In case you haven’t already followed Marco Rubi on Twitter (@MarcoRubiXXX), this sexy porn star just started sharing some hot video clips on Vine yesterday. Then today, he shocked his fans with this news:
Tuesday I will go under the knife for back surgery. I will have 6months of recovery at my family home in Italy. Wish me good luck.LUV YA ALL
Marco has herniated disc with spinal stenosis and will go under surgery this Tuesday at 7.30am. I know he’s gonna be alright and wish him the best of luck and speedy recovery.
I wish you the best of luck Marco!
Needless to say, the supports poured in from his fans and fellow actors.

+ More of MARCO RUBI
dvlaries says
Of course we wish you a speedy recovery, Marco. Your young years and your otherwise great physical condition will work in your favor bringing you back as quick as possible. We’ll all be looking forward to it.
Max says
Marco needs to shave that scruff off. Seriously he looks like George Kotsiopoulos from Fashion Police – and that’s tragic!
Alias74 says
OUCH! Good luck and speedy recovery!
balfo says
Oh. Buona fortuna Marco! Sono stra-sicuro che ti rimetterai presto
Matias says
I wish everything goes well and he will have fast and complete recovery.
sxg says
Max you don’t know shit. He looks hot as fuck with the scruff on. I prefer him either way really.
I think Chris Rockway went through a similar procedure and it did him good. It sucked for awhile because he really couldn’t hit the gym all that much for a long time. Hopefully he has a nice speedy recovery!
ceeemmmmm says
OMG I wish everything will be great!
Nobweld says
Max my dear, you really need to get your eyes checked.
andrew says
All the best to one of the most beautiful guys on the planet. I have heard that he is actually going back to Mount Olympus, the place of his birth, to recuperate.
Orestes says
My best wishes bell bimbo. Ti voglio videre presto.
Get weel soon, enjoy the rest and mamma kitchen
Louis says
does anybody know the extent of scarring in a procedure like this?
ManEater says
My best wishes and Prayers go with you, Marco. Wow. This is quite the shock. You are among the most beautiful stars in recent years. May your recovery be speedy and complete!
sxg says
@Louis if it’s anything like Chris Rockway’s procedure, then scarring is minimal. All I remember seeing is just slight discoloration, and that was like 2 months after surgery. I’m sure it all went away. Either way, It shouldn’t be something that should bother anyone. If it does, then something’s wrong with those people who can’t get into him with whatever scars he has.
Look at Topher’s scar from that burn he got, it’s very noticeable but it never once slowed down its popularity, which is a good sign for Marco. Wish him the best and a quick return to porn!
jad says
Max you are a fucking idiot. You seem to care more about his facial hair instead of his surgery. Shame on you.
James says
Get well soon Marco!
Tom says
Get well soon. You have a great attitude which will get you through this. Happy 2014!
sxg says
I just happened to have run into his real-life profile on facebook, and wow his name is so Italian, and much hotter than his porn name
Louis says
sxg, of course we won’t ask you his name but how on earth did you find him out?
balfo says
Louis: I don’t think it’s a big problem for Marco, considering that on his real-life profile there are links to his professional accounts like twitter and instagram. I won’t say his name anyway, just to be sure
Louis says
Indeed easy to find his real name…if that is his real name
The hotty might have several pseudonyms
Josh says
I’m really curious about him but i don’t wanna stalk him on facebook I hope he recover soon tho, just asking he said that he was married once, it was with a girl or boy, I’m really tired of g4p boys who say that they are gay just for be liked *cough Mick Lovell cough*
Louis says
Josh, to a boy
Marco is gay
Jimi Paradise says
Poor boy! Good luck!