This is a very sad news. Former Falcon exclusive gay porn star Roman Heart passed away. R.I.P. He died last year at the age of 33 but no one in the adult industry knew until last night. That’s when people started sharing this sad news.
Roman Heart started his porn career in 2004 in Studio 2000’s movie Flesh (the same movie as late Erik Rhodes). He then became a famous Falcon exclusive gay porn star from 2015 to 2011.
Chad Hunt
Trent Atkins
Wolf Hudson
?I’m shook! This is heartbreaking. We came up around the same time in porn in the mid 2000s. He was a gentlemen, sweet…
Posted by Wolf Hudson on Wednesday, August 12, 2020
TheRealestTea says
It is your own choice to due porn, don’t blame it on your fans. Take accountability, seek help and treatment, and find a new career. Stop wanting sympathy. We all deal with problems everyday.
Freddie says
The best thing you could’ve done was be quiet but you decided to be an asshole when no one needed
Ohlatin says
He was my favorite pornstar. We were the same age. I’m very heartbroken. Why are we just finding out about this if he died last year?
Owen Mitch says
Stop watching porn if you not showing respectful to the porn stars.
Bruce says
You sir, and I use the very lightly, are a grade A ASS. You should learn the showing a little compassion when someone dies is what you should do.
Anony says
His point is that such a large portion of consumers are like you and lack even the most basic sense of empathy. You probably don’t know what it’s like to actually suffer from something like depression and you most certainly don’t know what it was like for his case. Stop oversimplifying the answers and stop acting like you know anything. The only obvious “choice” here was your moronic decision to demonstrate how seriously sad and basic you are
apolodorus says
Being silent is free, asshole.
magno rizzo says
yeah…. stop wanting sympathy right? this basic human need.
thank you for giving a vivid example of what Chad Hunt said.
The One says
Yes porn stars should take accountability but the problem with posting this at this time is that this man has lost his life. Now needs to be a time of condolence, reflection and support. Not anger and insensitivity.
We don’t know if it was drug usage or not that contributed to his death. What we do know is that if drugs were a heavy presence, it could’ve been from something else that was going on in his past or present.
He was a talented performer and he provided many of us with years of quality adult entertainment. I’m sure just like his family and friends, his fans will miss him too.
Damian says
Go fuck yourself TheRealestTea. Or is it impossible for you to manage a few seconds of kindness?
WK says
Fuck off you insensitive douche
I see that people have taken you to task for being honest. Too bad. Depression,drug abuse is everywhere in every profession,he didn’t die from doing gay porn,he died from abusing drugs.
Branz says
Who was blaming fans for performers doing porn? I thought Chad summed it up best by describing sociopaths such as yourself that don’t view adult performers as human beings who are just searching for love and want to be treated like normal people.
Advocate for Pornstars says
Yes, we all deal with problems that’s right! But, all of us that watch porn and see images of these boys or men on the screen make us forget that these are real living people who seek the same things in life as we all do. Love, affection, acceptance etc…But, when they die due to whatever it is we take no time in throwing shade and shame upon them! Remember, that these people were someone’s son, brother, nephew etc…have some shame before you make such comments. Let me ask you this! If you were dealt his cards of life and you ended up dead and people commented like you did would your family and friends feel? How would your soul feel? Shame on you and hope you think twice before opening your mouth to comment again!
RIP! Roman Heart (Garrett) ♥️
Anthony says
Thank you for showing that everything Chad Hunt had to say was 100% correct about how we, as a society, treat adult film stars. Clearly, you enjoy the genre because one didn’t find their way to this page by mistake. Another self loathing gay who loves to admire the physical beauty of certain members of our community but degrades and vilifies our actions. What a patheic, cowardly person you are.
John says
Sad news. I remember him being so hot when he first started doing porn but then he started to waste away.
He was so excited to start filming and said he always wanted to film porn. He was great. It’s a shame how rampant drug use was on those sets and parties.
Robert Alvarez says
What a damn shame Roman Heart died.
I remember him, and Chad Hunt, when I first began watching porn. I do not recall titles, offhand, but I think it is safe to say I enjoyed what I saw.
Also, I AM quite moved by Chad Hunt’s words; it was heart-opening and eye-opening, too.
Interestingly enough, I follow a few Gay porn models on Twitter, and it is through several of their posts that I do not think of them as objects, although I shall not deny that I find so many of them utterly yummy, but I also find that I like them as people, too. In any event, it is a shame Roman Heart died.
Does anyone know how he died? For example, did he die while driving his car?
Avi says
Suicide ,its pretty obvious
So sad
Ken says
Chad’s rant about “fans” is foolish… porn is a job. If you don’t like the business and all the ups and downs, don’t get in the biz! Also, models put them out in the public for a fee, so of course there will be a new guy that will turn heads.. that is life and the business. All that being said… I hate to see any life cut short, however, I don’t see any reason given as how he died. If it an accident, that is very sad for him & his loved ones. However, if was through “hard living & poor choices”… wake people, your decisions will impact your quality/length in life.
J says
You are coming off like a wee bit of a shit. Perhaps, just perhaps, you might want to go cultivate a bit of empathy. There is a time & a place for performative dickishness…this is not that time & this is not that place.
zodac says
What shocking news! I loved Roman Heart in every of his movies. He was so cute and such a nice guy, even in the behind-the-scenes-material on some DVDs. He was and will always be one of my favourites, not only because he was so handsome, I think he was a markable character, too. I’m very sad and wish he would be free now, wherever he may are. To me you’ll always be one of the brightest stars.
Josh says
Porn is often a rough lifestyle that can mess with your head I’m sure. I agree with several of the comments here that Chad shouldn’t blame the consumer. If you want to come out of porn relatively intact…, you have to have discipline. There are a lot of pitfalls in the profession, just as there are a lot of pitfalls in being a gay male. If you read between the lines of Chad’s statement, it’s seems his demise was brought on by self harm of some sort. Yes Chad…, porn stars are objectified…, that’s what you’re there for. And you’re no more scrutinized than any other person who in today’s world puts themselves out there on social media.
juun says
He was so hot, reminded me of the 90s gay porn stars when He started doing porn, he looked like superman, r.i.p
James says
Not sure I understand a rant that claims what a person chooses to do for his living is a torture to be endured owing to mean customers. Not sure I follow that line of reasoning at all. Don’t like your job? Quit? Don’t like the work conditions? Quit. There’s a million pretty boys ready to fill your spot. No one ever said Porn was easy or promised you eternal spa days; most studies of the adult film business show it is far less glamorous than folks imagine starting with the fact that adult performers do not earn royalties on their films, even though a single film may be played and downloaded thousand of times per year. It’s the studios who reap the profits, not the models So a person has to be either addicted to the lifestyle (which tends to have a very high young burn-out rate) beyond hope, or so incredibly naive he can’t grasp the problems. Meanwhile, the show goes on.
That’s show biz.
David Estrada Correa says
My heart is sad, very sad. Roman Hart was one of the most beautiful men who had everything and lost everything. His death so early hurts in my soul, as has happened to many of the porn stars who have filled our lives with magic, illusion and beautiful moments. I hug his family and friends and raise a prayer for him. Rest in peace, divine angel, dear Roman Hart.
Fred says
Roman Heart was one of my early porn crushes, he had everything i looked fopr in a pornstar and he gave me loads of pleasure when i was in need. It is also sad that such a sexy, cute man couldn’t find real love. May he rest in piece and thank you roman for being there on my screen when I was in need.
Voiceofreason says
Chad Hunt’s post ring of sincere pain over the loss of a friend. However, I think it is quiet a shame that he blames the fans and the industry for Roman’s demise. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows that the porn world is filled with objectification, shallowness, drugs, and social stigma. Roman chose to enter and live in that world. My ex was a big name pornstar. I struggled with his career but I loved him unconditionally. He left the porn world for me. But his need for attention and affirmation porn gave him caused him to become depressed and that ultimately ended us. I was by far a loving and committed partner. In my opinion, years of living in the porn world took a toll on him and I hope that he finds the happiness he longs for.
Fred says
I wish Chad would start escorting again. I miss that big fat dick. If you can still get it up Chad, and are reading this, give me a holla.
ZZ says
A truly absurd comment considering the topic of the article.
Barry says
Very sad! Another handsome sexy talented guy gone. I always enjoyed Roman’s work. After he retired I occasionally googled him to see what was up with him.
RIP Roman! ?
Mac says
Porn legend. He has the look of Hollywood gay porn star. He was from the golden era of gay porn. Really sad that many of those legends struggle in real life.
Sanahkan says
It’s a dangerous thing, porn business.
Avi says
Why so many pornstars kill themselves?
Its should stop!
So sad 🙁
guillermo says
it’s a very sad new. i have issues and a lot of times i feel alone; i am the same age as him… i understand everything what chad said. When i discovered porn i get obssesed by Erik Rhodes, Matthew Rush and Roman Heart; and yeah, maybe at the begining i objetifed them as well… but when i discovered Erik Rhodes’s MySpace and later his blog… well, he changed my mind. I had Chronical Depression at that time and that illness is a total bitch, maybe the worst part is nobody can understand u, u cant even stand yourself many times, you just feel un-happy (no necessarily sad), empty and meanless all the time, hearing a voice in your head telling you world would be better without you… maybe for normal people Erik was just a complaining bitch, but he was the first person i can relate with due to my problems. And yeah, be trated as a objet is terrible, when i was in my early 20’s i had a great body (inspired by them) i used to think it would help me to find love… it didn’t, i met a lot of sexy guys at the time, but when i called back they were like: “dude, i already had you, i dont care about you anymore”. they acusse of being soft, too kind and sentimental; good for sex because of my body, but no for a relatioship. That was very hurtful.
i guess what i am trying to say is pornstars are people, just because they have sex in front of a camera (for money, pleasure or company) doesnt mean they dont have feelings or Hearth. WE dont have the right to judge them since we jerk off with their scenes, we all have sexual desires (if not, why are you watching porn?) and we all have feelings.
Rest in pace, Roman Heart. You were one of my first crushes.
Robert says
OMG! I’ve enjoyed many of his videos, just like Erik Rhodes’. R
I.P. Garrett! 🙁
RomanHeartFan says
He is my all time favorite porn star. I hope he rests in peace. Can’t believe he’s the same age as me. WOW
Criss Cunningham says
Just because they do porn does not mean they don’t have feelings if they are struggling we need to be there for them have love compassion like Jesus did on the cross for all of us.
Dan says
Oh man this is so sad. I loved Roman Heart and always hoped he would make a comeback. I know he had his struggles but was hoping he was on a better path. RIP Roman.
DeanD says
Roman Heart was a beautiful man, sculpted from marble and delivered by the gods of sex. I can’t speak to his personal life but as a performer he was one of my favorites. Pair him with a huge cock and you’d have gold! He’s left an iconic catalogue of hot scenes that I hope he was proud of. He will be missed.
Favorite scene: Roman Heart & Rafael Alencar
Glyph says
It’s very sad news.
But I don’t understand Chad Hunt’s reaction. If he was really so close to him, why is he just finding out now that Roman is dead when he died a year ago? And why should he blame (of all people!) Roman’s fans? And why should he object to fans treating Roman like an object when that’s what porn is all about?
Mark Sumner says
This is very sad news, and sadly we loose too many adult performers long before their time. I don’t think that it is us as viewers that make them “stars” put the Production/publishing companies who should also do more to support their stars emotional requirements.
Tim says
So Chad Hunt was treated like an objectified piece of meat who Roman Heart lusted after and threw himself at? Wow! That is some ego especially for someone that looks like that. And even putting himself in the same breath as Roman when it comes to him being the ultimate sexual fantasy? Didn’t they ban the sale of dog meat in China? Cause for Chad that’s pretty much as good as it’s gonna. Maybe horse cause of how he’s hung which I guess the weirdo size queens wouldn’t mind ??but with being hung also comes the actual horse face. Get the fuck over yourself. You were mentioned by some porn star planted by Michael Lucas when Ricki Lake had Billy Brant on & ever since you’ve totally let it get to your head. You ain’t even on a 40+ year old Billy Brants level NOW even in your “prime” so to put yourself in the same sentence as Roman Heart? And nobody’s aged worse than Billy Brant mind you. But yeah, sure ?????Whatever makes you sleep at night!
STFU says
People like you are the problem.
Niles says
“Realest Tea” you need to seek help for your anger issues and vicious streak. But what is most frightening about you is your utter hypocrisy, a hypocrisy that is shared with so many trash people who watch and read about porn but consider themselves somehow superior. You know who is superior? Those that produce porn and star in it for your enjoyment – as opposed to those who watch it for free but yet cannot wait to cast derision on these people. You are thieves and the worst sort of human beings.
Moai says
Probably many of those now crying over another dead pornstar are the same who make fun of Arad’s dick or the looks of whoever… Show more love and respect for those porn workers. Obviously many of them struggle with many problems. They don’t need your unnecessary hate in addition. “Roman” was one of my first porn crushes… what a beautiful man he was. May he find his peace.
dio says
it’s interesting that so many are interpreting chad hunt’s critique as somehow “blaming the customer.” i found the thrust of his message to be about something that has been, in my opinion, a problematic dynamic with respect to men who are porn consumers. many tend to view people who perform in porn as lesser than themselves – losers who don’t deserve the respect that they would give to any person who is not in porn (in fact, some of the responses that have been written here demonstrate that point quite well). i’ve always found this somewhat perverse (pun not intended). does anyone think that if your neighbor or work colleague or even family member knew the degree to which you watch porn or the type of porn you watch that many wouldn’t feel the same way about you – that you are some type of degenerate that is lesser than them? of course, you’re not, nor, i believe, should you feel that way about the men who provide you with the hours of viewing pleasure that you’ve enjoyed for many years. i’m not sure many of us would deal well with people constantly barraging us with negative comments or condemnation for who we are regardless of the profession. it is sad that even a man’s death can’t stem the tide for some to criticize. i just encourage people to think about the fact that these men are human beings first.
STFU says
Hallelujah! One of the few sane comments on here! Thank you!
MW09 says
Wonderfully stated. We all need to have more empathy and respect for each other. May Roman RIP.
Seaguy says
Well said. They think just because they paid for a video (if they paid) that they own the star and they treat them like they’re disposable.
Glenn says
I think that Chad is just speaking from his heart and describing what Roman felt in his life. I do not see it as blaming anyone.
Ed says
Chad Hunt says it all for me, I feel his pain. Over the years, I have enjoyed correspondence with several stars, and I have found as pen pal friendships develop, they end up going silent on me, despite my always being respectful. I think from many of the unprofessional comments some of you have written here, I can understand why! Those of us with good manners end up suffering because of those fans/viewers who lack them. In this era of electronic communication and blogs they are scrutinized and criticized unfairly in ways, men of John Holmes and Al Parker wouldn’t have been. Understandably many porn stars have learned to trust very few people due to being hurt over and over again. RIP, Roman you will never be forgotten. I include Erik Rhodes, he once replied to an email or two and I found him to be nothing less than a gentleman. Chad etc, all included. Stay safe Chad, you and several others, will always have a brotherly place in my heart.
Kevin Jones says
RIP Roman Heart. Condolences to our friends and family.
Seaguy says
Met him once while camping in Eastern WA. He came over from Seattle with a friend. He was a nice guy, as good looking in person as he was on screen. I know he had struggled with substance abuse. Sad to hear he’s gone.
Leamon says
That guy had a real star quality in the day, before the crack pipe took over. It bothers me as a porn consumer that the guys who do it are often from a low socio economic background with limited options. Hunt makes a valid point regarding how readily the fan base disposes of performers. It’s difficult to find out what happens to them once they disappear and I can only deduce it’s because nobody wants to know.
Scott says
This makes me so sad. Roman/Garrett was one of my first porn crushes. Every scene I watched him in was scorching hot. What a beautiful face, body, cock and ass. I’m so sorry he had struggles for so many years. Just looking at the number of comments on this post says a lot about how many fans he has. I’ll miss you Roman.
Chad Hunt says
I applaud those of you who have shown empathy and the emotional mature to understand my words.
Certainly personal responsibility plays a substantial part in a persons life but those who all to well understand the disease of addiction know how triggers and our relationships with people play an intragul part as well.
Many of you understood how it wasn’t fans, anything or anyone I blamed. The “you”, I spoke of has been evidenced here by many.
I honestly hope those here who were grotesquely cruel and showed indifference and irrelevance towards Garrett’s death never have the same happen to them nor seen by their families.
Someone asked why were we just finding out now a year later. I suggest you read the comments to underdtand why family and love ones may have kept things quiet to grieve in peace.
Pornograhy as an art form is so people can vicariously live out fantasy perhaps otherwise may be unobtainable. We put ourselves out into the world for your enjoyment and sexual release among other reasonings. I assure you, we do not do so to be objectified, treated less than others in society, or have our person or relationships disrespected.
To all those individuals who understand and respect the differences between fantasy, reality, and the characters we play, thank you so much for your love, respect, and fandom.
We appreciate you.
Ed says
Likewise Chad, the majority of people here, appreciate you, and other names we have come to take into our hearts over the years. You are one star amongst many who will always shine and live on in our hearts.
Stevie Desmond says
Roman came to Bounce Nightclub in Cleveland to perform. He was sweet and and easy going and I had so much with him. God Bless and fly high baby. So sad.
Stevie Desmond says
Roman came to Bounce Nightclub in Cleveland to perform. He was sweet and and easy going and I had so much fun with him. God Bless and fly high baby. So sad.
William says
I am so heartbroken! He was one of the most beautiful boys I’ve ever seen. May he rest in peace.
andy says
Roman Heart was a Beautiful Bottom in the Porn Industry……almost in the likes of Joey Stephano with an ass that Everyone wanted to get in. Every scene partner was eager to bury their face between those sweet melons and eat for hours before they mounted him. Chad Hunt certainly gave him inches of pleasure with very deep fucking. Beautiful body to go along with a handsome face.