I’m sad to report that it has been confirmed, porn star Wilfried Knight has died.
Wilfried Knight just wrote a series of blog posts last week regarding his partner of 9 years, Jerry Enriquez, who committed suicide by hanging on February 21st. You can read his heartbreaking blog post here.
And i was in love, and so was my partner. He let me be who i wanted to be. He did not agree with everything i was but he let me be. He gave me the best 8, almost 9 years of my life. And this amazing guy committed suicide by hanging last week, after fighting for so long for us to stay together.
Sadly he intended for me to go with him. He hung himself. Terrible death. But he left on side an unopened bottle of wine and sleeping pills for me to follow him (he took sleeping pills after the firing incident as the whole bullying went on).
This sad news has been circulating around the blogs and social networks, and it’s said the cause of death is suicide.
R.I.P. Wilfried Knight
James says
ed says
wow sad. I hope they are reunited in the heavens and be happy together. I feel for their family and friends who will be sad for a long time.
person says
Joder, no me lo puedo creer. Era uno de mis actores favoritos
dissi says
Clearly Jerry was his life. rip
paul says
ARE YOU KIDDING ME …this is getting to be a bit insane…there needs to be an outlet for people to reach out to…how many talented and amazing guys doing themselves in…I know that porn isn’t the glamorous life but if you are gonna have an industry with this kinda of outcome there should be a source of support..I am so sorry that this talented actor has felt that his only way out was to kill himself instead of ways of celebrating his partners life.. totally in shock
danny says
This is so sad. But I always have to wonder whenever someone decides to kill himself, didn’t friends/family notice any warning signs, behavior that was out of the ordinary? And my other thought is, maybe it’s not so great being a bigtime porn star. Things seem to go super for a few years, then the film appearances become few and far between, and soon it’s “Whatever happened to so and so?”
Rest In Peace, Wilifried. You will be missed.
Gordon says
This is a very sad story. They must have been battling severe depression. Too bad they could not find a medication or something to help them.
kyle says
sad???I remember him in Madonna’s mv
Tony says
This is very sad news to hear about Wilfred Knight committing suicide. There have been several gay porn actors to commit suicide recently. Sometimes looking from the outside, I envy gay porn stars like Jessy Ares, Alexander Garrett, Adam Killian, and others because they seem to be on the top of the world without having a care in the world. However, you never know what’s going on inside a person’s mind, soul, and heart. Depression is a very serious illness and there are many people in the U.S. suffering from some form of mental health disorder. I myself have dealt with depression dealing with my being black , Puerto Rican, gay, and alone. It’s taken several years to cope with my depression and I’ve come a long way. After watching Valerie Harper yesterday on the Doctor’s discussing her only having 3 months to live due to her having brain cancer. She was very upbeat with a positive aura, knowing she only has 3 months to live. I decided from this day on, I will live my life being happy, being very thankful for my health, being middle aged, being black, being gay, and being Puerto Rican. I’m not alone because God’s spirit lives inside me. I hope Wilfred Knight’s soul is at peace and his soul has gone on to glory. Dios te bendiga.
Roberto says
Fuck! He was one of my favourites. I like to watch porn occasionally but I can’t watch scenes now that contain guys who are no longer with us. It certainly is an epidemic and I question the combination of drugs, steroids and porn. Seems to be toxic.
Terrible that this beautiful man had no one close to him to see him through the darkness. The light does eventually come again if you can stick it out. If your in that dark place guys just stick it out. One day at a time. Soon the light will come back. Eat healthy, sleep, exercise, get some sun, reach out and connect, therapy and medication if necessary. What ever it takes but understand time is the main factor.
I am deeply in love with my partner and if he passed I don’t think I could replace him. I would be a merry widow to the end of my days. Shag around occasionally (he would want me to) but I couldn’t replace his love and wouldn’t want too. It seems to be a hetrosexual concept to be a widow but I would be ok with it. So RIP Wilfried. I hope your together in valhalla living an existence of love, light and happiness.
Darkhog says
We have lost another beautiful soul and brother. Wilfried is a wonderful man, and loved passionately every one and every thing he did. He’s like all of us, looking for happiness, and love. He found both and lose both, to the misunderstand of men, on their ideas, and procrastination of a person idea of who to love, and how love should be identified. We look for signs of a person whom has cut there live short, and the sign were there in his blog, about his lover, and what lead up to his death. We must learn to be careful how we choose our words, critisism is done with love, and bullying is done with selfiness, and generates hate. There has got to be a way to generate more love than hate. Wilfried followed his mate to a place where they could truly be together without judging, malice, or hate. I know this is sad, but he missed the only person whom he care and loved. But we are left behind to solder on, to carry the fight for equality, to live and love. I commend all of you comments, your thoughts, and your loses, for you blogged because you have lost a love one. My condolences to the family, friends and all of you here at Queer Me Now.
cal says
ridiculously sad. heartbreaking.
Chris Redfield says
What´s going on man? :/
Sandro says
RIP Wilfried Knight
I am so sad to read month after month gay porn stars are commiting suicide.
Guys, death is not the solution: please, take a deep breath, and then keep going on.
herbert says
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
In fresh grassy meadows he lets me lie,
leads me beside still waters
he restores my soul.
He guides me in the right path,
living up to its name.
While passing through a dark valley,
I will fear no evil,
for You are with me.
Your rod and your staff give me security.
I prepare a feast
in front of my enemies,
anoint my head with ointment
my cup overflows.
Your love and kindness follow me
all the days of my life;
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
for years without end.
whatthefuck says
I’m sorry for the lost… Sometimes I thinking why suicide are the way to let go all the problem? It not the way… You living with your own self… Why you need to think others perception about yourself… Why you need to afraid if someone call you a fag just because you are gay… If you happy with your life as gay, bi, or straight so carry on.. Don’t make others people judgement effecting your life… Be your self… Only God and you control yourself not others… Others just know to blame and blame… Don’t be afraid… Be strong as what you are… Let them do what they want to do as long you happy with your life… SUICIDE is not the way… Life was short… So be happy with your life and keep moving on… <3
sic says
Don’t write bullshit about depression, or porn. It had nothing to do with it!
I don’t see any good reason why most of gay guys are lacking of empathy. Maybe if you would stop think about people as sex objects you could see that they have feelings and big hearts! You’re just all sick – your hearts are stonecold! Pathetic. In this moment I wish I wasn’t gay, just to not be called like people representing everything that is worst in humans. You’re disgrace to humanity!
@herbert F** you and your god! He doesn’t exist so grow up!
Tom says
Unbelievably sad. RIP.
Pascal from France says
C’est horrible encore une porno star qui se suicide . Y a vraiment un gros problème à résoudre au plus vite là il y a urgence !!!!
J’écris en Français car Wilfried était bilingue et je préfère lui rendre hommage dans ma langue maternelle.
Je t’accompagne ou que tu sois Wilfried avec tout mon Amour.
Tray says
Gay porn stars deaths are becoming one too many. May he find peace.
Matias says
Oh no. I used to read his facebook page. Just the other day. He seemed genuine, loving, caring person.
Pticock1 says
Oh non pas toi !! Il avait l’air d’une force si tranquille, j’arrive pas à le croire…
Même après avoir lutter contre le cancer, je pensais pas qu’il en serait arriver là.
Repose en paix, tu nous manquera.
Marcos says
@sic you need help.
Billy Blue says
Whats Happenig wth good gay porn stars ? First Arpad Miklos, and now this.
Tony says
Sic, anyone that takes their life by committing suicide are mentally unstable at the time. I agree, with Marcos, you appear to need help. For us gays that do believe in God, we have a right to worship and practice our faith in the USA. May God have mercy on your soul during this lenten season because you seem to be a bitter human being. Please seek out some mental health counseling.
Pascal from France says
God has nothing to do with these suicides, human malice and stupidity yes!
Nobody is in the shelter one day falter and fall in depression sadness, nothing to do either with poor mental health. I had to share my two cancers and sometimes I am really tired of this shitty life and could go towards suicide and I’m not crazy!
I think Wilfried had his heart sorely tried …. I love it and will not forget.
charlie_jack says
Will make watching that really hot scene of Arpad Miklos as a married man fucking Wilfred Knight kinda horny but also very sad
Pascal from France says
@ Sic Merci pour ton message !
C’est bien vrai que les gays manque cruellement d’empathie, de compassion ne serait ce qu’un instant. Arreter de vomir des conneries et juste voir les choses avec le coeur simplement …Son blog est trés interressant surtout pour ces derniers messages, qui sont même déstabilisant sachant maintenant qu’il s’est lui aussi suicidé…
bills says
ok something is wrong….
first Erik, then Arpad, now Wilfried…
i was so in luv with them three……
i hope they are 2gether in heaven now…
DaddyCharles says
12 March 2013: Tuesday: I will pray to the Good Lord, to grant you eternal peace Mr. Wilfried Knight & Mr. Jerry Enriquez. We just lost Mr. Arpad Miklos on 5 Feb:2013 & may he rest in peace also. Dios te Bendiga!!!! Everyone has the right to believe in a higher power, or not to believe. We all have free will, to attend a church, or not to. I do not attend a church & believe the Good Lord hears our, ( my )prayers anywhere we have a mine to talk to Him!!! Everyone goes thru pain, I always read my coin when I m down. Quote: God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change things I can, and wisdom to know the difference: Unquote: I being a Gay Hispanic man, brings me a heavy cross to bear. Being labeled as Gay or Lesbian by most of the churches in the USA & worldwide as sinners, I have no need of any churches. May I address the rest of this message to Bobby Clark: We your loyal retired fans support & care very much for our number one Bobby Clark. We have to say, Lets get thru today & one day @ a time!!! Bobby hoping & praying you are in good health & have some good friends staying with you @ this time. Very Warm Regards: DaddyCharles
W says
What a shame to lose such a beautiful man. He was one who always seemed to be happy and truly enjoying his work, but I guess the reality was a bit different. For me, he was one of the hottest porn stars of all time… he just kept getting hotter and hotter, and he was up for just about anything – totally versatile. I just wish he had realized he had so much to live for, and shouldn’t have let his partner’s depression and suicide be the end of him as well.
Dave says
This is such a sad news, words cannot express how sad this is. My deepest sympathy to his loved ones.
rdw says
Very well said Tony and I feel you bro!
Tony says
Thanks, rdw.
Bfdu says
There is evidence that there is a strong copy cat effect with suicides. Ie depressed people read about others suicides and it puts thoughts in their heads and even makes them more depressed. I’m wondering if Mr Miklos’s recent death did that here.
I also wonder how much people would care if it wasn’t a “beautiful” man that had died. I never found this porn star attractive so it’s interesting to watch peoples reactioms from the sidelines.
JJ says
I don’t know what to say.Sad his pain consumed him.
alex says
he was a great actor, brilliant, charismatic, charming, incredibly handsome guy. It is unfortunate that he left us. I am shocked. I am very sad.