Continue from the heated topic about “Racial Preferences In Gay Porn” on Tuesday, porn star Marc Dylan just uploaded another video blog “Living In The Blogosphere: More About People’s Sexual Preferences” in response to the comments.
[UPDATE] Porn star Connor Kline just tweeted “For the record I made a joke, you’ll didn’t get it. It was a stupid comment, I realize that now. I’ve fucked & am friends with every race, like anyone that knows me knows that. I’d bet 75% of my friends are African American, and they all think you’ll are ridiculous for saying this shit. Stop making shit up in your heads. thank youuuuuu.
” and Connor posted pictures of his exes.
Marc Dylan – “Living In The Blogosphere and Part Two on the Topic of Sexual Preferences”
Connor Kline – “These are 4 of my exes. Drop the racist BS it was a joke.”
MarcoManuel says
Marc Dylan is not the only gay porn star who is only into white men.
If you want to blame Marc Dylan,you should blame most white gay porns stars as well.
Its not about being racist.Its about being superficial.Gay porn is full of it.
Some of you implied that Marc would have sex with Austin Wilde.Because Austin is mixed.Which means that the reason Marc would have sex with Austin,is only because of Austin white side.
So,if Austin would be all black,Marc would not give a fuck about Austin.
So,you were implying that Marc Dylan would have sex with black men,as long as he doesnt look too black.
Billy Santoro is not into black men?Billy will possibly have the same treatment as Marc.
Its not very strategic coming from Billy.Mostly when he just starts making gay porn.
Gay men are known to encourage the thing that says everything white is beautiful.
Most gay men are not racist.Most gay men are superficial.
adam says
Great… so now people will switch from complaining about Connor as a racist to Connor as a gay for pay. Haters will always find a thing to complain.
Synnerman says
A discussion on society’s role in shaping attractiveness and perceived sexual and social value, consciously and unconsciously, where most of the participants immediately evade and isn’t really worth having.
It only stirs the pot.
crakpot says
Posting exes’s photos to defend himself? Wow.
dissi says
Kudos to Marc for taking the high road.
adam says
So Marc Dylan just called QMN “Blog with nasty tone” “rat in a granary” “couldn’t cut it in a real world of journalism” Huh?
Martin K says
@adam Marc is DEFINITELY talking about another blog. QMN & Marc are friends.
MarcDylan says
@Adam Nope not QMN I very much enjoy this blog and how supportive he has been to me. I actually told him privately I was not talking about him .
John says
I have no issue with anyone having racial preferences in determining who he would date. My issue strictly revolves around racial discrimination in employment. Since the porn industry is a business it should also have to follow the same EEOC and Fair Labor practices that any other company does. As a result a person should be paired to do a scene with another person as long as he is qualified.
barrister says
I disagree with you 100%, as the term “racial preferences” is just another code word for racism. Plain and simple! With all of the discrimination that the gay community has faced, we should be the last people to then turn around and discriminate against anyone, for any reason. I agree that illegal discrimination is far worse, but discrimination based on so-called “preferences” is wrong too. And please don’t try to “sanitize” the issue by using a legal argument. I’ve been an employment lawyer for more than 20 years, and I’ve probably forgotten more employment than most anyone who’s ever posted on this blog has ever known!
I like men of all colors, because a hot man is hot no matter what his race may be. Some of the most beautiful men that I’ve ever seen have been black, white, latino, asian/pacific islander and native american.
Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the beholder is full of shit when he says he only finds a certain race attractive.
Just my two cents!
Eric says
I have never seen a scene that Mr. Dylan has been in, but I love his blog posts. He is so well thought out and intelligent. I really dig his calm approach to this topic…too many folks through around the “racist” accusation in response to people expressing their preferences. I look forward to future posts of Mr. Dylan and am now interested in watching this intelligent guy in action.
Jordi Lim says
That Marc Dylan is a good-looking guy, sad to know he’s racist and make me a slave coz I’m asian. That’s hurting.
Orlandol says
There are to many women who are or have been involved with gay porn stars
shiyo says
Oh please, Connor is backtracking so fast he has whiplash. He said some really dumb things. He should have apologized and moved on.
Now he is whining about being compared to Marc Dylan? Bitch, please.
Posting pictures of your exes?? Did he run through his beloved Ohio streets looking for randoms to pose with???
Tony says
Amen to your comment barrister. As a black man of Puerto Rican ancestry, this topic was depressing. However, it needed to be discussed because there’s so much damn racism with the gay community. Dealing with racism within Corporate America and in society in the United States is depressing for me. What hurt the most, when I first experienced racism within the gay community. I remember going to a gay bar in Philadelphia with some black and Rican friends. We were carded at the door and we were treated as if we weren’t welcome. The same applies to many mostly white gay bars in Washington, D.C. I remember a bar in Dupont Circle that I want name, once black gay men start to go there, the white gays stop coming there. For those white gay male porn stars that say, racism doesn’t exist in porn or soceity, they are living in the ‘Twilight Zone’. I live in the most powerful city in the world and Federal laws are passed here. President Obama was correct when he spoke publicly on race and how he as a black man have experienced racism. Oprah Winfrey stated the other day, she was discriminated against in Switzerland 2 weeks ago at a store during her visit for Tina Turner’s wedding. Oprah asked to see a handbag and the white clerk told her, it was too expensive. It’s called white supremacy and black is seen as inferior and white is seen as superior. I get angry when white gay males say, they are a minority and they compare their plight to the ‘Civil Right’s movement of the 50’s & 60’s. White gay men are not a minority in the United States. They belong to the 220 million majority white population in the United States. White Hispanics like William Levy and Juan Pablo Galavis are accepted by white America and Caucasian is seen as being beautiful. To be honest, I don’t care if Marc Dylan, Connor Kline, Adam Killian, Jessy Ares, and others don’t find black gay men attractive. It’s their lost because only Dios know what’s truly in their hearts and minds. Black gay men have a double burden to bare in society, being black and being gay. White gay men can hind their gayness in the closet. However, a black or non white individual can’t hide the color of their skin in the closet.
John says
Barrister. I hate to inform you but the discriminated often become some of the worst the discriminator. Unfortunately people do not learn from history and keep repeating it
Jordi Lim says
It was painful to see a Straight discriminate a gay man, but it’s worst doubled punches ever if a Gay caucasian discriminate gay of colours. SO SAD.
pornfreak says
Connor Kline is back pedaling faster than Paula Deen. “Let me show you I really love black people.” Please.
pornfreak says
@shiyo Too funny!
Tony says
Connor Kline is trying to do damage control like Philadelphia Eagles player Riley Cooper after a video surfaced of the wide receiver making a racially insensitive comment at a Kenny Chesney concert. The NFL player used the N word to refer to kicking any blacks asses he saw.
DAVID says
Try being a gay Republican and then all blacks can talk. yeesh
We all have our own likes. I dont like red heads heck not really into blondes. I can say certain black men are attractive but a lot have way too much swagger for me, plus I dont like rap, I don’t like Al Shartpon, and saggy pants annoy me.
Tony says
I find Connor Kline to be an attractive young man. However, in the current racial climate in the United States since the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case, race relations have deteriorated between blacks and whites in the United States. Last week, House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi and several of her colleagues had a hearing on Race. How could Connor Kline be so stupid to make such insensitive comments on Twitter, knowing this would start a backlash against him?
Clark says
The more I hear Marc talk, the better I like him… Congrats Marc, on your confidence, your standards, and your straight talk (can I call it that on here? Haha)
Like so many of the guys in the adult industry I’ve met, you’re a very cool guy, and so much more than your ‘character’ on film.
Best wishes!
Tony says
LOL@pornfreak; you always make my day with laughter and truth. LOL Hey, you tell it like it is. LOL
Clark says
You’ll often find that those who are the first to yell ‘racist’ are in all actuality the most racist of all…since that’s all they seem to look for.
sxg says
Marc serious just needs to stop adding fuel to the fire. I mean he’s not really changing many people’s opinions, instead he’s enraging them.
As far as Connor goes, I’m not that surprised that he has a lot of African American friends and exes, seeing as how he actively played basketball and African Americans are generally very good at it.
Joke or not it was a completely stupid comment to make, and it probably doesn’t help that he seems to be kind of illiterate.
The swede says
@Clark, LOL! What load of croc. He can’t even finish a sentence properly.
Orlandol says
I wish he didn’t post the pictures with those girls in them
litper says
Connor is bisexual? Ewwwww
The swede says
@Eric. Intelligent people dont’ bareback on camera, shoot loads of porn, escort and claim to not need the money. Then epically fails to articulate himself on simple yes/no questions.
manu says
I agree with Clark
Olly says
-You can be involved in interracial relationships and still be racist. I’ve had ex-BF’s who made Anti-Asian remarks knowing full well how those type of comments hurt me and my family.
-I didn’t know Connor’s been with women, that GaGa tattoo is really misleading. He is the one with the “Born This Way” tattoo, right?
-Sometimes I wish we as a society never jumped on the social-media bandwagon. I’m getting upset at porn stars for saying racist stuff when ten years ago there was no way I would have ever known about it even if I went on the chatrooms. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss.
manu says
Tony you have all the red flags for the “most tired comments on the internetz”.
You’ve repeated about 20 times in the last few days that you were a black puerto rican, now you bring in that TRayvon Martin bullshit in the game…take a pill and chill out.
Have you had sex with a person from every single country in the world ? Do you have proof to show me ? No? Why!!?RACIST !!
Please get out of your victim posture, I’m always one to say that I would like to see more black/arab/indian men in porn but this is ONE person’s preferences and it really is none of your concern, so stop trying to extrapolate stuff from it, it’s not going anywhere.
Sam C says
Why are people up in arms over who Marc Dylan sleeps with anyway? He’s a porn actor. Most people wouldn’t want him as a husband anyway. It’s reality for men in his profession.
DJ says
Pontificate (verb)
To express one’s opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and uncompromising. (Pretty much what EVERYONE is doing on ALL these blogs)
Preference (noun)
A greater liking for one alternative over another or others; favor shown to one person or thing over another. (What Connor and Marc are telling you guys OVER and OVER)
Get over yourselves, guys. If you didn’t like what they said, stop following their every move and nitpicking, because we all know it’s the same 25 people making snide comments on every blog.
timucua says
What did Conner said on his twitter page. Does someone know or write the full details.
Plus right now he is only 19 or 20 so the females could be the ones he was dating in high school for cover when he wasn’t fully out of the closet.
timucua says
Did Adam Killian really made comments of not doing any scenes with African-American males?.
Outlooker says
This is by far the stupidest conversation and too many people are engaging way too much time into it. Racism is the belief that ones race is superior or that another race or collection of races is inferior to another. Marc Dylan has not said one racist this you whining cows. He has a sexual preference like we all do. I have had sex with every race and am in no way advocating one race is superior to another. However when it comes to a relationship I have only dated white men as I too am white. I know several men that only date Asians. I see on Adam4adam black men say very frequently they are not into white men. My ex is very much into short Asian or Latino men. It is a preference. It is about external qualities that we find visually stimulating. Now as for companies hiring or using other races in their employment I can’t speak on that. But just quit with the Marc Dylan is racist bullshit. If that is the case then we are all racist. Get over it.
Edger says
The extreme amounts of “Shut up non-white people, racism r ded, me not racism to u” doesn’t really help in the I’m not racist argument.
Preference for certain features doesn’t make you a racist, it’s the way you explain your preference that could make you racist. The worth of people with non-Eurocentric features shows in the lack of production value in nextdoorebony compared to it’s fellow sites… Then there is the lack of asians in porn in general… Go a fetish site, because white people are normal and everyone else is a fetish, lets segregate ourselves like in the good ole days.
Also the biphobia…
brazilrail says
i post it a while ago, connor is gay4pay
kevin1012 says
Matias says
Well I like Marc and find him honest.
litper says
So ugly that he lied about being gay. Now people are saying he even wanted to do straight porn.
pornfreak says
@Outlooker “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” Maya Angelou
pornfreak says
@manu Tony has every right to express himself just like you have every right to be a tool.
pornobb says
Didn’t Marc do bareback ?
pornfreak says
@sxg How many black people do you know? For example, just because most NBA players are black is not evidence black people are better at playing basketball. The NBA was initially made up of mostly Jewish players.
MarcDylan says
@The swede There are escorts who earn more than some doctors and lawyers , an intelligent person would not turn down such a lucrative chance to monetize an asset especially one that requires no capital to obtain such as ones body. There is no greater friend to someone with a talent for investing than the ability to earn large sums and put it to work at an early age. Think what you want
If you are worried that I need the money, please pay pal your donation to lol
@sxg Keep in mind that’s a two way street . Why is it ok for others to voice their opinions and I should not voice mine? I certainly didn’t bring this up, comments about this have being made about this issue for a long time , in regards to both the industry as a whole and me in particular . Are you saying people have the right to express an opinion about me and I should not respond. That seems like quite an imbalance in terms of not adding fuel to the fire. Just my two cents , and I may be overcharging .
Nunya says
A lot of people have been quick to point out how they’re tired of being called racists…and how in fact the worst racist offenders are minorities themselves.
I would tend to agree with the latter as some of the most racist things I have ever heard in my life have come from white gay men. But they obviously can’t be racist, because they’re a discriminated against minority!
MarcDylan says
@Tony shame on you for your hateful comments such as “kissing Marc Dylan’s white ass. ” Should should be ashamed to even mention the Trayvon Martin case in reference to such a trivial debate such as sexual preference. That young man lost his life because of legitimate racial profiling , I think the idea of using that to make a point in a conversation like this is despicable. When you look they a blue tinted lense don’t be surprised that everything looks blue. You may think every topic needs to be looked at thru the racial prism. I don’t. If your are going to do it , do it with some tact !
Nunya says
This whole topic was answered nicely in the “Part 1”. What makes this “preference” racist isn’t the fact that you prefer a prefer type, as much as it is that you completely discredit an ENTIRE RACE of people based simply on their skin color.
Black people (and the term “black” is mostly a North/South American thing) aren’t all the same same shape, height, color, etc. So how can someone lump an entire group of people (almost 800,000,000 and counting) together and say “not a single one is attractive” without even looking?
Like someone said, this “preference” is social conditioning.
“But how is that different than preferring ‘husky’ guys?” “Husky” isn’t a race.
These blog postings have gotten active discussions from a lot of people who are defensive.
Nunya says
….and I’ll say one last thing.
Does anyone ever notice how so many profiles and postings say “not into Asians”…yet out and about you see lots of older white gay men paired with young(er) looking Asian men?
Think about exactly when and why this sudden change in “preference” happens.
MarcDylan says
Oops two typos in the last comment , I hate typing on my phone. * look through a blue tinted lense ” and ” a legitimate Case of racial profiling. ”
Call me crazy but I think these are all fair conversations to have but why the name calling ? I can not see how making the comment about kissing someone’s white ass does not scream racism far more than someone talking about sexual attraction.
Jeff says
It is NOT going to go well for Connor Kline when he puts up photos of 4 exes and 3 of them are women. That will turn off a significant part of his fanbase. He might say he is bisexual, but, based on photographic evidence, he seems to lean a bit more toward the vagina room….and I agree with the post about the Born This Way ink….born what way? I consider bisexuality a choice.
MarcDylan says
@nunya I don’t think you could be more wrong but you like everyone else has the right to an opinion. Does someone saying they are not sexually into short guys discredit everymale under say 6 foot ? Short guys come in all shapes , sizes , looks . How about age , most people have an age range they find sexually attractive does that discredit the rest of the world who does not fall within that persons range ? Actually in two blog posts I said that I would never refuse interest in someone I was attracted to because of any racial factor , that does not however mean that I can’t have a type that I generally find more attractive. When you are talking about sexual attraction you are talking about superficial physical traits that an INDIVIUAL either finds sexually stimulating or not. I don’t think anyone on this forum who has admitted to having a personal type has said anything about how the rest of the world should perceive anyone. I think there are many many instances where claims of racism are merited but I will never believe this is one of them. A person is not entitled to the sexual attraction of another human being however every human being is entitled to life, liberty , and the pursuit of happiness anything that hinders any of those based on discrimination of any kind is despicable !
Filly says
A doctor or lawyer would never (ever) boast about making $1500 like u did in your email to TheSword, so obviously you arent making that much Mr. Clever Entrepeneur..ur just selling your butt and making enough to buy a few packs of hot dogs. Nice life.
Nunya says
“Short” guys don’t come in all sizes because, you see, they’re “short”.
MarcDylan says
@Filly that’s ok. I’ll just have to eek out an existence then lol. I hope you have a great day.
litper says
@Jeff, bisexuality is not a choice, but lying to people he was gay was a choice, and a bad one!