Earlier this month, I posted a Q & A video clip of porn stars Scott Hunter and Rogan Richards. Too bad some parts of the video were corrupted during recording. But I have a good news, Scott managed to recover around 80% of the material from the interview. You can now watch 22-minute video where Rogan and Scott answer questions from their fans below.
You can read more about it on Scott Hunter’s blog. Scott is also looking for hot guys to shoot sex scenes with for his new project The Hunter Diaries.
For some behind the scenes story, read this Rogan Richards’ last article. He wrote about his time shooting with Tim Tales website and working with hot guys like Diego Lauzen, Wagner Vittoria, David Avilla, Tommy Hawk and the scene I’m looking forward to see is the one between Rogan and hottie Veles.
Don’t forget to check out Scott’s latest scene from Alpha Males, Scott Hunter bottoms for Tom Wolfe.
Ask Rogan – The Recoverd Edition
Christmas Message 2013
+ Read Rogan Richards’ Article: Tim Tales Rocks!
Here is Rogan Richards’ response to comments from previous post:
As I have a hard on for Queer me Now and like to interact with his readers I thought id try and clarify a few things.
Mark647 – yes I’m single.
peeps – I’ve never said I’m a spokesperson for anything, I’ve chosen a career that is very public where I share my body, art, thoughts and life experiences. What you take from that is up to you.
I only repeat myself about my sexuality because people continue to keep asking me the same questions.
Who you fuck doesn’t indicate how manly someone is. The fact that you said that only means that YOU think that guys who fuck girls are manlier than gay men and you’re very mistaken.
And I would assume anyone with half a brain (no offense mate) that heard me say I’m gay cause I listen to gay music would know I was being silly. What’s gay music? There’s no such thing!
Lastly my farts are lethal so watch out!George – Scott is as beautiful on the inside as he is sexy on the out, a real gentleman. And man, is sex off the scale with his arse!
MarcoManuel – I work in the sex industry mate – its my job to provide a service to who ever is paying, in my case if its male or female. I’m extremely comfortable and secure with my sexuality, it just seems because I don’t fit into YOUR idea of what sexuality is you can’t accept that. Every one’s different mate. How can I be an ALPHA male and see myself as weak at the same time as a gay man? I assume you’re not an ALPHA and prob have had some bad experiences with bullies or mean boys that you’ve mistaken as alphas.
“Ceeemm – Scott Hunter has no self-respect if he hangs out with this self-hating homophobe!” – I just had to re-quote this – its fkin priceless!
Sxg – cheers mate.
It seems it doesn’t matter that I love men and like everyone else hope one day to find a man to spend the rest of my life with. This all comes down to ignorance. Because I represent a lifestyle or do things that they do not understand or agree with I am ridiculed and attacked. This kind of social treatment has always been in humanities history. And it seems it always will be.For me, what’s important is to show guys like me, who might walk to a different beat – don’t let the oppressive fags with a chip on their shoulder convince you that there’s anything wrong with you. Always be true to yourself and believe in yourself. As long as you are not disrespecting or hurting anyone else you dance to your own beat and live life to the fullest!
…and tell em Rogan Richards told you so! (wink)
Here is Scott Hunter’s response to comments from previous post:
Hi guys,
My turn….
Firstly, apologies, my website is moving to a more adult-friendly host so bare with me while I move it having spent months rebuilding it.
Secondly, I want to thank Rogan for coming to see me. I never thought when I started out that I would even be approved by the studios, let alone that other people would want to watch me.
Almost as soon as I started out in porn, I started talking with Rogan and we kept in touch pretty frequently for the last 18 months or so.
When Men at Play actually asked if we could film together, I jumped at the fact and I won’t lie, mainly, it was because Rogan is like one the most ideal types of guys for me.
What you should know is that my opinion and feelings are my own, everyone has their own tastes and beliefs.
My belief was that Rogan was, to me, the ideal alpha male, rough, muscular, knew what he wanted and is ready to just use a guy and get himself off then cast him aside or at least just roll over and wait till he needs to fuck another hole again.
When I worked with him, as soon as he walked in the door of the studio, we could feel the chemistry, we instantly liked each other and it felt like wed known each other for ages. The scene itself proved that, like an explosion of chemistry.
Rogan joked that he would come and see me in Chester and do something for my website to help me and I thought he was kidding but he wasn’t. He actually did.
We get on so well its almost strange but Im totally at ease with him and if you’ve watched the very short bit of Ask Rogan that I could save, you’ll see how much we got on.
In all the time Ive done films and from the 48 scenes Ive made so far, not ONE guy that Ive worked with has visited me and my partner in Chester, until Rogan did.
He went out of his way to fit me into his manic schedule, spend 2 days with us and help me with my site, we discussed web design, hosting, marketing, we even discussed the naivety and lack of eduction amongst gay men toward sexual health issues!
Some of you guys don’t like the fact that Rogan identifies with being gay yet will still fuck a woman. I can understand that you may have an issue with that but from my perspective, when I clarified it, Rogan falls in Love with MEN, he enjoys the company of men and he wants to be intimate with MEN. Yes he will fuck a woman for money or if he is horned up and wants to offload…that doesn’t mean he is bisexual or a trator in my eyes. If someone is only attracted ro on a physical and emotional level, men, that to me, makes him gay. All of this is pretty irrelevant really, its a label, what he does in his life is his business.
As for me being stupid for wanting to spend time with him. Well, Rogan is equally interested in health and fitness as me, we have that in common too, we have very similar ambition and hopes and to me, yes, he is physically a truly amazing specimen of a man but thats MY opinion.
Not only that though, through things he has said to me, the time that we’ve spent together and the chemistry we have together, I enjoyed spending time with him because of one very simple reason. Because, he is just a bloody NICE GUY.
In this industry and the gay world in general, there is a lot of back-stabbing, two-faced people and if you’re not careful you can end up in a mess. There are less people than I can count on one hand who I have worked with that actually want to spend time with me as a friend and me with them, Rogan is one of them.
I totally respect you having your own opinions but please guys, this guy is a lovely man to me and I would personally appreciate it if you could just give him a break every now and then, he works really hard, as do I just to get by and a little kindness doesn’t cost too much.
OK, thats my rant over but I hope you enjoy seeing us together anyway, we do make a pretty good team!
Thanks guys
+ Tom Wolfe Fucks Scott Hunter
+ Rogan Richards Fucks Diego Lauzen and Wagner Vittoria
+ How Rogan Richards & Scott Hunter Spent Their Time Together
John says
I didn’t even know Richard was British.
QMN says
@John Rogan Richards is Australian.
Matias says
The chemistry between these two guys is so obvious. Hot guys.
Donna says
Are they together? They seem like it.
dee says
has scott ever topped?
ed says
I prfer Rogan when he had a normal body. Did anyone ask why he decided to bulk up so much? Its too bad since he was super hot before. Now he’s too roid up.
Darkhog says
I am a huge fan of Scott and Rogan. The chemistry between the two in the interview was so strong between them that they could have forgone the interview and went straight to the sex. lol Seriously guys, does it really matter that what a man does as a straight, gay, gay for pay, man does on film really matters as long as he gives a good performance? Or respect a person for there sexual preferences? The fact that I enjoy looking at men preforming sex on film, or looking at all kinds of men, who cares if they are gay or straight. Before we even knew the difference of this, didn’t we enjoy the beauty of the male body? Then what changed in the reason that made this such a topic of discussion all the time? Rogan is the most honest, handsome, and easiest man to get along with, and Scott is so open, friendly, very personable. Like I said, two of my favorite guys.
dereck says
love, loove these guys
they are bloody confident which I like to see in gay guys as the self hating thing is extremely tiresome.
I don’t understand why people hate on Rogan for shagging girls. If he fucks and kisses guys like that there is no way he can claim the straight team.
kevin1012 says
I agree with @ ED. ROGAN was a very attractive, before deforming your body with excessive physical work man. Because these men do not put a limit? … Do not look in the mirror?.
sxg says
@Ed maybe because he wants to? He’s not competing for any bodybuilding or physique competition AFAIK so it’s his own personal choice on how big he gets. I don’t think he’s gotten too big to the point it becomes sickening like Zeb Atlas at his largest, the dude still carries himself well and keeps his body lean but muscular.
Alias74 says
TWO hotties…I’d gladly get DP’d and ATM swallow their loads!
Good show, boys!
manu says
ROgan is hot I hope to see him bottoming soon, hopefully for Cutler X
Jeff says
RR I can take or leave…I generally find strong Australian accents off-putting, but that’s just me. The one interesting thing here is that Scott has a partner–I had always thought he was single.
Jeff says
One more thing….as for him having sex on both sides of the street & yet saying he is on our side of the street, he’s probably a moderately high 4/extremely low 5 on the Kinsey scale, since to have intimate relations with a woman or use them to get your rocks off–which Scott alluded to in what he wrote–there has to be a certain degree of physical attraction. In the end, he can term himself however he likes, and more power to him.
jane43 says
My not deceive me, rogan and scott are straight (gay4pay). I am disappointed because it answers the questions of his sexuality in a confusing way, this is a men straight answers.
JC25 says
a person can never say he’s gay, when you have physical atraccción, for money or any other reason that attracts the opposite sex, I think that is wrong.
I am gay and I never would have sex with a woman for money or for anything better he would ask people money before going to bed with a girl.
Rogan is Straight, bisexual person tends to have a girl better than a boy I have so many friends.
Please say to clarify their sexuality say it’s because the gay and sleeps with girls, that’s not really gay and I am offended by what he said believes that gay women slept together. wrong and I really do not like Rogan.
mark henny says
Rogan is a bit ‘ Bejewled” for my liking but…..He is Scorchin’ HOT! I’d let him pound me for HOURS! Preferably in front of a crowd of spectators!
sxg says
lol Jane seriously get real Rogan is not straight, and Scott is DEFINITELY NOT straight either. Scott has a boyfriend and he’s a handsome guy. Rogan has publicly dated guys, he’s even put instagram pics of his former boyfriends, or boytoys.
pornobb says
Rogan is the He-Man of porn.
Wallow says
I still don’t like rogan either this is what makes the gay community have a bad name.