I’m thrilled that hot gay porn star Rogan Richards agreed to be the Guest Blogger for my Queer Me Now blog! Rogan told me it’s definitely the most personal and truthful and fun one he has written so far.
Thank you so much Rogan for letting us know the real you in this cool article.
I can’t tell you when Queer Me Now started posting articles about me up but he has always been really behind me and pushed me out there whenever he could. We got to talking recently and I wanted to do something exclusively for him. I said, “do you want, A. Pictures. B. A film. Or C. An article?” He went with C stating that he can blog about the other stuff regardless – true. So with my only instructions being; “an article please. I want my readers to know the real you.” I sit in front of my computer and start to write to all you dedicated QMN readers and have decided to call this article my, TOP FIVE of 5.