I’ve published many behind the scenes photos of UK NAKED MEN a couple of days ago. Those are pictures they shared on Twitter.
UK Naked Men team just sent me more photos from the set They are very excited about this sexy newcomer Fabio Lopez. Fabio is 20 years old, French and very new to porn. He’s so cute! I like this bright smile. They just filmed this scene last Sunday, they paired up Fabio with 32 years old Tony Thorn from Malta. Tony is a porn veteran, he’s been shooting porn for 10 years. This is gonna be one hot scene!
Anderson says
OMG! It’s 2013! Why some people still smoke?
Dan says
They’re European, Anderson!
bachus27 says
they are free Anderson
Em'x says
@Anderson, so smoking is some kind of fashion?
EdWoody says
I agree smoking is nasty, but he is super cute. If he had a mint first I could manage it.
Nat says
I personally don’t smoke; however, when I see another hot guy smoking, it just looks hot–so long I can’t smell it.
I love watching some of the vids on SmokingHunks (or something like that) where the guys perform “shotguns” where the smoker kisses the other guy and blows smoke into his mouth. That shit gets me going for some reason.
It’s also like sneakers, pissing, and fisting; I like to watch it but I would never do such a thing.
Mike says
For fuck sake….its porn were talking about! Who cares if they smoke, as long as they deliver a good performance on film
Ontopic: cute guy! Top or bttm?
Anderson says
Smoking is unhealthy, not sexy and is not fashion. And stinks! Stop with this.
Fuxwell says
So its OK to bareback but not OK to smoke.
Which is the lesser of these 2 evils? And who are you (or we) to judge?
Anderson says
@Fuxwell, what are you saying, man? It’s UKNM, this is not bareback!
joedoe1000 says
Fabio Lopez may be French but that smile and last name are so Hispanic. He is cure and will look gorgeous working for MAP, Lucas or Men.com wearing a suit, white shirt, tie, and over the calves sheer socks from beginning to end (no shoes on)…action film on a bed.