MEN AT PLAY introduces yet another hot and upcoming gay porn star and his porn name is GIANLUIGI. This 27 years old Italian muscle-god was born and raised in Rome, Gianluigi is every inch the perfect man. With his stunning chiseled face with his deep, mysterious brown eyes. His muscular body which is sculpted to perfection by years of hard gym training. The soft, masculine body hair, that accentuates his muscles perfectly. This guy will definite gives Alex Marte, another sexy Italian porn star, a run for his money.
Will Gianluigi be a versatile like Alex Marte? A bottom like Ben Brown? Or only solo like Paddy O’Brian? His escort profile on Boys and Boys shows that he’s bisexual and versatile top! You can also learn more about Gianluigi at his website Per Te Escort.
Gianluigi was a fitness model before he does porn. You might have already seen his photos on websites like Sandro and Maykson and DNA Magazine.
Oh, and could anybody tell me how to pronounce his name, Gianluigi?
+ If you like Gianluigi, check out Alex Marte
Luca (aka Luke) says
Gianluigi is pronounced “John – Lew-e-g”.
The Italian spelling for JOHN is GIAN. Luigi is Louis. So, in English his name is John-Louis. Like the man himself, it’s far sexier in Italian… GianLuigi. No matter how you pronounced it, he’s very HOT!
manu says
He looks good but I like Alex Marte a lot more, his eyes t exude the same raw animal sexuality that Alex’s does ,
Still , a double-headed dildo scene with these two wold probably be nice!!
manu says
I meant ‘his eyes don’t exude…’
QMN says
Thank you Luca (aka Luke) 🙂 “John – Lew-e-g”
Luiz Sérgio says
He speaks portuguese it’s a start to me, I got the money so, if he come to Brazil, whenever he wants, wherever he wants I’AM IN!!!!!!
brian says
Yeah, he’s incredibly hot, but the escort thing prevents me to admire him.
I mean, I think escorting is for women. Men (even gay men) should ensure for a good image (and I’m not talking only about bodies). Some gay men think OK paying another guy to fuck, but who will want a serious relationship with a escort (or a ex escort)? I can even admire the body of a escort, but I don’t want his company.
Mdelarosa79 says
OMG. He is delicious. I’d pay to be able to fuck him.
Santi says
It’s pronounced Johnluiji with all the J’s being pronounced as in the word “joke”
Kyle says
Thank God he is not a twink, I would do him any day. Like my men masculine……..
MJ says
And you should see him working out… bone stiffing stuff!
Cole says
he is straight, so just another gay for pay guy, not even close to Alex Marte, and his solo was the most boring I’ve ever seen..
Luca says
He’s very handsome and has a great body but I agree with Cole, that solo was pretty lame.
gaysammy says
he sort of looks like a big buff ben affleck in some of the pics
Jake says
He is hot as fuck!! Hope to see a lot more of him – topping AND bottoming! Everything about him is hugely sexy.
Pete says
too bad… in his men at play profile say:
Sexuality: Straight
Jay says
That “Straight” category may or may not be correct at MAP. One would have to ask the man himself, since you cannot really trust the video companies. They frequently sell models as “Straight” when they in fact are not that in their off-camera lives. As for throwing a bit of shade on him for escorting, some need to lighten up–he is trading on his marketable commodity. It may be seen as socially acceptable, but it is not our life, so it’s none of our business to comment on. I may crack on awards shows for escorts, but I do not crack on the escorts themselves for their work choice.
Jay says
oops—socially UNacceptable….hands and brain were on different circuits there.
Daniele says
He’s my fellow citizen, like Francesco D’Macho. Rome rules 😀
You read his name this way: “Gi” is like “J” in “jump”, “a” like “a” in “far” and the rest of the letters like they are written. The accent is on the second “i” –> Janluìji” 🙂
tom says
its not pronounced like John as was posted at the beginning.
Its pronounced like Daniele said –
” G-ann loo-E-ji’
Cee says
Alex is hotter.
Ben says
His dick helps me breathe better!
Gio says
but where is he based, Milan, Rome or Brussels? Those websites seem to give conflicting info…
dannyboi2 says
His got a Tighter ass than Alex and I hope his bud looks better and not so abused.. as Alex’s. sorry but Alex’s buds got to many miles.. lol Both Similar facial features, very Masculine at-least the at 1st impression.
MarcoManuel says
The reason gay men doesnt praise Gianluigi that much is because he is bi.You know how gay men are when it comes to sexuality of gay porn stars.Gay men and bi men are known to not get along very well.If Gianluigi would have said that he is gay,gay men would like him more.Gianluigi consider himself bi.So this is a turn off for lots of gay men.Gay men just cant accept that a hot man wants to have sex with men and women.If Alex would have been bi,gay men would not praise Alex as much.Gay men would say that he is just another gay for pay man.Gay men likes Alex because he is hot and because he is gay.Gay men likes gay men.At least,gay men who are tired of the gay for pay crap.In other words.Gay men who are not self loathing.Gianluigi is a good looking man.Alex is better looking than Gianluigi.If Gianluigi would be gay,gay men would like him more.You can bet on that.
MJ says
@Gio – He does travel all over Europe. I think he’s based in Rome, but he’s often in Milan (I’m lucky enough to meet him now and then at the gym)
Andy says
Hey guys. Had the pleasure of him last month. Nice guy but no great shakes in the bed IMO. Clearly predominantly if not totally straight(one eye constantly on his laptop where straight porn was playing). Travels a lot but says he’s mainly based in Milan if that clears it up.Nice guy as I said, body like you wouldn’t believe too. But doesn’t do much for me now….the illusion was kinda wrecked by the straight porn.
manu says
You got it all wrong Marcomanuel,sorry , I hadn’t even read about his orientation when I said I like Alex a lot more.And his absed hole is also an asset lol
MarcoManuel says
If Alex would make a bi video.Gay men would hate that he have sex with a woman.Alex would still be gay.He would lose about half of his gay fans.Gay men just doesnt want to see a hot gay man changing team.Gay men only wants to see Alex having sex with men.Could it be because gay men wants to own hot gay men?So.Gay men says,he is on our team not yours bitch!Gay men can be complicated sometimes.Lots of gay for real gay porn stars made bi porn.They are still gay.Even Steve Cruz said that he would have sex with a woman in a bi porn.Only if theres a man as well.He also said that his kind of woman would be a brunette.On the older Steve Cruz blog,there was a woman who said to Steve Cruz,that she was not into hairy men,but Steve Cruz would be the exception.She said that she watch his gay porn and that he is hot.Steve Cruz said that he is gay,but he would have sex with her only if she would be with a man as well.Then Steve Cruz said that this woman could take control of his body.He even said that it would be hot.Steve Cruz is gay.But it looks like he have a little bi curious side.For those of you who knows who Steve Cruz is,you know that he is a very horny man.Gay porn stars are more fluid sexually than gay men who are not porn stars.Steve Cruz is a very sexual man.Very sexual men are known to change team sometimes.Unlike gay men who are not porn stars.In other words.Gay men who are not porn stars are more gold star gays than gay porn stars.Somehow,it looks like all gay porn stars have a little bi side.Porn stars in general are more fluid sexually.Gianluigi consider himself bi.But eventually he could consider himself gay.Who knows.Keep in mind.Sexuality is fluid.
manu says
Yes you’ve been thinking a little too much lol ,these generalizations are a bit random , and don’t forget that most people discussed here are paid to have sex 🙂 Alex Marte was pretty bold because he could really have kept showing off and doing solos for years alla Zeb Atlas, what I like about him is that he’s a greedy masculine bottom with a ‘savage’ sex appeal that very few men have . I don’t see that in Gianluigi from the pictures, maybe he’s a good performer though,time will tell .I really don’t care much to discuss the orientation issue , it’s a tired topic and mostly marketing crap 🙂
Lucas says
I actually had sex with him about 3 years ago in Cologne. He wasn’t so muscular and hairy but looked amazing. Unfortunately he wasn’t a very good fucker!
gaysammy says
wow! all of this “analysis” is making my head spin! these are pretend roles guys. I hate to break it to you guys but bruce willis isn’t really shooting bad guys in the movies. so what if this guy is bi or straight? he’s creating an illusion. You all sound like those straight people that cannot accept a gay man in a straight role
Luca says
Wow, from what Lucas and Andy say the guy is in the wrong business. Those are pretty bad reviews for an escort. I have no idea what this attack on Alex Marte’s “buds” means, I take it you are inferring he has a well-used ass (butt?) but since he is a bottom I guess that goes with the job. I think Alex’s ass looks great, and he certainly hasn’t been handed around as much as some other less attractive bottoms on here who apparently get fucked on every single internet porn site.
Chris says
With all of these weird commenters leaving these paragraphs declaring how gay men would hate him because he’s bi or straight or whatever – it’s an easy solution – spend your money where you want to spend it. If you don’t support straight or pay, or whatever else you’re hung up on, then don’t spend money on it. But don’t get all pissy when someone else does.
Looking to porn as a set of standards and reflection of the set of values in the gay community just keeps the stereotype going that gay men are nothing but sexual maniacs. Porn = not a big deal folks. Especially since 80% of it is probably pirated, so a lot of readers on here don’t pay for a cent of it.
Andy says
Gay for pay isnt as issue for me in porn, if its a good performance and it gets me off Im happy. Easily pleased here. But I think in the world of escorting gay for pay doesnt work too well. Nobody expects an escort to enjoy every client who passes through but this Gianluigi(again let me stress perfectly nice guy!)clearly isnt into men at all if Im honest….or maybe just me! The straight porn blaring in the corner was very off putting as was the awkward moment when he seemed kinda stumped what to do with my cock etc. So making solo videos may be ok but really think he’s in the wrong business when it comes to bedroom antics on and off screen!
Adam says
I’m so happy someone else on here isn’t so dramatic and annoying about who makes their porn. I’ve tried to explain it is all a fantasy before but everyone on here is like too derpy to get it.
bma83 says
Great face and body, but sadly, he is not worth my time. Wake me when a gay studio uses a real gay man.
Igour says
I l y a beaucoup de inconciliables.
Ils poursuivent les gendarmes et les connetables.
N. says
Ok, I don’t what people to think that I’m just trying to defend Gianluigi but
1)he’s an amazing person and
2)I’ve had sex with him many times, and he was always fantastic, and satisfying me in every possible way!
So, I don’t know what you’re talking about when you say he’s in the wrong business…
Olaf says
I’m late to the party, but this man is a god, you haters need perspective
MatejDaSilva says
I think he and Alex are the most beutifoul man in the world! I love them!
juan david says
como desaria comerem esa verga tan linda quien me da msn de luigi para ver si me rompe
Massimo says
It’s pronounced Gianluìgi.
Hope that helps.
Jaedin Richardson says
OH HOT DAMN!!! I can’t bring myself to stop looking at him!!! ive searched everywhere for him, Google, Men at Play, X-Tube, Redtube, MAN!!! I’m obsessed…. I’ll Tell you one thing thoe, I got 8000 $$ in a savings account ive saved up since i was 4, and ill gladly spend it all for a few good nights with GianLuigi!!! -Drool-
juan david says
por favor quien me da razon como me comunico con luigi deseo tener esa verga en mi culo y en mi boca
mirza says
i really like italian guys….my favorite is ALEX MARTE and now GIANLUIGI….superhot… 🙂
buttlover says
I hired him about 5 years ago–he was a nice guy and looked fantastic, he needed to watch str8 porn to get turned on, but he did throw a mean fuck. He wouldn’t let me rim him which was a major disappointment. I’d be curious if he’s more relaxed about that now…the ass is to die for, and the rest ain’t too bad either.
Kevin Sun says
I think menatplay should get more model like him!
I think menatplay should produce more solo videos!
Getting tired of watching those boring and stupid stuff!