Aussie newcomer Mathew Mason is now in the U.S. and shooting porn with Raging Stallion Studios with Jimmy Durano, Trey Turner, Jessie Colter, Drake Jaden and another newcomer named Derek Parker. The cast shares some behind the scenes photos below on their Twitters. Looks like it’s gonna be a leather-theme movie.
And a couple of weeks ago, Jimmy Durano was on the set of Falcon Studios shooting an upcoming “Orgy Movie.”
Behind the scenes…on set of Falcon Studios “Orgy Movie” coming out this spring
ugh says
Matthew Mason’s promotional shots were really deceptive. We have some unprofessional shots of him here and he looks nothing like the shots that were posted here over a month ago. If it wasn’t for the same tattoos, I wouldn’t have recognized him. That said, he looks like a younger Tim Kruger but with a better body.
RawSlut says
Uhh, they all look nasty.
mj says
@ugh you’re right I really didn’t know that was him. i was looking for him too :(. I guess he dropped some weight?
disapp says
Have to say, i am very disappointed. The promos and this photos don’t add up at all. Its like the person in the promo shots is someone else. This guy looks so…..
Guess its all makeup and acting.
ugh says
@mj I think it’s mostly the tan and some creative lighting. I’m comparing his promo shot with his phone pic and while the difference is stark, it’s definitely the same guy with the same amount of weight. His arms don’t look that much bigger in the promo pic and he seems to be flexing his stomach and tilting to make it appear like he has a really beefy torso when in reality, he is just lean and toned. Oh well, I guess I’m disappointed. I thought he was going to be the biggest thing in 2012, but I guess I was wrong.
crakpot says
So I guess the over-tanned promo shots were over-photoshopped… He’s more like twink than beef.
tristan says
I agree with you all: these pics of Mathew Mason are really disappointing
gio says
Jimmy Durano is by far the hottest guy in the group…
Matias says
Mathew Mason’s pics we saw were stunning. I don’t know what to say now, except in his twitter he seems a lovely guy and I’ll wait till I see some videos. (I too had difficulties to recognize him, the difference is so big, but here we have pics with bad lightning…)
mj says
i’ll hold my opinion until then. it’s just like wth though
odawg says
I have to concur with several commentors. I was DROOLING over Matthew Mason’s promotional stills. Seeing these pictures of him, while still attractive, do not look anything like those images. For shame Raging Stallion!
James says
I swear I’m not trying to be judgmental. Eww. I guess that’s all.
Olaf says
I think he’s very hot
sxg says
agree Olaf he’s still very hot, and I already knew what to expect since I went and saw his facebook page. It’s still a bit disappointing seeing how extremely pale he is, but that can be solved by a few spray tan sessions, although I hope he doesn’t go overboard like that last pic with Jimmy Durano. Seriously why the hell does he need to tan? he already had a nice natural one.
mj says
yeah why in the hell did Jimmy turn himself into a oompa loompa?
Ben says
Holy Crap! You guys are right about Mathew Mason. It didn’t even strike me until I was ready your posts. I drooled over his first pic and now I learn this is really what he looks like? At the very least what happened to that big cock? Was that photoshopped too?
Herman says
Are all these tatoooed guys members of some gang or just released from prison?
Herman says
I can’t believe that Mathew Mason of those photos a couple of weeks ago. It looks like a different person
well, yeah says
Landon Conrad looks a little bigger and hairier, nice. He’s the only hot guy in the group for me, though that beary guy does look nice, aside from that creature head on his chest.
sxg says
Also glad to see Nikko Alexander back, but he goes by two different names now. Wonder if anyone has an update on what happened to his criminal charges.
Alias74 says
The only REAL news here is
a) Matthew Mason looks nothing like his photoshopped glamour photos but is still delicious! and
b) DEREK PARKER IS FUCKING HOT AS SHIT *faints* – I love me some Aussies but I’ll take Parker over EVERYONE (and possibly all the current crop of gay porn stars out there….ya listening Marc Dylan?)