A few days ago, I posted a picture of Zeb Atlas and Jimmy Fanz together in the wood, “Zeb Atlas and Jimmy Fanz – Hanging Out or Shooting Porn?” Well, Zachary of The Sword just answered that question for me They were shooting porn!
Zeb Atlas signs 4-Picture Deal With Falcon / Raging Stallion.
The big fall Raging Stallion movie is titled The Woods, and this time Zeb’s paired with fellow exclusive Jimmy Fanz. I’m told the two-part feature will focus on “mysterious goings-on in the woods.” … Production wrapped on The Woods last week, and it’ll be out before Thanksgiving on November 23rd.
Thank you Zach for helping me solve the “mystery” behind Zeb and Jimmy picutre LOL!
[photos via The Sword]
+ More of Zeb Atlas | Jimmy Fanz
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Tom says
I love Zeb Atlas. I have a muscle fetish and hes one sexy bodybuilder. His cock is amazing too. One of the best in porn in my opinion. Would love to suck it.
Alias74 says
No offense because I sure…I’m sure…Zeb is a great guy…but he’s kinda past his ‘fresh by’ date. With hotties like the guys over at Chaosmen and Corbin Fisher or even hot muscle studs like Colby Jansen, Derek Pain and Adam Herst, I can’t understand why Falcon thinks Zeb is going to draw in viewers…
Tom says
Well, for a start off Alias not everyone likes bareback. I love bodybuilders and think Zeb can continue on till hes 50.
DJ says
Unless Zeb doesn’t bottom, it’ll be boring.
So Do bottom, Zeb! Be a man!
Tom says
Id like to see Zebra either bottom or give head to completion to a much smaller twink. I love opposite size pairings.
Marko says
I reckon Zeb is looking hotter than ever. I don’t know who I envy more, Zeb or Jimmy. Can I have them both?
bachus27 says
wow!! thanks photoshop!! what a face!! no wrinkles nothing comparing to the candid pic!!! plz zeb or the studio send the adress to Mariah carey she’s dying to have the name of the genius who make zeb looking 10 years younger
Mike says
Why do Raging Stallion and Falcon ridiculously enlarge the dicks on the photos? Well, I know why. Falcon has done that since the 80s.
JonnyD says
Zeb still has a great body but I think that the effect of years of roid use and the escorting are finally showing….
Almatolmen says
Falcon is in this to make money so they must feel they have good reason to believe that Zeb has appeal and an audience. And, really, “fresh by date”? The crude ageism of some posters is amazing! Also, why is being a bottom being “a man”? I personally prefer versatile performers, but I don’t understand why some almost insist on it. I certainly wouldn’t feel that Zeb or anybody else is lacking because they don’t bottom (or top). If you find it boring that Zeb doesn’t bottom, look at somebody else and stop complaining that he doesn’t conform to your wishes.
gayhunk says
Oh my son and daddy
I love U both.
My son I wanna eat ur asss and dad I wanna eat ur armpits and ass
Critic says
Too bad about Zak’s forarm tattoo.
Critic says
Oops, that’s Zeb. Hit the wrong key.
kevin says
Sinceramente, Zeb es un actor que siempre me resultò aburrido porque le falta sentimiento en lo que hace. Claro…no se le pude pedir “sangre” a un heterosexual, en escenas gays con otros hombres.
Soy uno de los que “NO” desea verlo a Atlas como inferior…serìa una escena por demàs de desagradable ver a alguien que “actùa” sentir placer, con una verga en su culo. Me sentirìa estafado…
kevin says
Jimmy Fanz no es el “clàsico niño lindo”, pero que rostro agradable tiene, y es muy simpàtico. Agregando a esto que actùa muy bien en las escenas porno-gay.
Tom says
I don’t think his dick or muscles have been enlarged.
Anderson says
QMN, I read some previous comments and I liked the idea. Why don’t you post a ranking of the countries where you have more readers?
Anderson says
Looking at the first and the last pictures, I conclude that Falcon is sponsored by Photoshop! =)
SuckItBaby says
Zeb is hot. He needs to be gangbanged and barebacked like a real man!
dio says
LMAO @ the secrecy of the ‘plot’ not only of a gay flick, but a gay flick from Falcon. x-D I mean when was the last time Falcon did anything fresh, fuggedabout interesting.
anyway, unless they play father & son, and fuck, I nocurr, tbh.
JonnyD says
I agree. The next step in Zeb’s career is to be fucked hard and long…..
Randy says
I sure hope Zeb hasn’t made a mistake by going to Falcon since they put so many poz guys in sex scenes with each other.
Tom says
To be the people who want bareback. Go and watch bareback porn or get bareback gangbanged yourself. Not everyone is so reckless as to have unprotected sex orgies.
You slate people who speak out and are against bareback, and then say others should engage in dangerous behavior for a quick buck.
manu says
Has it occured to anyone that he is smiling on the last picture and therefore has “laughter lines” ??
Anyway ,it’s time for Zeb to bottom , I hope Jimmy bangs his ass hard .
JT says
Zeb has a hot body, a fat cock, and I honestly prefer huge beefy men with his kind of body type to the cut and paste standard cloned porn star we see all the time.
There are only 2 things though that might put me off him. One is the report of him having been on steroids, I find it disgusting to think the only way someone can get a great body is though them.
Also, that after Matthew rush sucked Zebs ass, he got a parasite from it, which rush talked about in tears on his blog, which put me even more off Zeb
phil says
Wow, Zeb has become one hot daddy. Love it.
phil says
and just curious, do the hyper-critical creeps on here even like gay porn or actually have sex?
Rhys says
Just been talking to Jimmy Fanz on cameraboys, and he confirmed that he did an action scene with Zeb, and as Zeb is top only, Jimmy bottomed for him, and he said it was really hot and made a great scene. I can’t wait to see anything with Jimmy in it! and Zeb is a great bonus – even if he did only top.
manu says
Rhys are you really sure Zeb didn’t bottom?
IrishBoy says
Oooft, I didn’t even know about Zeb until now!
I could be persuaded to dig into my wallet just for that scene..
dio says
@phil, so like, no one should be ‘hyper-critical’ of gay porn because it means they don’t like it and are celibate ‘creeps’ as it were? LOL Why should gay porn (or porn medium in general) be immune to criticism? Chill out, dood.
peter says
I don’t like Zeb, his muscles are very unnature
Almatolmen says
dio, to riff off your comment, when was the last time the hyper-critics had anything fresh or interesting to say? Reading their comments is like watching a video loop showing the same thing over and over. It’s tiresome. Either get over their gripes or move on to something they find worthy!
dio says
@Almatolmen, but if their gripes remain ever-present in this thing they dig w/o any sense of reconciliation… I can understand why they would keep banging that drum. *shrug*
Peter says
Zeb has been around the straight and now gay block for quite some time; I love the fact that not all these models are 22, because there’s plenty of life left in a a hot 40-something guy. I wish he’d let his chest hair grow back; he’s even hotter with it.
Joe says
The photo of Zeb fishing with Jimmy just shows me how BIG he still is.. This guy turns me on
Rhys says
manu – Jimmy said that Zeb is top only, and that he (Jimmy) bottomed for him. I can’t confirm that Zeb didn’t haven’t other scenes in the film where he gets up to other stuff, and I can only tell you what Jimmy told me – but I doubt very much that Zeb bottomed for anyone!
Almatolmen says
This isn’t the first place that I’ve encountered what I call the RNS (Repetitive Negativity Syndrome). I saw it first at TheOneRing as Jackson was filming and releasing the LoTR movies. It was frustrating when posters were rejecting the films before they ever watched them! The issues were more complex and as were the passions enflamed by them. Still the same things were said again and again. I’m watching them again on DVD. I’m more critical now than I saw them in the theater, but they’re still fantastic and I still love them. BTW, I’m looking forward to The Hobbit (now also to be a trilogy of films). The word at TORN looks very positive, on the whole. Some of the dwarves(!) are bellissimi. Any tolkienistas out there?
Ben says
I can cum just looking at Zeb’s chest and arms! God they’re hot!!!