The Halloween season is approaching. FRATPAD.COM took their hot Fratmen models to an abandoned building for a photo shoot for Halloween. I’m glad that they leave the blood and gore and those Halloween theme stuffs out of this photo shoot and let their models’ hotness shine.
Muscle Jock Angelo Gets A Homoerotic Initiation To FRADPAD
After their Naked Sport Event and a Trip To Hawaii, this part Friday, there was another big event at FRATPAD.COM. It’s the initiation of a new FRATMEN named Angelo to Fratpad. Angelo gets initiated Fratpad style – testosterone-filled and homoerotic at the same time.
Full video is available in the Fratpad Archives.
Hot and Hunky Fratmen Models in Hawaii
Last Friday, August 29th, FRATMEN.COM / FRATPAD.COM flew 6 of their hot models to Hawaii for a vacation in the sun. Check out these sexy pictures and two livestream video clips of Fratmen models showing off their beach bodies on the Fratpad Hawaii Trip (and don’t forget to use their $9.95 Promo).
Hot and Naked Fratmen Compete in Nude Sports at Fratpad
Check out these pictures of hot, muscular and naked FRATMEN models from their recent NUDE Sport Events at FRATPAD.COM.
Their “Naked Frats Mud Wrestling” is my favorite sport And I agree with some readers, they should sell tickets to these Naked sport events.
Fratmen Maddox, Benji, Sterling & Luca Photo Shoot at Muscle Beach and Nude FPF Volleyball Game at FRATPAD
Check out this hot photo set of Fratmen Maddox, Benji, Sterling and Luca taken at Muscle Beach and the Pier in California.
I think Fratmen Sterling is super hot and he is back at FRATPAD.COM. Don’t forget to check out pictures from their nude volleyball game below.