Today gay porn star Marcus Mojo gave a shout out to those who leave hateful comments on many blogs (obviously include this one) in this blog entry “Dirty Bloggers” on his website MARCUSMOJO.COM.
So this blog post is dedicated to all you nasty bloggers. First question, what do you do with your life? I mean obviously you have time in between your mother making you meals and Xbox to down grade individuals that you have never met nor will ever have the honor to meet (not to sound cocky). So I mean really, What is your motive? You use a fake name, you bitch about how we are “gay for pay”, whores, unattractive, taking advantage of the gay community(thats my favorite one), over-exposed, and list keeps on going. Your motive has ignorance written all over it. Second question? WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WASTE YOUR TIME WATCHING US? That i’m sure is a stupid question because i’m sure all of you are in denial that you watch us, you have time to go to a blog and write hateful comments…i’m sure you have time to watch us deep throat and take cocks up our “gapping holes”.
Now it’s not that I take comments personal anymore, when I was younger and more light on the details of blogs and bloggers I did. I then learned it is the same 15 people writing hateful comments. Soooooo to alllll you Dirty Bloggers out there, have fun with your cum covered keyboard and Cheetos. Tell your mom thank you for paying for our porn.
Disclosure: Now i’m never one to be mean or hateful, i’m a loving person. But Dirty Bloggers piss me off sometimes. Had to give a shout out to them. lol
Much Love to all my fans and i’m sorry if my blog was out of character, had to get it off my chest.
+ “Dirty Bloggers” from MARCUSMOJO.COM
We all are avid members of Cody’s site. We will continue to support this grown and sexy hard working man. Now here is the hardcore truth. . . .
You can hate on any NDS model BUT while your doing that, don’t forget they still have fans, (Which You Don’t Have) they still make more money (Which you’ll never see) anddddd they are still hotter than any boyfriend (Which you could only dream and masturbate about). So clearly all your spamming is doing nothing but wasting your time.
We love you Cody,
Keep Up the AMAZING work.
RawSlut says
Huh??? Shut up guys and go back to your fucking!
cc boy says
Why do people who hate next door studio and bareback sex so much keep coming back to this site that promote next door studio and bareback sex? (and write same old hateful comments over and over)
well, yeah says
I don’t see the point in leaving hateful comments, I’m not a fan of either of these two but if I only comment about performers I do like.
Fair play to Marcus Mojo for defending himself against personal attacks but the guy/girl defending Cody Cummings needs a life, stat.
As Rosario of W&G said THIS IS SOOOOO
vinnyc says
FUll marks for marcus mojo for defending himself. HE WORKS for his money and does it without any hangups. I have nothing against him. HE is a performer and he fulfills his role .
AS for the cc fan, get a life, not surprised he is a black guy . CC deserves nothing, piss poor performer and people who consider themselves his “fans” have very little for look for.
Critic says
I got lost in the amazing photo of Marcus; was there something about haters? Who cares what they say? Heck! Who cares what I say??
C says
VinnyNyc, What about him being black? If you thought you had a point it was lost on your ignorant comment.Stupid is as stupid does.
JVC says
Marcus mojo is a top notch performer and a pleasure to watch. He has my support. Cody is an altogether different subject.
I admit I was vocal but never hateful in my comments in regards to cody. I compliment him on his looks just not impressed with him at all as a performer. Over time it was just simply piss or get off the pot dude in the will he go further tease.
If it wasn’t for the blogs, I wouldn’t know what cc was doing and now I don’t really care either way so others have already done; I shall comment on Cody no more.
JVC says
@C: Thank you. I was just about to ask VinnyNyc for clarification about the not surprised he is a black guy comment. Is Cody a total bottom for black cock and we don’t know? Aww damn it! Now I’m curious!
Jake says
Why is it the first thing the guys and their supporters think is that people who have criticisms are jealous – see Spencer Reed’s recent meltdown.
The things I have seen people point out about both of these guys have merit. Marcus and Cody both have girlfriends and both have said homophobic things in the past. I don’t think that it should degenerate to the point of calling them insulting names but if they don’t like the criticisms then maybe they should see if they have merit and work on it.
Personally, I don’t see how much more people can expect from Marcus- yeah he got caught saying some homophobic slurs but I think he has proven he is supportive of the gay community and even might consider himself part of it. Cody on the other hand has always been disgusted by the gay community an only ever sought to get paid to do little more than show up.
Clearly, Next Door has huge image problems because they just keep hiring these gay4payers that refuse to actually do anthing to connect with their scene partner- The have 11 exclusives and 9 of them are gay4pay. Tyler Torro, James Huntsman, and Cody won’t even kiss. You can’t claim that bloggers are treating you shitty if you have done nothing but treat you audience like an entitlement instead of something you work toward- and I’m sorry, Marcus may give his audience his all but Cody, Tyler, James, and the gay4payers of the month that Next Door brings in are not. A simple rule for them would be if the guy can’t kiss another guy then don’t waste a megabyte of space on filming him. Stop letting these guys film half a dozen solos and straight scenes before they ever do a gay scene because then they feel entitled.
leev says
“cum covered keyboard and Cheetos”..Mojo is right and I get his point but he has to understand that there’s a great chance his real fans might fall under the above descriptions aka,fat guys who jerk off on their keyboards which is nothing wrong to begin with…Mojo don’t feed trolls by hurting those who actually gives you a job…just saying…
ugh says
I don’t think Marcus Mojo has that many haters to be honest. I’m not a fan of his, mostly because he personally doesn’t do anything for me. The most common complaints about him are that he’s overexposed and people don’t buy the line that he’s 100% straight. So what? Ignore the haters. Even the super popular Marc Dylan has haters and he doesn’t whine about it. Cody Cummings is a different story. You can’t call your customers “fags” and expect to be loved. You also won’t get any respect from gay porn fans if you refuse to penetrate or blow a guy in your sex scenes. It has absolutely nothing to do with jealously. CC is good looking but he’s not one of the best looking porn actors. The CC fan is kidding himself if he doesn’t think some of the people who watch NDB videos can’t get a bf as good looking as CC. I’m under 30 and I have had 3 serious bfs that were better looking than CC (better bodies, much better faces, and bigger dicks). The CC fan must think we are like the straight porn watchers. Newsflash: we aren’t. We actually work out and care about how we look.
HD says
Can’t we all just get along?
EdWoody says
Not that I want to drag up old news, and I have nothing against him, but I’m just curious what “homophobic” things Marcus is supposed to have said?
leev says
there was a video of him and rod daily where they call each other “fags” which was removed and showed some kind of shame about being bottoms,which is kinda funny considering.i guess people are very upset with the studio he works for which is the epitome of homophobia in gay porn and that effects the way users see him and other models too….a lot of butt hurt reports to file i see!
Tia Maria says
That Cody fan overzealous much? A bit extreme in my opinion. Anyway I really don’t care much Cody Cummings. The guy is well known for his homophobic rants and sense of entitlement attitude within the gay community. There are a lot self loathin, self hating and confused gay men out there that support and agree with CC’s behaviour and NDS will capitalize on that market ofcourse. Good for them! Much as I like porn, I will take my money where I’m appreciated. Thank you very much.
rod says
lol i actually had a boyfriend much more hotter than all the next door models!
and there are models from other companies much more hotter than them… Marc Dylan, Roman Heart, Jayden Tayler, Spencer Reed, Dallas Evans, Mick Lovell, Jake Andrews, so many…
I absolutelly love Marcus Mojo, he is really sweet and at least he seems to be super nice =)… but cody cummings is totally different… arrogant, close minded, stupid! i don’t even know why this blog as put him and marcus in the same post! =S
EdWoody says
@ leev: I don’t see that as too bad. Obviously it’s not ideal, but I see it just how black men refer to each other as “nigga.” Plus you know as well as I do that plenty of completely gay men have a tendency to look down on bottoms as somehow lesser, revealing their own femme-phobia. So I’d characterise that as thoughtless ignorance rather than outright hatred.
mj says
People hate Marcus Mojo? didn’t know that.
But about CC and one of his delusional fans, I can agree with everyone here. We can’t ignore the fact that this guy really doesn’t show much love to his male fans whatsoever and doesn’t even do a bang up job when performing with them, because he looks good. Please! Go anywhere – doesn’t even have to be a pornsite – you WILL so a ton of guys who make him look average by comparison. @ JVC, Jake, and Ugh: you guys have said it best. what NDS sees in him and guys like him, I will NEVER understand or care because my money does not even go to them
Brant says
Wow! It’s one thing to hate the haters but relegating them to stereotypes in basically the same way shows a bit of hurt feelings.
I like watching Marcus in action. It’s not common in the G4P world to see someone take a dick right down to the balls.
Cody on the other hand is a waste of a website. That NDS split up all these different websites is part of the problem. It’s like tipping a stripper. He goes a little farther but that’s about it. Monotony is the worst excuse to start a website, let alone presume fans will support it.
Maybe less people would take note if porn blogs would treat scenes more like news than articles. How about it? More news, less advertising in the articles.
leev says
@EdWoody,yeah but black men are…black lol,so having self professed straight guys calling each other fags sounds pretty offensive to me…oh but you’re absolutely right about some gay men looking down on bottoms,that’s sad.
But at the end all of them just show how insecure they are,so if anything i feel pity for them…so many muscles for such small men.
Jake says
You Go Marcus! I hate when people leave stupid and hateful comments. Thats one of the worst things about the internet, people spreading hate to anything and everything.
Pay attention says
@Brant, exactly the problem. NDS marketers have a stranglehold on blogs; also, very manipulative tactics…see Austin and that “other person who shall remain nameless,” supposed breakup on the Total ploy, and people read that shit and think a blog has merits or ethics to used as a valid source of news.
The responses like mojo make offer insight into how these models perceive viewers and fans of their porn, as losers. Think about that next time you masterbate to them! Lol
ugh says
“It’s like tipping a stripper. He goes a little farther but that’s about it.”
It’s a bit worse actually. A stripper isn’t petrified of touching a cock unlike CC. Also, a stripper won’t call you “nasty” even if you are. If you saw some of CC’s earlier scenes with Patrick Rouge, he verbally humiliated him. It was painful to watch. What’s even more disturbing is that PR has made tons of scenes with CC. No self-respect.
Iona Traylor says
Let’s keep this really simple. If you don’t use your credit cards, NDS will punt everyone of these frauds especially the vertically-challenged Mr. Pussy and Boobs. Member no pay=nogay4pay
ricky says
mr. princess tiny meat seems a tad upset.
ricky says
methinks the whore doth protest too much.
Mn Australia says
At the end it’s simple- do not look at their stuff. We may have always lived in a world where you cannot escape criticism but the Internet had made it worse. Also do not assume everyone is fat and jerking off behind keyboards. It’s just dick.
Chris says
I think it is silly to leave rude comments on a performer’s website, and I agree you should just not watch a performer if you don’t like them. However, I do feel people have a right to express their opinions, and there is no obligation to like any performer or any particular type of porn. Also, it is perfectly okay to say you don’t like a specific performer or you find them unattractive, etc. (just don’t waste time going to their website to post comments).
That said, if you are going to work in porn, you have to get thicker skin. If it is supposedly the “same 15 people” leaving “hateful” comments (and isn’t “hateful” becoming a very overused word?), then why does Marcos Mojo care? If he is secure in who he is and what he does, then he should just delete the comments and move on with his life. Taking the time to post some drama queen “take down” demonstrates that he cares more about the mean comments than he admits, and it also it encourages those posters to come back to his site to leave more nasty remarks. Look, if you are in porn and showing the world your naked body while having sex, then you are going to get a lot of scrutiny, and some of it will be quite negative. If you cannot deal with it, then find another line of work.
JockBoy says
I don’t like Cody Cummings simply because I don’t like that type of guy who does the pretend job of likin’ guys to the point he has a type of sex with them. And that statement is far…very far….removed from the term hateful.
mj says
@MarcoManuel: huh? Kind of off subject here you think?
Olaf says
Making vile comments about the gay community only enhances ones gay porn career. Spencer Fox continued to get work from Falcon/ Raging Stallion after repeatedly bashing the gay community by calling us faggots. My advice to someone wanting to bank off the homos, insult them harshly, there are so many self loathing gays who seem to love it
myrdraal says
Normally I wouldn’t say anything, but Marcus saying that people hide online by screen names kind of makes him into a little bit of a hypocrite in my eyes – and I happen to think that he is gorgeous! What is YOUR real name Mr. Mojo?
Marcus Bozo says
I think Marcus’ horrible grammar pretty much speaks for itself.
He is obviously mad about the post on QMN about him and his girlfriend. I mean really though, everyone and their grandmother has had a piece of his cock and ass and he just tries to live life as a ”straight” guy. It’s delusional, and I will never understand where this whole obsession with these ”straight” guys comes from.
I believe there was a gay 4 pay panel on Tyra once, with some well known pornstars who came to discuss being gay 4 pay. It was obvious that every single one of them just didn’t know where to turn in life and tells themselves it’s okay what they are doing, and that it’s not gay. That’s some straight-up bull if you ask me. It’s like 2 dudes fucking and saying no homo afterwards to dispel ”the gay”.
Estelle says
I heard a few of the NDM guys freaked out over the comments left on
ricky says
@ Marcus Bozo
straight boys leave their socks on to make it not gay
asswipe says
I have never complained about Marcus Mojo/Landon Mycles on any blog of any kind. He has really progressed as a performer and that is all any end-user could hope for. As I said before I do not care what a performers sexual orientation is. It’s not an issue. I only care about how good the performance is. Marcus has really grown as a performer over the years and to me that is great.
danny says
I love Cody, he is so sexy… And if he is bi, gay straight, I don’t bother just he – naked, sexy, being suck – oooooh, this is haven for me.
C says
@EdWoody Some African-Americans use “Nigga” But not all of us. I see people like to paint with a Broad Brush. I do not see what being African_American has to do with a poster liking CC. I do not walk around referring to anyone as “Nigga”, Fag”, etc. It seems that vinnynyc made that racist statement that he believes African-Americans lack self worth and therefore, would be drawn to CC because he is homophobic and African-Americans go for him because we have little if any self-worth.BULLSHIT!
EdWoody, u then attempt to justify it with your ignorant comment and how blacks call each other Nigga. Just so we are clear ALL of us “Blacks” do not do that. It seems you don’t know very many or None at all. If that’s the case why don’t you not speak about our culture because you are clueless.
jojo says
i like marcus
eagguy says
their message to the hateful bloggers are homophobic i think. it’s all like you homos are pathetic and you wish you could have a hot straight guy like me, you’ll never have me, i’m better than you, richer, etc blah blah blah.
Neal says
Re: Avid Members of Cody’s site
Adoring fans, wealthier & hotter … that may all very well be true. Then again that is why you are “the fan club.”
My personal dislike for CC is attributed to his written homophobic diatribes. History has a way of repeating time and time again. “This way to the showers” for those of you who know the historical reference. For those who don’t … WWII.
Re: MM “using fake names” seriously? Pot, kettle, black.
I don’t feel one way or the other about MM.
ricky says
if you are a straight guy and whose only discernable job skills are taking it up the ass and deep throating dicks, or sit there like a bump on a log letting a guy suck you, then i think you should just keep your trap shut, cash your damn check, and just be glad you’ve got a job.
i miss the pre viagra days when we knew the guy was into it otherwise they wouldn’t be hard.
Todd says
I think the problem I have with these gay4payers is when they find the need to let us know they are anything but gay(the whole “I hate labels” bullshit gets me just as much as saying you’re str8). It’s just like in high school or college when you were good enough for the “str8” guy to suck and fuck but when that wasn’t going on, it was always in your face how str8 he was, especially when his girlfriend was around. And if these asses want to make sure we know they are straight and ONLY HAVING gay sex as a job, then you DON’T get to call each other faggots! I have no problem with truly gay guys using it, it kind of helps take the punch out of the word, but when self-professed “str8” guys use it, it’s VERY OFFENSIVE…I don’t care how many dicks you’ve sucked or been fucked by! Fuck you Marcus Mojo!
Fyi says
Viagra doesn’t act automatically to make boners, you have to have a sexual stimulant, attraction is a major factor.
Truly straight men cannot maintain an erection, regardless of Viagra or other Meds. They would have to work as bottoms, in order to perform in this industry.
JockBoy says
WoW ….im glad I came back here and read the comments… and then I just read the last one …by ricky…. delete all the rest and let that one stand alone.. its awesume and to the point…and sooooo true….
Rocco says
@ricky – you’re totally right!
I love how they insult the haters by insulting the people that pay their salary!
That being said – this is a PR ploy by NDS – they have seen how CC and Spencer Fox can draw in clicks with their drama!
The reason buddy profits wouldn’t be affected by a boycott of CC is they’re all bundeled together and not just the NDS brand – they also rep Colt, Falson, Hot House…
While I’ve never had a problem with Mojo – I have to say I stopped my membership when Mason left NDS – because it was obvious that it was simply going to be a place where my money was going to subsidize pussy for a bunch of straight guys.
Plus – it was always a pleasure to here Mason rip on CC in the BTS videos.
Bull says
Well, I gotta say, if it was me being ragged on as bad as these guys get it, I don’t think I’d handle it as well as they do. I’m sure I’d go off and make an utter ass of myself in the process!(worse than the recent SR meltdown)
I do agree with some of the criticisms.
However many posters go way to far. Most don’t personally know any of these performers. Only the public image, and what we percieve from interviews, bts vids, etc. Degrading their looks, making statements about their character without evidence, etc. behind the presumed anonymity of the internet is really pretty cowardly. But then that’s just IMHO.
I try to keep my comments positive, although I’m not always successful. I also try to make my criticisms constructive rather than desctructive. I try to anyway.
PeterEater says
The Next Door Studio guys have so many fans that they are always offering discounts to join their site. No discount would make me want to join a site were Cody Cummings lays there and dreams of pussy while he gets serviced. Marcus Mojo is beautiful and it’s time for him to get double stuffed. Rod Daily has a great body but his face looks rough and tired. Austin Wilde thinks is Twitter banter with Anthony are a private conversation, when in fact they are very public (but heaven forbid someone comment on them). Samuel O’Tool just needs to bottom. It’s a boring porn.
(no I do not have the perfect face or body but I’m also not fucking in front of everyone either)
Marko says
Isn’t complaining about anonymous haters online a bit like complaining about clouds in the sky? Do they think they’ll stop now they’ve called them fat n smelly?
Cee says
lol Sounds like somebody is mad. Sorry, but everybody is not going to like you. That’s life. Deal with it. Oh, and XBOX has sold around 30 million consoles to date. You are talking about a multi-billion dollar industry as if it’s beneath you lmao Millions of people around the world play XBOX as opposed to the hundreds who may be watching you lol You can step down from your high horse now. I have almost 30,000 hits on a Xtube account I created only last year and I’m not a porn star. What makes you special?? I think you should just stick to doing porn and stay off the blogs. It’s apparent you can’t handle criticism. Some gay porn stars should never speak and only open their mouth when there’s a cock in it.
Rabbit says
All you haters… this means you Jake… WTF? Who are you to be telling anyone how to lead their lives, make their money, or promote their business. You rant about Gay for pay guys not kissing or doing anything the don’t particularly want to do. Hey DON’T WATCH. As long as there is $$$$$ to be made for any guy to intertact to orgasm on camera and somebody wants to pay to see it, your self righteous opinion means NOTHING. You come off as a prissy old bitch. Do they gay community a favor and STFU. Your opinion us just that. Keep it to yourself if you have nothing nice to say about anything or anyone. There… that’s that. Try to enjoy life instead of being such a negative energy in it.
Percy says
If you don’t like them, don’t watch them, don’t pay to watch them or watch them for free. They go away and so do the hateful comments about them.
mj says
So @Rabbit, a guy like Cody Cummings who thinks he is God’s gift to gays is someone you would watch?
Bull says
@mj if that’s what gets you off, yes, if that’s what pisses you off, then no. I’m not a fan of his, but different things are for different people.
mj says
@Bull you’re right. but they could definitely do better!
nikko says
Rabbit, Jake’s comment was right on. There was nothing self-righteous about it: it was simply true. Intelligencce and discernment, ever hear of that?!
nikko says
Oh, and for the life of me, I don’t understand why gay guys would want to see straight guys have the(gay) sex that turns them off. Spare me the boredom and the insult. I think gay sex is hot, so stay away, ‘straight’ boys. How ridiculous of you gay fans to be offended that a straight performer doesn’t want to perform gay sex acts. Would you perform straight porn? Then shut up.