Hey guys! I’m having a wonderful trip in Europe so far I went to Bel Ami 20th Anniversary Party in Prague two weeks ago, I met many awesome friends, both old and new at The European Summit in Budapest. Right now I’m in Paris, France and I’m so lucky that Lucas Entertainment is shooting new movies in Paris as well and they allowed me to be on their set to take some behind the scenes photos for you guys.
Today, they filmed a suit scene with porn star Edji Da Silva and hottie Fabio Lopez. Fabio is so cute, he has one of the brightest smiles and I’m so happy to meet Edji again after I met him two years ago in Mykonos.
I will have more XXX behind the scenes photos for you soon. For now, here’s a sneak peek of pictures I took from the sex scene between Edji Da Silva and Fabio Lopez in Paris.
carey579 says
wow QMN is going places
Sadly I don’t like either of these models.
LB says
How is it that two perfectly beautiful men can fuck on a coffeetable and yet I’m transfixed by the back of Adam Killian’s shoulder?
Lucky QMN! I’m looking forward to lots more pics.
SirFucksAlot says
QMN!? Why do you keep gushing over this guy? Did you see He wanted to sue a fellow blogger for using one of his pics in an OBITUARiRY. Have you see these tweets from Zack Sire at the Sword.
@ZacharySire: Remember when Wilfried Knight died and I ran this image on The Sword and then @MichaelLucasNYC threatened to sue? pic.twitter.com/IGMh31XxEI
@MichaelLucasNYC accused me of removing the watermark (LOL), when I actually found the image here after Googling
@MichaelLucasNYC cared and loved his deceased friend Wilfried so much, he demanded we pay him $10,000 for use of his dead friend’s photo!
Instead, I just replaced the image. (Sorry @MichaelLucasNYC…you’ll have to get your botox money from someone else.)
mirza says
i love adam killian!!
Dean says
@SirFucksAlot This is a porn blog. He reports on porn. Can you all seriously stop acting like a bunch of high school girls and saying BS like “oh why are you reporting this. don’t you know so & so”, “oh stop posting about bareback porn. it sends the wrong message”, “stop posting about this racist”, yada yada yada. Just get over it.
jeezuz says
@SirFucksAlot Why are you so fixated with Zachary Sire who has been known to many, to have perpetual issues with about everyone else, particularly Michael Lucas? No one gives an arse for Sire or for that matter Lucas, both are just as crass. Stupid queens like you should instead be worried about your next food stamps, not porn or its politics.
fred says
hot models but why always these suits? I like suits but not in porn, they don’t turn me on at all, i mean what can compete against a good fitting sexy jeans? Or hot t-shirt?
Timmy says
Doesn’t look like much more than Adam Killian with a little camera. Not much to these pornos.
Jordi Lim says
The guy with tattoos on his left arm is so SEXY..
Matias says
Edji looks hot.
Jordi Lim says
Who is the guy with tatoos on his left arm?
Jordi Lim says
I didnt like the face of Adam Killian, he seems smiling all the time eventhough he look like a villain.
Olaf says
@Dean Regarding racist in gay porn, some of us who have been marginalized because we are gay find it hypocritical to marginalize other races in gay porn. And we wish to object. Regarding Michael Lucas, I don’t have a problem with him, he embraces the talents of models of many races
Simon says
@ jeezuz : Zachary Sire hasn’t issues with everyone. Some people might not like his style but he is always open for discussion. Unlike Michael Lucas. Sire was forced by his bosses to remove a blog item about Jett Black who now works for Lucas Entertainment. Black wrote that he was in Denmark but this was not true, he was staying in New York. Sire pointed to this incongruence and this made Lucas so mad that he threatened to pull the Lucas Entertainment videos from The Sword. Zach’ bosses caved in.
I think the problem with Michael Lucas is that he is a staunch supporter of a political party that, given the chance, would like to make gay people second class citizens. The irony of it all: few people in the Republican Party would like to be associated with a guy who produces gay porn (now even bareback) and was himself in front of the camera fucking guys. The horror ….
suti says
paris = citebeur and cadinot….Hope ML at least gets some citebeur sleaziness in his pic