Today TIM TALES introduces the porn world to new very hot Latino musclegods Diego and Wagner.
Diego and Wagner are real life boyfriends, they are both very hot, muscular and versatile. I think they will definitely take the gay porn world by storm if they decide to do more porn.
When we saw this couple online, we first thought their profile is a fake, because they are just too beautiful. When it rang on our door and the two came in, we knew that it was true…two Gods from Brazil, live in our house, willing to shoot for Timtales. Have fun with this Video. It´s HEAVENLY !!
I can imagine porn studios from both American and Europe trying to book this hot new couple at the moment Will they be the next Pedro Andreas and Daniel Marvin?
Dimitri says
And who’s that guy in that yellow tank?
manu says
Wow they are really hot!! Except for the huge tatoo on the butt
Jao says
New “Pedro and Daniel” couple
manu says
Dimitri : it’s “Tim Tales”
QMN says
@Dimitri That’s porn star Tim Kruger. He’s the owner of the website Tim Tales.
chimuscle says
Love that it is bareback. . . so hot!
kevin says
Hermosa pareja latina…
GRPR50 says
The yellow tank is Tim. The site owner.
V2S says
Dimitri – Perhaps a lucky cameraman? Race Cooper did suck off one in one of his shots with Tim Kruger.
Matias says
Hot couple, hot action. Love latinos!
Anderson says
They’re Brazilians. I’m so proud!
Bad says
They have made a lot of videos. In brazilian’s blog, this couple is not new, they live in Roma…
Murphy says
Does no one use condoms anymore? Anyone?
fayt says
awesome! hope to see more of them.
Kevin says
Unbelievably hot.
Billy Blue says
They are both Hot, but I don’t like bareback sex.
Jay says
Incredible hot!
Good sized cocks and pecs! :p
David says
Very glad it’s bareback :p
Fabian says
VIVA BRAZIL!!!!! wow Beautiful guys!
alex9gr says
condoms arent sexy dude
barebacking is hot
Ben says
Everything was PERFECT until Tim showed up.
JuanDiego978 says
They’re hot but I think Pedro and Andreas, as a couple, are irreplaceable. By the way, it’s been so long I haven’t heard about them, I miss them so!.
Adriano says
wow they are so handsome and so hot!
MarcoManuel says
(When we saw this couple online, we first thought their profile is a fake, because they are just too beautiful.)So you thought they were gay for pay doesnt it?Why?Because they are hot?If they would have been average looking men you would not think their profile was fake?So,you would have believed that they were gay?
Why when men are hot,gay men always implies that men are straight?Only straight men can be hot?Gay men cant be hot?Or at least not as hot as straight men?
The reason lots of gay men thinks like that is possibly because of the gay for pay men in gay porn.Gay for pay men are often hot.So,when gay men see a hot masculine man,they thinks (he is so hot,he must be straight)Because gay men are so used to see hot gay for pay men that they thinks all the hot men are straight.Its not surprising that gay men praise gay for pay men so much.
Theres so much gay men who as soon they see a hot masculine man,they automatically thinks he is straight.
These latino men are hot.But,they could be the kind of men that only makes few porn videos and dissapear of gay porn.Its very common in gay porn.Lots of hot men makes few porn and you never see them again.Its not like they started with a gay porn career plan with a big studio like Falcon.Dont expect too much from them.
alex says
@marco manuel…yes gay men are undesireable and straight men are very desireable. that’s y they are having all of our gay sex because we are too ugly to do so!
mj says
the only thing that ruined this for me was Tim being in the video.
mj says
even though it’s wrong to do this, everyone place your bets now.
how long do you expect them to last?
osito de papi says
Would be super hot if they didn’t have those ugly ass tats. What is up with all the hot latin porn stars and tattoos? I wish for guys like myself, there was a site dedicated to men who leave the beautiful male form alone and don’t ruin it with piercings and ink.
Bad says
Warner has a profil on Xtube with this profile : brasiliano22, you can see sex videos of this couple…
SuckItBaby says
fucking bareback love it!
sxg says
@JuanDiego they broke up after introducing a 3rd one in the relationship. Daniel Marvin & the 3rd wheel, known as Juan Blas, went off to have a relationship of their own, and who knows if they’re still together. And Pedro Andreas has stayed in porn here and there, but not sure if he is still around. Sadly I don’t have a lot of hope for this relationship. If what I thought was a perfect couple (Daniel & Pedro) can’t last while being in the porn industry, these guys don’t have much of a chance either.
JJ says
all good until tim interrupted!
suti says
wildy hot, good find Tim
Darren says
Murphy: “Does no one use condoms anymore? Anyone?” Well, if your parents used a condom, you wouldn’t be here to make that comment. I can’t understand why even a couple that is monogamous still gets judgement from people for having sex without a condom.
Adrian says
Darren: “Well, if your parents used a condom, you wouldn’t be here to make that comment. I can’t understand why even a couple that is monogamous still gets judgement from people for having sex without a condom.”
HIV? Safer sex? You can’t make babies from gay sex…
BG says
victor zontti says
they are escorts in Italy,
Vinicius, Brasil. says
Monogamic? there´s a third man there, dude. probably that´s not the first time.
Katze says
Darren, are you kidding? They are both porn stars (maybe also escorts, I don´t know). Which monogamy are you talking about?)