Fans can watch hunky gay porn stars Ricky Larkin and Draven Navarro fuck raw in two porn scenes this week. Ricky Larkin fucks muscle bottom Draven Navarro bareback in Raging Stallion’s Cake Shop movie. You can also watch Ricky and Draven in a bisexual 3-way from Devils Film.

+ Ricky Larkin Fucks Draven Navarro’s Muscled Butt Bareback In CAKE SHOP

+ Ricky Larkin, Draven Navarro & Audrey Miles Bisexual 3-Way Fuck Fest
Jose says
Que asco
Pascal says
RS is more interested in pushing their ‘controversial’ content than in making sure they get good performances from models: Ricky is dry as bone at RS whereas he’s covered in sweat at DF, at least in the trailer. I know which one I’d rather be watching (i.e. not the one where he’s going through the motions).
Yum says
Draven Navarro might looking even sexier with that hair on his perfectly sculpted body.
Peachykeen says
I’m tired of seeing these two paired up in scenes and to be honest Ricky seems more invested in his bi scenes than anything else. Their performances are just a snooze fest to me. I’m ready for some quality gay porn scenes? Will we ever find them??
Why ? says
Woman fucks with condom. Men without.
alex says
Stop pushing bisexual porn on us.
I have zero problem with bisexual porn. I just don’t want to see it on what has always been gay porn blog.
I’m close to blacklisting this site and never returning. I don’t want to see woman. I don’t want to see incest porn. And I don’t want to see human trafficking porn.
Cell says
For real. Do they know get that this is meant to be a GAY porn site? Gay is not a spectrum.
TJ says
This is whats happened due to social progressives forcing more inclusivity into LGBT society, if you don’t accept all forms of sexual identity within the community your suddenly a trump supporter and the enemy, even when you just want to come to a site to what use to be for 1 part of the whole LGBT community just for somewhere to jerk off.
J- says
This is gay porn site not a bisexual, stop posting bisexual Porn, you are the reason I don’t want to see Larkin and now is the same with Navarro
Super Marco Bros 3 says
Draven Navarro should just admit being bisexual by now. He made so many bisexual scenes. He seems to enjoy having sex with women quite too much to be gay. Sexuality is fluid. But not that fluid. Theres limits. Draven Navarro claims to be gay. He also keeps making bisexual scenes.
I dont think that he only makes bisexual scenes for money. I have a feeling that he have sex with women outside porn. So he is not gay. He is bisexual or sexually fluid. He looks like he could be a Kinsey 4 man. This is because of men like him that straight people thinks that all gay men are at least a bit into women sexually. Bisexual men and sexual fluid men should just say that they are bisexual instead of saying that they are gay.
Peachykeen says
I thought Draven Navarro was bisexual or in a relationship with a trans man. But that’s why I’ve loss my love for Riley Mitchel, Wesley Woods, Trent King, Arad Winwin and Thyle Knoxx. They all claim to be gay men and yet they all have and continues to shoot bisexual scenes and penetrate the woman in the scenes.
It was a fight to be able to express ourselves in gay porn w/out backlash and and these guys portray a message that’s dangerous. They allow people to see that their gayness can fluctuate and that it’s really all a choice. They conform to pressures of heterosexuality because of their masculinity. It’s toxic. Then when their fans question their actions, they cry out “no I’m 100% gay, I did it for the money”.
They could turn down those scenes and yet here they are. There are so many damn gay sites out here to book with so that’s no excuse. One of them even rationalizes S4P and sees nothing wrong at all.
Super Marco Bros 3 says
Straight porn should also have bisexual scenes with men having sex with both genders. Just to be fair. Mostly when you know that many gay men watch straight porn. Why gay men are the only ones who have to accept bisexual scenes on gay blogs ?
If there was bisexual scenes showing men having sex with men in straight porn,straight men would be pissed and they would complain about it just the same way as gay men who see bisexual scenes on gay blogs. Gay men have to be calm about opposite sex scenes in gay porn blogs,but straight men are allowed to oppose male same sex scenes in straight porn blogs. Its unfair that straight men have a pass and gay men dont. This is the power of straight privilege. Its fucked up. The double standard is obvious.
Ericthefag says
Most people commenting here seem to only have an issue with the bi porn being shown here. My disgust is with Ricky Larkin wearing the despicable MAGA hat in the first picture. Why would he wear such a hat knowing well what it represents…? I am so disgusted by him. It is bad enough that I see homophobes wearing those hats every day. I don’t want to see anything trump-related on my gay porn. Shameful.
Peachykeen says
I thought that too. The MAGA hat is ridiculous. Even to use it as a tool for a parody of sorts is stupid but let’s be honest, Larkin will do anything for some attention and some cash.
manu says
Draven Navarro is engaged to a trans man ( recently transitioned, he first was with her when she was a dominatrix butch woman), so he is bisexual, I don’t know where Super marco gets his information from, it’s nonsense as usual.
Niles says
First of all, why do the weirdos on here insist on analyzing porn actors’ sexuality off screen? You do know that porn isn’t real, don’t you, and that it is just a fantasy, don’t you? Of course you don’t, because you are weirdos.
Second of all, how does Ricky Larkin announce on Twitter one day that he has severe depression and has had a stroke – for which everyone expresses their sympathy and concern; and then the next day there is no mention at all of the drama? He’s shown working out at the gym, all jolly and healthy. That is a sick manipulation of his fans.
Ljot says
I think you all should stop thinking about porn star’s personal and professional sex lives. And losing interest in one of them just because he did/does bi porn too is pretty pointless. Snap out of it, please.