SLAM RUSH is the new bareback gay porn website from the team behind Fraternity X and Sketchy Sex. So check it out if you like raw orgy / gang bang videos. In the latest scene “R0ad K1ll”, bottom boy Broc gets gang-banged bareback by Damien Stone, Michael Roman, Aiden Ward, and Sebastian (that hot guy who fucked Clark Parker back in 2017).
Every couple days I crush up a bottle of addy’s. I look for vulnerable young dudes. End of the road kind. I find em, slam em, & breed em. You don’t like it… Go fuck yourself. Plenty of us wanna see this shit.

I saw this cute like skater boy on the corner, ragged clothes and it looked like his street life was starting to set in. I lapped around a few times, see-ing him get more and more hopeless each time before making my offer. There is a desperate look you get. Broc had it all over him. You have to wait for it before pushing them to what you want.
andrew says
WARNING! Imitating Slam Rush may cause prison sentences.
Q. says
I’m disapointed in your website for promoting this. You do realize that they try to fetishize and “normalize” the use of hard, illegal drugs, right ? There’s nothing “hot” about watching people throw away their health one seringe at a time, and I would have thought you’d label this at the very least as “highly controversial”. As for the creators, Sketchy Sex was trashy enough, but this is just plain gross.
Chupanibre19 says
Okay, I noticed some shit that seriously bothered me. As someone who is a recovering drug addict (and knows TONS of ex heroin/meth/crack addicts), the preview video really fucking pissed me off.
Normally, I wouldn’t buy this shit for a SECOND! But after watching the beginning about three times, one thing is clear. The man behind the camera is injecting drugs (most likely meth), into this kids arm.
Hence why he tells him to lift his arm up afterwards. Not only that, but if you stare straight at his eyes, you can see them do a quick dilation (a sort of “pupil seizure”, if you will).
So someone out their decided they would be “creative” and legitimately inject a kid with drugs (who also clearly has TRACK MARKS on his arm), get him so high that he doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing, gangbang him, and put it on the internet for everyone to see?!?
We too often read about pornstars/celebrities (and most likely people we know) dying of drug overdoses. I know that “meth porn” is a thing, but like…seriously…WHAT. THE. FUCK?
Everyone has their kinks. I know I’ve looked at some weird shit before too. I just never thought it would become something so “mainstream”. I always thought that stuff like this had to be found in the deep dark web!
I am not trying to be a boner killer. I am just trying to say that I am mad and most of all SAD to see something like this filmed for people to PAY to see. Sooooo many people struggle with addiction, and if this dude clearly was ‘off the street’ (or even if he wasn’t), he was clearly given drugs (and yes I know, we have all seen poppers in porn), and it’s just…I don’t even know. It’s not right.
I don’t want to argue with anyone. I just want people to know that there is help for people like this and that people struggle with this every minute of every day of their lives. We shouldn’t be glorifying it just to bust a nut!
Manbearpig says
U’re promoting a website that normalizes and glorifies taking advantage of individuals who r down on their luck and r in very vulnerable positions. U should delete this post immediately otherwise u’re no better than the creators of that website. This shit just isn’t okay, it’s an epidemic in our community that needs to be dealt with not celebrated.
Chupanibre19 says
I’m glad no one has come on here to “defend” this type of shit yet. It really is disturbing, despicable, and sad.
Why promote this stuff? Who does this benefit besides OTHER users who are into this??
david says
STOP promoting the drug culture!
Jake says
This is so fucking awful. As a young guy recovering from a meth addiction, this makes me so sad. Something like this happened to me in a way, although way less glorified. Some older guy saw a desperate and young naive kid, with a fuck ton of insecurities issues, and decided to take advantage. And it wasn’t sexy like this or special. It took me 6 months to get through the darkest period of my life, and it would’ve been way longer if I hadn’t gotten lucky enough to have met some people that helped me pull myself out.
The scariest part about this company is how they glorify the “seduction” or “capturing” of these young men. 18. Regardless of what we try to make you think, WE ARE STILL KIDS. It’s so sad to think that older dudes into partying might watch this and think it’s okay to ruin some kids life. It’s not. It ruined my life and almost completely took it. And healing from this and coming to turns with everything, I struggled with thoughts of taking my own life. I’m still struggling with it.
Please don’t promote this.
“build the ark and they will come”… I doubt the owners of the company/producers of the video are even into T/Meth, but they sure as fuck know they’ll make money off of it. Sketchy sex is one thing, but this is something completely different.
It’s so awful. Please don’t promote this.
Brian says
Well, this is… niche.
I’m going to echo everyone’s comments and also point out that one of the videos this company released depicts a bunch of guys taking turn on a bottom who’s G’d out– completely unconscious. Even if it were staged (which I find unlikely), depicting a scenario like this is straight up glorifying sexual assault. This porn makes Treasure Island Media look like a soft-core Skinemax company. Do better.
Gregory says
Love it. Insanely hot. It’s all taboo shit. Guys say they hate it, but are beating off to it in private.
Jerry L Vowels says
Uhmmm…Slam Rush is pretty hot but it’s obvious the dope is simulated. The smoke expelled in the smoking sequences is way too dense and white to be meth smoke. Plus, you can hear the draw through the vaporizer mouthpiece before the outbreath of over-abundant plumes. Great idea, but adjust the vaporizer strength to 2 or 3, not 10. All in all, they’re hot vids. But didn’t Previtus Media do this three years ago in Smoking Boyz??
RJ Emmett says
Hi I would love to be in one of your movies. I live in sw Florida I’m a bi male bottom i love being used fucked hard. I hope to hear from you soon