Narumiya Jin got tag-teamed by Rhyheim Shabazz and Elijah Zayne during his trip to the US. And it looks like he puts his butt hole to the test again during his recent trip to Brazil. This time he takes on one of JustFor.Fans‘ most popular models Phatrabbitkiller. If you like “water sports,” don’t miss this sex scene, Japanese gay porn star Narumiya Jin pisses himself twice while getting fucked by Phatrabbitkiller’s huge cock.

+ Narumiya Jin Gets Fucked Raw By Phatrabbitkiller | JUSTFOR.FANS
J says
That did not look remotely enjoyable. I was put off by the slap to the face.
thesagaof says
And that’s alright. If we all enjoyed the same things, life would be boring as hell.
fred says
totally agree, a most beautiful twunk in a wrong video
martin edwards says
very nice , love his hole
Nick says
That seems to be pretty common in Japanese porn to have bottoms pissing themselves and acting in pain. There must be a name for this kink, Japanese have a name for everything lol.
scfan says
isnt he straight?
monokono says
it’s actually not piss, it’s squirting, similar to female squirting, and it can get super intense (speaking from experience). when the prostate gets overstimulated, it can cause a person to squirt clear liquid. some can get it other ways too but it’s not fully explored in the world.