P.O.V. Porn (Point Of View) is one popular niche in straight porn but kinda rare in gay porn. What is P.O.V. Porn? It’s a porn video that is filmed as if the watcher had experienced the sex-acts themselves.
I just found this new gay porn website called BUTTER LOADS that put you in the eyes of the fucker.
Below are some preview videos that can make you feel like you’re fucking muscular gay porn stars Ryan Rockford and Gavin Waters yourself. We have watched them fuck Out In Public before, this time you can watch both of them get fucked.
[flv:http://trailers.hazecash.com/butterloads/bl6911/public/trailerx/trailer_1500.flv http://www.queermenow.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/ButterLoads-Ryan-Rockford-Fucked-Point-Of-View-trailer.jpg 580 350]
[flv:http://trailers.hazecash.com/butterloads/bl6896/public/trailerx/trailer_1500.flv http://www.queermenow.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/ButterLoads-Gavin-Waters-Fucked-Point-Of-View-trailer.jpg 580 327]
+ More of Gavin Waters | Ryan Rockford
Kurt says
Love P.O.V. Wish there was more of it in gay porn. Gavin Waters getting fucked is a plus as well.
Charlie_Jackpot says
As a bottom I would like to see it from the other side
Mel says
This looks good.The guys are hot. I hope it continues. I am worried I might get bored with little interection form the top. I do want to see both top and bottom.
alex says
I hate scenes where a guy or girl is giving a blowjob and looks up to the receiver’s eyes for feedback or whatever. Just do your job!
The POV I hate in gay/straight porn is the undercarriagge angle. That isnt’ attractive — and if they must show it as proof, I guess, don’t let the camera linger there. I’d rather see more of the bodies of the performers — not a scene showing just their bits.
Alex says
These two men are so fucking hot. Especially Gavin Waters. I hope to see plenty more of him!
Will says
PoV can be hot, but often what you get is Blair Witch Porn with crappy unsteady camera work.
manu says
POV porn is great!! Love it when the top is sitting on a chair and the bottom is impaling himself on the cock , bent over with his legs logether :p
(yet there are still those tacky lipstick tatooos..urgh!!)
I don’t like Rusty that much though , I’m sort of glad I can’t see him
Geoffrey says
marry me Gavin… im a 30 year old Aussie…
Clyde Benke says
Dude, you don’t marry porn stars, only a fool would do that, you just fuck them, that all they do well anyway.