Joey Carter wowed us back in 2012 with his good look, bright smile and sexy muscular body in his solo scene with Randy Blue. This month Joey has returned to gay porn and got fucked by Christian Wilde on mega-site MEN.COM.
I’m so happy that Joey Carter agreed to do an interview with Queer Me Now, so we can learn more about him.
Don’t forget to follow this rising porn star on Twitter @JoeyCarterXXX.
Joey Carter Exclusive Interview
Please introduce yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What’s your day job?
Hi! I’m Joey Carter. I am 26 years old, I’m from Alabama, based out of Birmingham. I’m a personal trainer and nutritionist by day, I work as an exotic dancer in Atlanta most weekends at Bliss of Atlanta. I also travel to work other clubs when I can and private parties as well.
You have amazing body, Do you want to share your fitness routine with your fans?
Thank you very much! I work so very hard at it and strive to constantly improve. Id love too! My personal routine is based on hypertrophy(muscle size) and strength. I usually work out at least 5 days a week, often twice a day about 3 days a week. Even if its cardio and abbs in the morning followed by a intense weight session in the evening. My weight sessions revolve around different muscle groups. Lower body; chest, shoulders and triceps; posterior chain (back, biceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves) and a bicep, tricep and forearm days. I try to work every muscle group twice every seven or eight days, or as often as life allows.
Now just as important as provided stimulus as to break down the muscle, you must spend equal amount of effort in the kitchen. Meaning eating healthy and enough calories to rebuild the broken down tissue. Depending on your personal physique goals, the diet is more important than the actual training, If you are trying to build muscle and remain lean like me, Carbohydrates need to be roughly 1-1.3 grams per pound of body weight, protein needs to be at least 1.5-2 grams per pound of body weight and fats need to be healthy fats about .5 grams per pound of body weight. Now this plan isn’t perfect for everyone but it works for me! However I have been doing this for a long time and I’m very in tune with my body. I’m sure lots will disagree with my advice but again this is what works for me. There is no such thing as a “one size fits all plan”!
How did you come up with your porn name “Joey Carter”?
My porn name was given to me by RandyBlue, Angela, the talent coordinator, first gave me a name consisting of a mix of other models names. On the way to the set, the director Jason, vetoed that and we decided on a different name. Joey Carter was born!
How did you get into porn business 2 years ago and how did you end up working with Randy Blue?
I always wanted to do some modeling so my roommate convinced me to go for it and put myself out there and see what happens. He is an independent model scout for RandyBlue and several other sites. We created a profile and portfolio on and the offers came rolling in. he asked If I’d be interested in trying porn. Being the exhibitionist that I am, I said sure! Two weeks later I was in Los Angeles filming with RANDYBLUE.COM!
Tell us some funny or remarkable stories that happened on set of Randy Blue?
A funny story from the set of RandyBlue, As many know, shooting a 15 min edited scene often takes 3, 4 or more hours to actually get the footage that the director is happy with. Jerking off for several hours without cumming can be quite a challenge lol! Of course I wasn’t erect the entire time but jerking off and on, switching positions, playing with my ass and nipples and enjoying myself for about 4 hours ,I was ready to blow! So finally it was time for my grand finale. The director, Jason, had positioned himself just over my right shoulder while I lay back on a couch against the arm of the couch and I was giving my poor cock hell! I feel this glorious orgasm coming on and I was really getting in to it, tugging on my balls and playing with my nipples. I came with such force and velocity that it shot all over my chest right shoulder and right smack into the camera lens, camera and a little on Jason! I was embarrassed that I accidentally blew my load on the equipment and Jason and thought he might be mad. But he came up from the camera after I finished and was laying there in complete bliss and said that it was an awesome cum shot and extremely hot!! I was so out of it from the glorious orgasm but relieved to find out the camera was not damaged and Jason was not grossed out lol!
Do you escort? If so, what kind of service do you offer?
I do occasional escort, I do everything from train with them at their gym, accompany to dinner and events to muscle worship, domination to more fun stuff. Everything is decided upon before hand and I am the decider and the vetoer of what does and does not happen. There are many uniquely funny stories from my escorting. But if I told them, I wouldn’t be honoring the anonymity that the clients desire, so they shall remain mysteries!
Is this scene with Christian Wilde your first ever sex scene?
The scene with Christian was my first hardcore sex scene, and believe it or not my first time getting fucked as well! I don’t know why I decided to do that for the first time on camera, the idea of it turns me on now as I type this! I have always been a bit of an exhibitionist so I like showing off.
What was it like doing your first porn shoot?
Working with Christian Wilde was a pleasure! He is consummate professional. He is a very handsome and genuinely nice guy. Since this was my first sex scene I had lots of questions, and he coached me along and was patient with my questions. I owe it to him for making me look so good! James, the director, was amazing as well, patient and very helpful.
How was it like working with and getting penetrated by Christian Wilde?
Since it was my first sex scene, I had to prepare and clean properly. I have never used an enema before lol so Christian mimed to me how one would use it! It was hilarious watching him pretend to give himself one. Then actually doing it to myself was pretty amusing too.
Do you shoot other sex scenes with If so, with whom and how was it?
I have shot another film with MEN.COM. It is a short story written and directed by Marc McNamara that takes place I New York city. I cant go into to much detail because it hasn’t been released yet. My scene partner is Dale Cooper. He was also a pleasure to work with, very laid back and humble. A very nice guy. Marc was also very professional. He is meticulous at his work and very creative. And extremely handsome lol!
What do you do when you’re not shooting porn? Got any hobbies, favorite TV shows, websites?
Like I said earlier, I’m a personal trainer and nutritionist during the day. Some of my hobbies are painting/drawing, tending to my bonsai trees, fishing anything outdoors really.
What’s your favorite part of your body?
My favorite part of my body are definitely my legs and ass!
What turn you on sexually?
I get turned on by a great smile and eyes, a beautiful sculpted body and a great bubble ass!! Much like mine! Hell, I’d fuck me!
Tell us 3 things people would be surprised to know about you.
Three things people would be surprised to know about me? I’m a southerner and raised as such, so I’m very polite and have manners lol. Most of the photographers that I work with are surprised that I am nice and not cocky or arrogant. I am of great character and morals. I have stumbled along my path a couple of times but I remain true and humble. I’m a type 1 Diabetic. I don’t look like most diabetics. But it keeps me striving to be healthy and in shape to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
What’s next for Joey Carter?
I plan on shooting more scenes of my choosing and continue with modeling as well. I’m not exclusive with any one yet, maybe MEN.COM will offer me an exclusive after my first video comes out, hint hint, lol! I won’t do this forever but I will enjoy it while I can until it is time for me to move on to the next chapter of the story that is me! Thank you for the opportunity to give this interview!
alex says
Would definitely like to see him in a sports series. Did the chest hair in those photos above.
Sam says
Amazing what good photoshopping can do.
DD says
He’s hot and I’m interested in what kind of heat he’ll bring to his scenes. Haven’t seen this one with Christian yet. Just remember Joey, if you’re bottoming to put your ass into it. All porn bottoms should be taking note of Jaxton Wheeler’s enthusiasm in his scenes whether it’s real or not. He knows how to sell the fantasy of porn! You have a nice ass, sell that fantasy!
TDTM says
I’m so glad to hear we’ll be seeing more of him. He is drop dead gorgeous.
Chris says
He is amazing, think I see Connor Kliens replacement
andrew says
He not only looks great but he sounds like a first class guy.
FieldMedic says
Not one question asking his sexual orientation?
balfo says
I saw his video right yesterday, and I was wondering why Christian Wilde, a BG performer, used to be so dominant and rough, fucked Joey so easily. Well, maybe it was because Joey was virgin?? If so, hope in next future we’ll see someone fuck that tight hole hard and deep. That’s what I like
Would be interesting to know if Joey bottoms as an escort…
balfo says
Probably some pic is photoshopped, but I prefer him as he is naturally. I like the way he looks in video.
Pornobb says
No good cock pic ?
ceeemme says
@FieldMedic he commented here and said he’s bi
Jeff says
He looks a little bit similar to Tyler Saint (and I cannot believe that one is still in the business). Since there is somewhat of a resemblance AND T.S. is in his mid-40s, maybe can do a incest taboo scene….
sxg says
Actually Tyler Saint is in his late 40s, possibly already 50. And he’s still in business because he is still an amazing top. But yes face-wise there are some similarities between Tyler and Joey.
I saw the scene earlier today and it was just OK. I seriously think it was a mistake to have him bottom for his first scene. They should have had him top for a few scenes to develop a fanbase and build up to the moment of his final bottoming. Also it may have helped him be a bit more comfortable with doing porn, because he seemed so indifferent in the scene. And it really sucked that he didn’t even cum at all. At least if he did, I totally missed it.
GreGG says
Amazing what no tats can do… He looks so much what men use to look like …..
alex says
GreGG, I’ve gotten used to tats for the most part — as long as they aren’t on the ass, but I do prefer the way guys looked before we got ink and wax crazy. He’s a suggestion, if you wax your pubes — consider getting a dark triangle inked there instead — at least you’ll look like an adult male instead of prepubscent jailbait.
Jeremyrain says
I’m gonna cut through the bullshit and say it: this guy looks like he’s partying way way too much. He looks tired and may I say… like a booze abuser. I am all for new hot gay (or bi) porn actors, but it would be really nice to see a guy that looks fresh and not spending too much time with the alcohol.
I have a friend on disability in Atlanta who has been looking for an ‘affordable’ trainer. Since he is unable to work , he can either have someone come to him or go to them. (Doesnt have to be a porn star)..>Im wondering if Joey reads this if he knows anyone whom he can recommend. Since my friend has tons of medical expenses, he can’t afford a lot but its been recommended to him to help with illness and also try to boost self confidence. He’s had trouble before trying to do it himself and never got results…He’s always been thin but gained weight with medications but with some food changes has lost 30 pounds and it would be great if he could have someone help him
Anthony says
For the guy to claims Joey is a boozer, knowing Joey personally, he is a total fitness nut and doesn’t drink or do drugs. If fact he is VERY health conscience because he’s a type 1 diabetic. So before you throw out slanderous remarks, you should be sure of the facts. He is the nicest guy you would ever want to meet. If never judges or makes negative comments about others and only concentrates on the positive things. Which is more than I can say for some of you on here. And MATTEO, I’ll be sure to let Joey know about your post and I’m sure if he can help your friend he will.