Hey guys. As you can see, Queer Me Now blog has just launched a brand new design. This is the first ever re-design of the blog and I’m so excited about it. The site is now mobile-friendly. Those of you who browse my blog via mobile phones, iPad, and Tablets will see the most change.
From now on, you can write your reply directly to each comments in the blog comment section. I hope it will make the blog more interactive. But please, be nice to your fellow blog readers.
Queer Me Now also have a new logo and at the top of the front page, I will feature 3 blog posts that you might have missed from past weeks.
If you encounter any error with the new blog design, please contact me.
sxg says
I like the color scheme, but I don’t like the setup. Well give me time, I just am not one to be fond of website changes, especially from websites I’ve been checking out for awhile now. And be nice??? I didn’t sign up for that!
Tom says
It can’t be that hard to be nice.
sxg says
Oh but yes I do love the Reply option that is a much needed improvement! Especially when stories begin to get dozens of comments and you want to start a discussion about a person’s comment!
sxg says
Oh the site changed again! Was wondering what happened last week, why it changed back after an hour or so.
john Karr says
impossible to read either blue or black writing against a dark blue background. Time to re-design the re-design.
QMN says
Clear the cache in your web browser and then reload.
Dennis says
Congat’s on the new site.
nikos says
Looks very basic and clean. Works well
QMN says
Thank you Nikos.
rgeazg says
not a fan of the website change, it’s too white/ minimal for me, maybe change the bright white color to something more calming to the eyes
QMN says
You do realize that my old blog design had the exact same white background right?
tom says
I love the new look of the site, modern and clean and works nice on my phone. congratulations!
QMN says
Thank you Tom. That’s the main goal of this re-design, to make the blog mobile-friendly.
Ryan says
Don’t like the set up on the new site. The models across the top and the block feed isn’t attractive. Just go right into the news content.
George says
Please load posts as one scrolls down instead of page numbers.
Willie says
I like the renovations. Are we able to include links in comments? How about images?
QMN says
You can include links. Not the images at the moment.
plusiks@yahoocom says
Always happy about the change, it will take some tome to used to . No blogroll?
QMN says
Blogroll with have its own separate page.
MarcoManuel says
It should never be black letters on a white background.Its too bright for the eyes.It should be white letters on a black background.
Most sites seems to have a white background.It would be easier to read with white letters on a black background.
It also would have been nice to have an edit option for those who make mistakes with their writting.So,we could correct mistakes.
If somebody types (he should have bein),then,he could use the edit option and type he should have been.Edit option are very useful.
Joey says
Just love the new design and facelift. It was such a pleasant surprise when I clicked on this morning. This is the first blog I go to everyday. Great job.
QMN says
That’s awesome! Thank you so much Joey.
dostum says
i dint like,sorry…:(
dostum says
Jerry Aurand says
It always takes a while to decide how well a redesign works and just to get used to a new look. Open mind.
I can hardly believe that I’ll endorse something MarcoManuel wrote, but the ability to edit would be useful.
Matias says
Looks great.
Jace of Base says
I like the re-design for the most part My only issues would be:
– The grey font while I’m typing is so light I almost can’t read what I just typed
– There is still no edit function, and people who type terribly like me could really use that to fix typos and such.
DW24 says
At first I was kinda confused while visiting your site for the 10th time yet again lol! Gotta say I really love the new design, lookin good QMN! =)
sxg says
On the topic of editing, would it be difficult to implement a Disqus chat application to your site just like Waybig, ManHuntDaily, and Str8UpGayPorn have? It gives us the opportunity to edit our posts, and even post up links and images. You can still delete comments you deem unfit for the site, but I’m not sure if you can do that before the comments are published.
Pornobb says
I use ipad and have mentioned ages ago that this site takes longer than usual to load. In the meantime I have discovered other more user friendly sites.