomenon in gay porn.
What some ignorant individuals who whine about being “tolerant” seem to miss is that no one is arguing against straight or allegedly straight gays being in gay porn. Also, no one is saying straight actors should lie about their sexual orientation.
Rather, the problem with most “gay for pay” porn and the actors used in it is two-fold: (1) Many of the gay-for-pay models (whether they are truly straight or just closeted) may look attractive, but they do a very poor job of making a good gay sex scene. Most of them interact as little as possible with their sex partner, and sort of begrudgingly stick their cocks into their partners mouths or asses, while looking all the while as if they wished there was some way they could have sex without actually having to have their penis touch their sex partner. Most of them look at best bored and indifferent, and many of them appear turned off and mildly disgusted. So, what is supposed to be appealing about this to a gay or bisexual man who wants to watch a gay sex act for pleasure? (2) Most of the “gay for pay” models make a repeated point of stating how they are “100% straight” and not interested in men and how they get no enjoyment from having sex with men. Some of them go further and make catty little comments about gay men or compare gay sex to moping the floor, etc. So, why are gay and bisexual men supposed to pay money to watch a guy do something he doesn’t enjoy doing while he makes insulting little remarks off-camera about it? Even worse, its not just that these guys say stupid things, it is that their straightness and their general disdain for gay sex is used as a MARKETING device by the studios to promote this “gay for pay” porn. The supposed “turn on” in the porn is that gay men are supposed to get off on their own self-loathing and shame over being gay–if you can’t be straight, well at least you can let a straight guy use you to make a quick buck, and just maybe, he may fuck the straight into you! The whole thing is completely degrading and insulting, and it perpetuates homophobia.
Yes, there a few straight, or allegedly straight, porn actors who perform well in scenes and don’t say stupid things off camera, and they also don’t let themselves be used to market porn in a way that is based on promoting shame and self-loathing. Most people have no problem with these actors. What I and most gay men object to is the typical “gay for pay actor,” who may or may not be straight, but who allows porn studios to use him to promote porn that is based on homophobia and self-loathing.