Sean Cody model Jarek has fucked so many hot models. But it’s quite rare that he bottoms. (He got fucked by Liev and Jed, that’s two years ago).
Today they just released this hot threesome with Jarek, Taylor and Brent and Jarek gets his hairy ass fucked in this scene!
The highlight is definitely the “train fuck” where Jarek fucks Brent while he’s getting fucked by Taylor!
JJ says
Willie says
Finally. Hope the scene is well done.
Chris says
He was in the perfect position to be DP’d… Moment missed there
Jeff says
I usually focus on the bottom in a scene. Almost always, in fact. But Jarek is such a great top that it seems like a waste to have him doing anything else.
quipmstr says
You forgot to mention the flip-flop Jarek did with Pavel.
Adam says
I don’t find any of them attractive. They’re all a bit too twinky looking.
WildPNW says
Jarek looks twinky? huh? Jarek is HOT, love to see him versatile here.
sam says
Hope Taylor get fucked!!!!!
MarcoManuel says
Jarek looks like Chris Evans.
He could be Chris Evans Brother.
You can see the similarities.
Russell says
Man….this scene makes me want to subscribe to Sean Cody real bad! I’ve actually been waiting for them to have a “sale” like others sites occasionally have, but they haven’t offered anything for months. Do they ever do this? Or should I just bite the bullet?
joethehobo says
I love Jarek and Taylor, but I’ve never understood how Brent finds work. When did Anne Heche start doing gay porn? Whenever I see there’s an update I immediately groan when I see he’s in it. He’s very feminine and is a huge turn off for me. Oh well. It’s just my opinion.
Darma says
I like jarek because he is a hairy man on chest , leg and his penis . I think he is a muscular man so get hot fucked
Orestes says
Absolut gorgeous.And they seems to be having fun, can´t say that from many porn…Love them.
Are still porn actors unders same shit conditions? Considering that to give them camera atention is payment also?
manu says
Jarek looks great, the 2 other guys : totally bland, could have been a piece of cardboard with a dildo attached to it instead.
I hope Jarek bottoms more!!
Sandro says
Jarek is a hot top, but even when he bottoms is good.
I don’t like Brent: not my cherry on top!
Great work for this threesome: hope to see more train-fuck in the next future!
buckyboy says
I love Jarek but these other two aren’t his time. Two real studs could do a great dp on him. You listening SC??????
kevin1012 says
JARED es un “MACHO” que debe ser follado por verdaderos “MACHOS”, y no por estas dos “DULCES NIÑAS” con pene…¡¡¡UN DESPERDICIO!!!
manu says
HaHa kevin1012 is absolutely right!
sxg says
lol agree with kevin and manu! Nothing wrong with the other two guys but they’re a bit too pretty for them to be topping Jarek he does need a manlier man to do the job right!
charlie_jack says
Jarek is sex on legs and works as a great top, for him to get fucked though he needed a bigger cock to fuck him
Brandon Jackson says
Lol, Jarek is hot as hell.But it’s obvious he does not like bottoming. He works way better as a top.
linaresdel mar says
estoy de acierdo con Kevin1012 es un desperdicio este hombre se merece incluso una doble penetracion pero por alguien que este a su altura por ejemplo Daniel…
Steven says
ed says
Jarek is probably the best model on sean cody roster. It was hot seeing him get fucked by the smaller guys. i wished they show how much bigger he is to those 2 twinks.
Rictor says
Good to see Jarek bottom again. And sucking cock. I don’t recall seeing him suck cock in his earlier videos, but the last two, he does it like a champ.
Tony says
I agree, Marco. The guy look like Chris Evan.
nandu says
jajaja @Kevin. Tienes toda la razón.
andrew says
So hot to see Top Man Jarek getting fucked. It would be off the charts explosive to see the BEAUTIFUL and MUSCULAR BRANDON giving it up to a guy!!! Oh, I almost jizzed just typing that sentence.
djb says
The scene is very hot. Jarek is so handsome. I’m really surprised a studio hasn’t picked him up yet. Paul Wagner started at SC. Anyhow, for your dollar, SC is the best IMO right now. Also, I like how they don’t seem to shy away from hairy men like other sites.
Dan says
I absolutely love Jarek. I wish the other 2 guys in this video had been more manly, less blond/twinky.
sxg says
@djb actually for your dollar, you can’t beat RandyBlue’s current deal of 9.95 for a month plus some spying credits for the camming. They’ve got gorgeous men and great scenes. It’s only about a preference whether you like condom porn or not. But SC does have some great stuff on there. Will definitely get a membership for a couple of months and load up on their back catalog.
marc says
mmmg, jarek about time you bottomed again, way to hot not to; damn what a fine body, just too damn perfect, thank god he likes to show it off; as to the top/bottom discussion, tops only are BORING and DULL, give me a man that is truly versatile any day, or a muscle boy bottom, they like sex and show it, but a top guy!!! shit, having a tooth pulled is more intersting!
Bruce says
A really hot scene with Jarek- to me he is the perfect type- total heat throb/hard on sexy man! Love his hairy but not too hairy look- very manly! Love him as a top or bottom but great to imagine topping him- wow!!
Jose says
I wonder how loud Jarek is when he takes it.
Tmg says
Jarek is soooo hot the other two I can do without. The scene could have been so much better with two other models with Jarek.
doug says
censorship on a porn site- if you can’t bother to keep my comment- I won’t bother visiting your site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dereck says
I only find Jarek attractive, the other two don’t do anything for me. Yeah, Jarek rarely bottoms – which is a shame, but when he does you can tell he thoroughly enjoys getting fucked.
JD2 says
I only find Taylor attractive, the other two don’t do anything for me.
Cheezy says
SC: hope that Jarek gets fuck by black guy Landon or by Liev, Curtis or Calvin