RAW FUCK BOYS porn site is about to release its 100th sex scenes and for this occasion it offers 50% off the 1-month membership. Check out some hot previews from these sex scenes: Cade Maddox fucks Ethan Lane bareback and Logan Carter fucks Riley Ross captured by hunky cameraman Spencer Daley.
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+ Cade Maddox Fucks Ethan Lane Bareback

+ Logan Carter, Riley Ross & Spencer Daley In A Sensual Seduction
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kaike30615 says
Is about time Cade Maddox get fucked raw and deep………. who are the candidates to do that horny job?
Scott says
Who’s the red headed blonde holding the videocam? I’m more turned on by him.
andrew says
Two of the hottest words in the English language are: Cade Maddox.
Jonathan says
That Camera man is hot af!!! more of him!
Liam says
Cade Maddox are hot with big dick but his scene boring as hell… It is he has no passion on his sex…
Scott says
Looks like Jason Sparks is stepping it up a notch! Nice job!
manworshipper says
I do not think Cade Maddox lacks passion….I just think he is so focused on fucking raw any ass he can get his beautiful cock into. Personally that is one of the qualities I look for in a man….I want him to take control, take what he wants and leave me in no doubt I have been fucked without mercy. I am a submissive bottom, I get my kicks from letting a guy use me for their pleasure whatever they want to do to me! It is how I am wired!