Gay Porn Blog reported this grave news. Gay porn star Roman Ragazzi, aged 38, was found dead on Saturday, February 25th in Manhattan. His boyfriend has confirmed the sad news and asks that people be respectful.
Roman, whose real name was Dror Barak, started doing gay porn in 2007. Soon after signing on as a Raging Stallion exclusive, the former Israeli military trainer found himself in the middle of a scandal as the New York Post’s Page Six outed him for working at the Israeli consulate, forcing him to resign. Later that year, he started a personal training and fitness company called Freedom Fitness.
Minos says
Pobre!, diria que descanse en paz, pero seguramente por no estarlo es que se suicido. Busco en el porno un sentido a su vida, llenar un vacio que jamas lleno. Lo mismo que a Kyle Mckenna, no me extrañaria que le pasara a Marc Dylan
letthemeatcake says
seriously what the fuck does someone that looks like that has motive to kill themselves??
timucua says
Was he suffering from bi-polar/depression?.
mira says
Rest in Peace
I really hope we see an end to this pattern of suicide in gay porn stars
herbert says
The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 In green pastures he gives me rest,
to leads me beside still waters,
3 gives me new strength
and takes me straight roads,
up to its name.
4 though I walk through the darkest of valleys,
I fear no danger,
for thou, Lord, art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 You prepare a banquet
in the eyes of my enemies;
You anoint my head,
and my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
throughout my days,
and in thy house, O Lord, I will live forever.
to you as a human being you are, that you went, and you will be in eternity, I love you but half a joy and their videos, not to somo who jusgar their actions,
y para el estupido de minos, es seguida a jusgar, si lo hizo es por algo,porque decir que no estaba satisfecho, quien lo sabe tu losabes, por favor son estupidesces de tu parte, y decir que mark dylan le va apsar lo mismo, que mente tan torcida tienes, lo que pasa que eres tan frustado y no puedes ver el exito que tiene marck dylan que ya empiezas a inventar,primero fijate tu y despues pensa por los demas.
manu says
Very sad
May he rest in peace
Felix says
Minos: No juzgues la paja en el ojo ajeno, mejor revisa las vigas que estes cargando. I’m just saying.
alex says
I didn’t realize he was the actor in that scandal. Never saw his films, but have seen outtakes from then. Very sad.
RawSlut says
The curse of Michael Lucas. Poor Roman.
M_M says
That’s awful to hear. It seems he was doing fine too
mbarbaroja says
Very sad.. He was one of my favorites.. RIP
michb says
I am truly saddened by these terrible, terrible news. RIP.
Derrick says
Very very sad…..
I hope that what ever struggles he was having in life will subside and allow him 2 forever REST in PEACE … VERY SAD ;( !!
Simo says
RIP =(
Ethan says
I was shocked upon reading this bad news. He is and will always be one of my favorite stars. I have collected all his films. In fact, I just looked up news about what he was doing after his gay porn career. This is really really sad. Rest in peace.
Mike says
OMG I just spoke to him at Steel Gym a few weeks ago. How terrible for anyone to feel this is their only out.
Guys…Grow up. Something like this is not the time to play the hate porn game.
Oat says
bless his soul
Neal says
I did not know him therefore I do not judge him. Nor could I presume to know what was going on in his heart and mind … perhaps he wanted the noise to stop? Regardless, it was his life to live or end. I subscribe to the idea that forcing someone to live with their demons against their will is cruel. Taking ones’ life is neither cowardice or selfish … society is selfish in not respecting free will.
crakpot says
I watched his film Grunts two days ago and…. I can’t believe it. RIP.
Minos says
Si, es cierto; creo que me excedi, de cualquier forma es lamentable, solo queria dejar claro que casi siempre los suicidios son por que ya no se puede con alguna carga emocional, cualquiera que sea
Luca says
So very, very sorry. Whatever haunted him I trust he is at peace. As the ancient Romans would say: SIT TIBI TERRA LEVIS, Dror. (May the ground lay gently upon you.)
Anderson says
It’so so sad. I hope God bless him, and now he finds peace.
Matias says
Oh no. So young. Why? Very sad indeed.
James says
Beautiful man, with boyfriend and own business. Obviously something was wrong but on the outside looking in, he seemed to have it all. He was a favorite and I hope he is at peace now. Such a shame. We should pray for his partner during this awful time for him as well.
Gilbert Gonzales says
RIP ;-( He seems successful, has a love life and yet unhappy.
another sad story of suicide.
Ed says
I am so sorry to hear of Roman’s tragic death. REST IN PEACE.
NewJerseyFan says
Jesus Christ said “It is impossible that scandals should not come; but woe to him through whom they come! It were better for him if a millstone were hung about his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin” (Lk 17.1, 2).
Rest in Peace.
Dror, so Sorry to re-read the unkind commentary in the Atkol Forum Archives…and the poison dispensed by the NY Post on their sanctioned “page six”.
nszane says
Very sad. Rest in peace – beautiful.
Greg says
RIP–Such a beautiful, young man.
JT says
Its always sad to think of someone taking there own life, and such a beautiful man with a boyfriend too.
Rest in Peace.
ALEX says
Sad… He also worked at David Barton. I hooked up with him once.