HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store for me and my blog Queer Me Now. You’ve seen the Top 15 Most Popular Porn Stories of 2013. Today, I look at my blog stats again and bring you Top 15 Most Popular Gay Porn Stars of 2013 based on your clicks.
Gino Mosca
David says
By my count only 5 of these guys are gay. Rhahs depressing. Here’s to gay men loving gay men in 2014 not worshiping straight men using the community to make a quick buck.
Louis says
5, I think you are correct David
anti says
@David People here love to complain about gay 4 payers than compliment gay men. Obviously that’s why gay 4 payers got more clicks.
Alex says
marco rubi should be number one. now then and forever.
andrew says
All 15 are great. I especially like: Kris Evans, Marco Rubi ( sans facial hair), Johnny Rapid, Aiden of CF, Marcus Mojo, Mike Colucci, Mick Lovell and Rocco Reed. I was surprised to see Duncan Black didn’t make the list.
Matias says
It seems my taste and interest in men, also men in porn, is different from the others here, because only three of these guys are the ones I read and watch here (4, 12, 15).
Anthony Johnson says
Maybe one day the gay porn top rankings will be more inclusive – meaning more men of color in quality productions, and integrated castings. Oh, well one can dream….
marc says
Zeb Atlas boring!!! Johnny Rapid, really, really boring!!!! Rocco over and done with!!! then, Aiden definitely # 1, with Paddy in tie for # 1; and where the hell is Gabriel???? Most definitely #2 and closing fast on the to spot!
xando says
My favorite is Marco Rubi and with facial hair, he looks more manly.
Frozen says
Jack says
Really marco 15 more like #1 that man is all kinds of goodness. zeb atlas come on now that guy is gross and don’t people get tired of johnny’s ass he’s so last century lol and number 1 just no. But every one else was spot on.
Kyle says
That moment when you have no idea who is #6, #4, #2, #1… lol
anti says
@Xiaoping Did you even read what qmn wrote? The list is based on ClLICKS. Statistics is not bias.
Kevin says
My Top Porn actors for 2013 would be:
Tomas Brand
Axel Brooks
Aleks Buldocek
Tommy Defendi
Seven Dixon
Marc Dylan
Kris Evans
Dato Foland
Colby Keller
Diego Lauzen
Connor Maguire
Nick Prescott
Angel Rock
Matthew Rush
Damian Taylor
Christian Wilde
Kurtis Wolfe
Shawn Wolfe
Filip says
Very happy to see that Mick Lovell is no 1 on this list!! We miss him very much! Please return to gay porn!
chuck says
!!! DIEGO !!! should be #1
Dato should be #2
Wagner should have been on the list instead of Zeb. Zeb ??? Really ???
EdWoody says
I’m pleasantly surprised at how few of these are blatantly insane and/or evil.
PSR says
If this was an overrated list, I’d agree with Johnny Rapid, Liam Magnuson, Mike Lovell and Rocco Reed being on it. These four have to be some of the most boring performers in the business.
Daniele says
Dato Foland without a doubt!
Luis says
Aiden, I love him, hope he keeps working with Corbin Fisher this 2014
Filip says
@PSR: If you think Mick Lovell is a boring actor – please watch his scenes with Manuel Rios and Dolph Lambert/Alex Waters.
Mick is a power-bottom! And probably one of the best in gay porn at deepthroating.
james says
don’t agree with ¾ of this list. People like Zeb Atlas? Really? How much are these porn studios paying you and agents
bulldog says
i’m protesting! where’s topher dimaggio!!!
Russ says
Ok based on clicks, but Zeb Atlas, really!! No way in Hades is he popular, in my book. Rapid = overrated, & most over used hole in pornoland.
The Willdes, Christian & Austin belong here, as does Gabriel Clarke, Jake Bass & Lukas Ridgeston all IMO of course.
Question – I love me some Marcus Mojo, but did he even film a scene in 2013?
sxg says
I would only go out of my way to follow everything that #s 15, 14, 9, 4 and 2 do. I’ll throw the rest back to the sharks.
Dima says
Mick Lovell? Are you kidding me? That pussyboy? Yuck
Huy says
Hi Everybody!
Mike Colucci Retirement from gay??? And Arthur Gordon???
Where are they now???
Misswettshirt says
Who is the porn star with more twitter followers?
Andy says
Who are they? I only know one of them!
Mtxb says
Rocco Reed????? Seriously??? And Marco Rubi at the bottom of the list… you musta been drunk when you made this list!
WildPNW says
Marcus Mojo? are you kidding me? Not a fan of Diego, a much bigger fan of his BF Wagner. Who put Mick Lovell at top of list? WTF
vince says
dato, Diego and marco sure!
but i’m missing my favorites: armond rizzo, angelo marconi, lil’papi, colin black
andri says
best cumshot:
1.jake bass
2.jimmy clay
3.krish evans
4.andre boleyn
5.daniel(sean cody)
6.levi carter
7.chandler( corbin fisher)
8.harry louis
9.will helm
10.leo dominico
bestt couple:
1.paddy obrian & jonathan agassi ( lucas entertaiment)
2.daniel & cameron (sean cody)
3.CutlerX Fucks Attila(timtales)
4.thomas brand & dario beck (menatplay)
5.paddy obrian & paul walker(men)
6.Kevin Warhol & Andre Boleyn(belami online)
7.jesse santana & D.O ( raging stallion)
8.dale cooper & gabriel clark (cockyboys)
9.chandler & trey( corbin fisher)
best bottom
1.ryan”sean cody”
2.jonathan agassi” lucas E”
3.justin owen “randyblue”
4.dale cooper”cocky boys”
5.daniel”sean cody”
6.jesse santana “raging stallion”
7.johny rapid “men”
8.dario beck “men at play”
9.TONY ORION “titanmen”
10.charlie”sean cody”
STFU says
Why is everyone getting their gay panties in a twist? This is based on clicks (as the article say, so -> READ!) and not on taste. So… why all the fuss???
Pticock1 says
Bonne Année Queer Me Now, Happy New Year, you’re french fan
Jackson says
These r the 15 guys QMN helps promote to get free trips to porn sets. Be still my heart. Pack of trolls.
Jay says
The used to be a time when gay porn studios tried to hide the fact that some of their sex workers were straight.
Scott says
Where’s my heart-throb Rod Daily???
Pornobb says
For Marco’s fans, he needs more topping skills to rank higher
Adam says
You guys have to add kayden gray
And darius ferdynand to the list …. Omg these two are just toooooo hot and amazing …
fred says
armond rizzo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobweld says
There’s only a handful on here that I would have put in my top 15, although I think it’s a way better list than on The Sword.
But who the hell is Mike Colucci…….how have I missed him in 2013, he is hot.
Looks like my next 30 minutes will be spent with a lovely cup of tea whilst I google him.
Nobweld says
And I o hope he’s a top.
Henry James says
There is a tie between Paddy and Mick in the top.
pavel says
Funny. Why do you complain about Zeb? Remember that QMN made the list based on your clicks, not on your favourites
Orestes says
Absolutly agree , Marco Rubi should be on first position is last year sensation….
santiago says
Johnny Rapid es lo mejor del Porno juanto Areil Vanean <3
Santiago says
Johnny Rapid y Ariel Vanean lo mejor del porno <3
daddycharles says
02 Jan: 14: Hello Queer Me Now: Please put Bobby Clark on your top star list!!!!!! Bobby has paid his dues & is an excellent performer, has a great sense of humor, & a beautiful smile!!! I feel his performance in ( I m A Married Man, # 5 ) is his best dvd yet!!! I believe Bobby maybe alittle bit bi-sexual & he has never dis-respected the gay community. We loyal retired fans believe Bobby Clark is number one!!
Bobby, wishing you a safe & productive New Year. Very Warm Regards: daddycharles
AndyPandy says
First, agree with David (post no. 1 above) totally.
Second, how, in a just world, is Rocco Reed on this list and Dale Cooper not? Lord, I love me some Dale Cooper.
martin says
how about kolby keller one of the most sexyi
hairy and versatile men i have seen in the past years
cosmic.dave says
I also agree with David (first post). 100%. Let’s try and stop worshiping straight men, guys. There are tons of real gay men deserving of our attention who actually enjoy what they are doing on and off screen with men. Let’s make 2014 the year for this change. And I agree with AndyPandy, no Dale Cooper? No Colby Keller? No Christopher Daniels? hmm…
Wendy says
Wow! You have a great list of gay porn stars. I definitely agree that Mick Lovell is the hottest of all, he deserves to be no. 1 on your list . I love his perfect body!
motta datt says
Where is Race Cooper and Micah Brandt
Manuel says
real gay guys for the win
which ones are real gay guys in the list?
Lucashartling says
Really guys don’t put porn as a website
Alex says
Gino Mosca is on there!!!!! YAY!!! I hope he becomes a superstar and make lots of good porn movies!!! He’s like another genre of guys and I love it!!
Mihcael says
Which ones on the list are openly gay? I’m honestly curious. It still baffles me half of the list are g4p smh
Paddy o'brien says
Brent everett would be my no 1 by a miiiiiiiile