Barebacking in Gay Porn is a very heated topic these days, as I can see when I reported about Trenton Ducati filming bareback scene with Lucas Entertainment two days ago.
Trenton Ducati‘s first official bareback scene with Blue Bailey is divided into two parts. The first part of the scene with Trenton Ducati topping Blue Bailey is released Friday November 8, and the second part with Trenton Ducati bottoming for Blue Bailey Friday November 15.
Lucas Entertainment has just released the preview pics of the first part where Trenton Ducati fucking Blue Bailey.
Marc Dylan on the hot topic of Barebacking in Porn Part 2 (Watch Part 1 here)
The first part of the scene with Trenton Ducati topping Blue Bailey is released Friday November 8, and the second part with Trenton Ducati bottoming for Blue Bailey Friday November 15.
ceeemm says
It should be the other way. Trenton’t BIG ass needs some MAN LOVE!
QMN says
@ceeemm Trenton bottoms for Blue Bailey in the second part to be released next week.
Marc M says
@QMN… don’t you feel its your responsibilty to also inform your readers of blue bailey’s hiv status?
manu says
Marc’s analogy with violence in videogames in ludicrous.
It’s less of a step to go out of your way, take a gun and kill people than NOT putting on a piece of plastic to protect you and your partner. You don’t have to actually do anything, just “forget” something.
I think the type of influence it has is more akin to fashion, people imitate what the type of clothing they see in movies/music videos. And I can tell you , as someone who is in his 20s, that more and more and more young people are willing to go bareback. It’s terrifying and I think the normalization of this behaviour through porn, combined with the complete absence of relevant safer sex message or effective HIV awareness (which, these days, tend to belittle this issue “iy’s no big deal, just one pill blablabla”) is definitely making things worse.
Jeff says
He does not need to inform them. Anyone with internet access can Google, Bing, or Yahoo “Blue Bailey HIV status” to find out what that is….and then draw their own conclusions about TD’s status. We pretty much exhausted the subject on QMN’s previous post on this scene.
Billy Blue says
I hope that at least Lucas put a “don’t try this at home” warning before the scene start.
charlie_jack says
I dislike those taint percings
Adam says
@Marc M Why on earth would that be his responsibility?
Peter says
Are these 2 a couple as I thought Lucas would only allow bb between real life couples?????
Chris says
@ Marc M
LOL@ you for thinking that the QMN moderator has to be the HIV police and putting these people’s statuses in big letters. Everyone knows that Blue Bailey does bareback porn for other studios. Hopefully common sense will lead you to what the answer is.
Steven says
That looks hot as hell. Although I can’t understand why some people feel that Trenton’s HIV status is our business. IF you were lucky enough to actually HAVE sex with him, I could see that being your concern. The way porn works though, looking at pictures of hot guys getting fucked and fucking while you spank it is pretty safe (unless you shoot your load in your eye). That might actually happen when I watch this scene. It looks that hot. Wait, I Visine. OK, it’ll be “safe sex”.
Anderson says
Marc M, is he poz??
Olaf says
I would have to think that this is Trenton’s last hurrah. Go out with a bang. He must be ready to leave the industry. Where do you go from here?
Wonk says
@Marc M Why should QMN feel responsible to disclose the HIV status of Blue Bailey, or for that matter any model featured on the site? Are you fucking them? Then its non of your business.
Dave says
ManEater says
@Marc M: WHY should QMN tell any of us about anyone’s HIV status? What is this, surrogate parenting? Like you plan to have sex with either of these guys? Yeah, right. If you disagree with bb, then watch something else and avoid the moralist commentary.
Marc M says
to my critics –
maybe that’s the sad difference between straight and gay porn blogs.
ed says
QMN only reports porn entertainment. he’s not the surgeon general and does not need to disclose anyone’s status or preach safe sex to his readers.
It is our own responsibility to make sure we are practicing safer sex. Its your own life.
Olaf says
One of the nice things about these bareback posts with commentary from former porn star current racist Marc Dylan is that aside from the editor of QMN, no one else cares what he thinks
ed says
@Olaf how is Marc Dylan a racist? just curious
Ben says
@Steven – best post ever!!!!
Patrik says
It is not QMN’s responsibility to be the HIV police. This is a porn blog and that’s all the QMN does. I have no problem with that.
However, the fact the everyone knows that Blue Bailey is HIV+ and Trenton has no problems barebacking him (or being barebacked by him in part 2) should be clear indication that Trenton himself is HIV+….. either that or Trenton is selling his life for a porn scene. I doubt if Trenton is that stupid.
bucko0710 says
@ Olaf – ditto here! yawn…snooze….
Anderson says
I don’t want Treton Ducati gets sick! He’s so nice!
neo says
Why was my comment removed?
I just said that it’s highly possible that trenton is POZ considering who he’s fucking and will be getting fucked by.
MarcoManuel says
Gay porn stars who makes bareback scenes are usualy HIV positives.
Gay porn stars who keeps defending bareback are most likely HIV positive.
Lucas totally lost it with his bareback scenes.It will backfire on Lucas.Lots of gay men are against bareback.
Dean says
@neo And your point is?? So are over 60%if not more of guys in condom porn. Who cares? Are you having sex with them?
Jordi Lim says
“POZ” what is the meaning of that in simple english? Thank you.
Jedd Bean says
Here’s a suggestion for Michael Lucas….
Why doesn’t Lucas bottom for Ducati bareback and call the video TURD and put his big lipped face on the cover.
This piece of shit hypocrite deserves nothing less. Wanna put talent at risk? Be first in line Michael Lucas!
Fudgy says
Gay porn has officially jumped the shark. Its become a bad parody of itself.
Bimyself says
@Dean He might! You never heard of six degrees of separation ?
andrew says
Blue Bailey is one of the best cocksuckers in gay porn. That guy has one deep throat!
Simon says
@ Jedd Bean: I don’t think Trenton Ducati nor Blue Bailey was forced to have bareback sex on screen. They choose to do this scene.
I’m wondering if Trenton Ducati realized what an uproar this scene would create. If anyone says bareback gay porn is generally accepted in the gay community than I think this episode proves otherwise.
I have never met a guy who didn’t know that unsafe sex could lead to an HIV infection. Have you? Then it is time you educate them. Stop blaming bareback gay porn for the rise in HIV infections. Its never been proved that watching bareback sex leads to practicing unsafe sex. The rise in new HIV infections among gay men in the USA started before mainstream companies like BelAmi, Corbin Fisher or Sean Cody went bareback. The number of new HIV infections among gay men in many West European countries are reasonably stable. If you ask gay guys why they had unsafe sex they usually say it was in the heat of the moment. Young guys often say that they thought HIV was not present in their age group. And lets not forget: many guys become infected while being in a so called stable relationship.
JoePorn says
Congrats to Lucas people are finally talking about your crappy work! yay!
gaysammy says
how is it that everyone gets in an uproar over bareback anal and yet in SO MANY gay porn videos now guys are sucking cock and SWALLOWING cum??? thats unsafe and yet seems to be acceptable?
Adriano says
Bravo,Simon! You have said ALL about this matter. Crystal clear.
DrDestroyer says
Blue Bailey needs to bleach his hole.. There I said it! It’s been driving me crazy
Jeff says
DrDestroyer wins for BEST COMMENT. I actually laughed….and I agree–the boy does need a bleaching.
G-man says
Can we all take a breath and step back into the real world for a second? We are no longer in an era where gay sexual education is underground and a “dirty little secret”. If you (or anyone for that matter) is using porn as the sole source of sexual education, your head is in the sand and you are beyond irresponsible. It is porn for fuck sake! Not the morality police! If you enjoy bareback, watch it. If you don’t, it’s simple – don’t bloody watch it! So sick of the moral majority on here deeming what is and is not acceptable. For a supposed educated and intelligent community we can act like morons at times…
dvlaries says
I first encountered Ducati in a Hot House Live clip with Trent Atkins from 3/26/12, and it was loyalty at first sight. I’m not going to hypocritcally suggest that I won’t watch and treasure this one too, but there was no chance either Trenton would have lost me if the condoms stayed on. I’m just going to keep watching and hope he doesn’t regret his choice.
sxg says
What I’d like to know is if duckface will ever bareback with any of these possibly positive models, or fully positive Blue Bailey? Surely she won’t bottom for them, she’s much too masculine to do that *snorts*
Harvey says
There’s a real divide here that I find amusing. Corbin Fisher, Sean Cody and Bel Ami among others can have bareback, creampies, cum eating etc., and nobody gives a hoot. But if a self identified gay porn star does it you guys are upset. Say what you will, Trenton is one hot daddy and I’m glad to see him go bare. And IMHO Lucas puts out some really hot porn
Smith says
Is duck face Ducati? Because he’s going to bottom for the POZ guy next week. Hopefully all the other performers are informed of his status.
Jeff says
Please….Duckface doesn’t do shit unless dollars are involved—maintaining his prossy cred….and why would she pay herself?
Eric says
Marc Dylan is one of the most impressive porn stars when considering his mind and his body. Love his video blogs.
Spartacus says
Bareback them all!
bulldog says
Easy Guys! These are the ways, to confirm if your fave boys are poz or not 1. go and trace their partners co actor, if the co actor is confirmed poz that do bareback then there’s no doubt abt it that your fave pornstar is poz as well.
2. If you cannot see them appearing in porn that use condoms, then you know now why they are doing bareback scenes.
Dean says
@Smith: No, Smith, are you foolish? Why on Earth would you think they would inform these guys having bareback sex with each other about their partner’s status? What’s the logic in that? They let them do it without telling them or letting them know, that’s why he’s calling it “informed bareback”…because he’s NOT informed about the status of his bareback sex partner. Seriously.
sxg says
lol no Jeff. Duckface is that awful hypocrite republican anti-muslim studio owner.
@Harvey the difference is that there is exclusivity among those studios. Their models don’t work with other studios so it’s easier to control which models they work with. That doesn’t take into account their escorting (if they do it or allowed to escort) or who they sleep around with in their personal life, but all studios can’t really control that aspect of the porn stars much.
Also, I think one of the reasons why they hire these “straight” models for their scenes because I think the studio owners believe the models are less inclined to mess around with other men in their personal life, lowering their chances of catching HIV.
Dan says
I just find it interesting that the straight side of porn will stop production of films for weeks if one of the models gets a postive HIV test and that model essentially retires from the business but apparently in the gay film industry it is seen as par for the course or more disturbingly, as a rite of passage.
sxg says
@Dan well testing or even knowing the status of a gay porn star model wasn’t seem to be needed as the majority of the the gay porn studios were condom-only and they thought the condom was enough.
With more and more studios going bareback at an alarming rate, I think now there is a need for a system similar to the straight porn world.
But the problem is if it is true that so many models in gay porn are HIV+ and would be excluded from working in the gay porn industry after testing positive, that would essentially kill the career of so many of the popular ones.
Personally, I would definitely go for the system even if it means losing the likes of Trenton Ducati and others. If they believe in barebacking porn that much, they should believe in it enough to let it kill their own careers, or go back to the way it was and put on a condom and keep models on the condom-only side or barebacking side without being able to switch back and forth between those types of studios.
andrew says
SXG: Being Anti Muslim is a GOOD thing. Of all the dangerous collection of myths that we call religions Islam is by far, in this 21st century, the most dangerous. They still advocate KILLING people who stray from their 8th century primitive myths. Fortunately, after centuries of struggles, Judaism and Christianity have been somewhat defanged.
andrew says
Getting back to Trenton Ducati: Damn he’s got an AWESOME BODY!
Dean says
@andrew you’re a dirty old stink turd with equally turd-like views. keep your idiocy to yourselves.
Mitch says
Andrew excuss me “being anti islam is a good thing”. Perhaps you need to do a bit more reading before attacking a religion you dont know much I find your comments insulting
AndyPandy says
Welp, Michael Lucas is a big hypocrite. Wasn’t too long ago that he wouldn’t use Brent Corrigan because he had done bareback scenes. Funny, how one’s values shift in face of the almighty dollar.
Apart from AIDS, which people do still die from (see Josh Weston, who died almost exactly a year ago at 39), there are herpes (sores on your dick and ass) and anal and genital warts, all of which a condom helps prevent and are crazy easy to pick up by going BB, and are chronic. Meaning you will have it/them THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
josef says
Wann kommt Mattew Rush bareback?