These two sad news were reported back to back on The Sword today.
Gay porn star Jessie Colter just revealed on his Instagram that he was diagnosed with an “incurable kind of brain cancer” on Valentine’s Day. While Tex Davidson recently tweeted that he had “a seizure” followed by “a stroke” and tested positive for COVID-19.
The week from hell, 2 days ago I had a seizure and Friday morning I suffered a stroke and today I had another episode in which I am a lucky guy after 6 nurses rushed in my room to save me. Later today I tested positive for Covid 19. It’s no joke people, STAY HOME!
— Tex Davidson (@TexDavidsonxxx) May 10, 2020
Stay strong! My thoughts and prayers go to Jessie Colter and Tex Davidson.
+ Jessie Colter Reveals He’s Been Diagnosed With An “Incurable Kind Of Brain Cancer” [The Sword]
+ Tex Davidson Fighting COVID-19: ‘I Am a Lucky Guy After 6 Nurses Rushed in My Room to Save Me’ [The Sword]
Zombieking says
How terrible, I hope both of them will be ok
pornlover says
Tex always seemed like such a sweetheart. I hope he gets well soon.
Carlos Chavarin Jr. says
I wish them both the best.
Liam says
Praying for their wellness… Jessie don’t give up… Doctor said it incurable but that what doctor said… They are not God… Don’t give up and stay strong… To Tex, get well soon… Noted, I don’t get it to pornstar that think this pandemic is a jokes… Many death and they still want to party or invite people doing JFF/OF with them… ????????
Tex says
I don’t party nor do I go out anywhere. I have a great new career and a loving partner that I have not talked about. So don’t get it twisted that just because someone was in the porn biz at one point that’s all they do.
Tex says
I don’t party nor do I go out anywhere. I have a great new career and a loving partner that I have not talked about. So don’t get it twisted that just because someone was in the porn biz at one point that’s all they do.
Liam says
Sorry Tex, I don’t say/point it that you party or have sex for JFF/OF to you… I refer to those who party/or invite people for the reason I said without thinking it unsafe… Sorry if you feel I attacking/accusing you… That wasn’t my intention…
Fit Studs says
Goodness. Hope they recover, fast.
nick says
Best wishes to mr. colter and mr davidson for a full rercovery…
Tex says
Thank you guys, I am recovering with taking an IV drug daily for 10 days. I want to point out to the comment from Liam, I have never taken this pandemic as a joke. I quarantined myself then I went back to work wearing mask and washing my hands constantly. This is very serious as I’ve been taking it. Just an FYI, I don’t hookup nor go out or party. I live a very great life with my partner that I’ve been very protected over. Not everyone is out hooking up or partying.
That life is behind me so please don’t give all the guys in the biz or that has been in the biz that reputation.
Liam says
Hey Tex, sorry if you feel I’m attacking or accusing you partying or have sex for JFF/OF… I don’t want put name in here but if you read or look on twitter maybe you know who I pointed to… So again I’m sorry if you offended on my comment…
Liam says
Hey Tex, sorry if you feel offended on my comment… I don’t said it was you… I don’t want to put name and my comment based on what I saw on twitter and read… And if you look on twitter you will know who I’m talking about.. Maybe my fault is I forget to put ‘some pornstar’… So again, I’m sorry if you feel offended and stay safe and get well soon…
Niles says
Best wishes to these guys and get well soon. In odd news, Ricky Larkin announced on Twitter a few weeks ago that he had a major depression, seizure and stroke, and then the next day, everything was “fine”, like it never happened. I really don’t know what to say about that – real or fake? That is why I take all news from porn stars with a giant grain of salt.
kevin says
I hope Jesse and Tex get better soon.If someone has depression and suddenly online they say they are better unless you are their doctor who cares what you think about their psychological status? they might have misdiagnosed themselves to begin with.if someone is suffering I just pray they get the help they need and leave it at that
alex says
Terrible news. Wishing both the best!
Kevin Jones says
Well wishes and prayers to both Tex and Jessie. I wish them nothing but the best.
MoveIGottaPoop says
The cruel reality of porn is that it opens one up to do many diseases. NOTE: I am NOT shaming anyone for being a sex worker. I believe strongly in sex worker’s rights! I don’t know Jessie Ashby’s HIV status. It’s none of my business, however people must realize the virus obviously can open up a pandora’s box of cancers among other illnesses. Enjoy each day, tomorrow is never promised.
Niles says
“I’m not shaming anyone” lol. You certainly do a lot of non-shaming and draw many conclusions based upon nothing but conjecture for someone who supposedly believes “strongly in sex workers’ rights”. Please expound on your premise that porn “opens one up to many diseases” as opposed to untested people out there having unprotected sex. If it is so terrible, why are you following a porn site? Hey, concern troll, it really is none of your business, although that never stops the mean-spirited, judgemental trash like you from spewing your viciousness barely disguised as “advice”. Go away.
MoveIGottaPoop says
Awww…Triggered “Niles.” Take your meds sweetie and maybe go get a proper education of you still have time left Boomer.
Ken says
The important thing is you were both dealt something that you have sought medical treatment for which is great to hear. So incredibly sorry to hear you have to go through such things. You both seem like genuinely true men and I think you for sharing so much of yourselves over the years. You’ll never know just how much joy you’ve brought to so many, but I sincerely say thank you and you both are in my thoughts and daily prayers.