This is awesome news. Gay porn star Sean Ford is featured in V Magazine, The Thought Leaders Issue. He discusses voting, politics, abolishing the police, and more. You can read the article here. This weekend you can also watch Sean Ford getting fucked by Rhyheim Shabazz’s huge cock bareback in the hot 1 hour 20 minutes long sex tape they released on JustFor.Fans and OnlyFans.
“I think where our voting power can really be applied and felt is in local and congressional elections. If we devote a lot of our energy toward more local political agendas, it can be felt more immediately by people who need to be uplifted in our political system. If politicians aren’t afraid enough of us, things tend to stay the same. So, I think we need to engage in more direct action and confront politicians to their faces.
Read: The Thought Leaders Issue: Sean Ford [V Magazine]

WATCH: Rhyheim Shabazz’s JustFor.Fans | Sean Ford’s OnlyFans
+ Check Out Gay Porn Stars & Hot Guys’ Sex Tapes On JUSTFOR.FANS
JR says
“So, I think we need to engage in more direct action and confront politicians to their faces”…..
CK says
Tom says
did I read the whole article or is there more? abolish policing and prisons ? sounds like a very anarchic world, its tough enough walking some neighbourhoods and cities. Communism never worked in Russia for many years, the people suffered more under communist rule than the Csars……We dont need a revolution, we just need to be kinder.
kevin says
kinder police? oh my? really? thoughts from alice in wonderland
Nicholas Ramirez says
He’ll be the first dialing 911 when the newly released homophobic serial killers set up camp in his neighborhood.
kevin says
i see the keyboard thought police have come out in droves.. defunding the police will not let serial killers out…is there some basis for this claim?
Nicholas Ramirez says
Read the article. He believes in abolishing prisons.
Dino says
LOL. Somebody fucked him senseless.
Trevor St Pierre Vanderbilt says
Rhyheim Shabazz a this point is just so tiresome to watch.. the same formula all over..
SweetIdaloo says
Love Rhyheim. He’s the only real Total Top on justforfans. The others are bottoms posing as Tops.
hornobo says
Dommi says
He should stick to just being a porn star!
Fizo says
Porn has lost all it’s creativity they basically always do the same thing, am I the only one that likes his porn with a storyline?
Dino says
LOL. Somebody fucked him senseless.
Michael says
It’s more interesting that he is described as being an actor, not performer or shockingly adult film star. Does having an opinion automatically make you a thought leader? If so I would be a CEO.
airbrushed says
These white porn stars who only engage in bottom porn with Black porn stars are all fake. Just do your day job!