Jasun Mark shares these hot behind the scenes pictures from the set of COCKSURE MEN on both his blog and twitter. Nice! All six Cocksure Men Exclusive porn stars Brady Jensen, Robert Axel, Kevin Crows, Morgan Black, Mitch Vaughn and Guy Jones together in one scene!
Six Cocksure Men Exclusive porn star Brady Jensen, Robert Axel, Kevin Crows, Morgan Black, Mitch Vaughn and Guy Jones suit up for “All Cocksure Men Exclusive” full-length movie due out early next year.
Riley Price (@RileyPriceRB) and Trent Locke (@TrentLockeXXX) are the latest porn couple?
Or is it Austin Wilde (@AustinWilde) and Cliff Jensen (@TheCliffJensen) the latest porn couple??
Marcus Mojo (@MarcusMojo), Samuel O’Toole (@SamuelOtoolexXx), Austin Wilde (@AustinWilde), Rod Daily (@Rod_Daily), Jeremy Bilding (@JeremyBilding) and Brad Star on the set of NEXT DOOR STUDIOS.
Vince Ferelli (@VinceFerelliXXX) on the set of Bound Gods with Spencer Reed (@SpencerReedXXX) and caught in the act by Leo Forte (@LeoForteXXX).
Tons of gay porn stars on the Chi Chi LaRue‘s porn set.
Tyler Torro (@TylerTorroXXX) has too much fun on the set of NEXT DOOR STUDIOS.
Riley Price (@RileyPriceRB) got a cock ring as Christmas present from Santa? LOL
James says
That’s a candy cane, not a cock ring? They don’t have them in Britain, but they do in the States.
Danny says
Damn… it’s like a Christmas orgy… on every set… (It looks so fun too… Someday I wonder what it would be like to work on a porn set.)
Luca says
LMAO. Uh, just because we all constantly carry cameras since most cell phones have them, doesn’t mean everything you do should be photographed. Vince Ferelli, I love you becaue your a bodybuilder bottom and you evidently have an insatiable asshole but I don’t need to see you sitting on the toilet doing an enema before you get fucked. Way too much information. You guys really should take a page from the heyday of Hollywood stars where they micro-managed everything you knew about them. I’m sorry but a big part of being a “star” is mystery, which is why there really aren’t any porno stars. (But I must admit I was curious as to to when and where a bottom in porno did “get ready.” Apparently the answer is right there.) I live with a former porn actor and I could never bring myself to ask him that.
Casey says
I’m pretty sure Cliff Jensen is gay-for-pay so his pics with Austin Wilde look posed.
manu says
MMMh that thing with Spencer Reend and Vince looks hot!! I hope Spencer’s ass got drilled hehe , maybe a double-headed dildo was used so that Vince’s ass could be pleased at the same time??
XavierMathews says
FIRST OFF! Austin & Cliff? REALLY? Don’t think so. Although I thought the same thing at first because the spend so much time together. (LOL) Cliff is like super tall tho. Also, I mean…….would it even be right? IDK.
SECOND: Riley, you not really in porn anymore. GTFO the picture unless your coming out of your so called “Retirement”. I hope he does and goes to a new site for 2011 maybe a few new ones. But No one wants to see a “Retired” porn star esp when your blogging the shit.
QMN says
Riley is not retire. He tweeted that he just doesn’t work exclusively for Randy Blue anymore and he’s free to work with other studios. I guess that his exclusive contract with Randy Blue just ended.
QMN says
And BTW none of these porn stars send me these pictures or ask me to post these pictures. It’s ME who follow their twitter and collect these pix myself. So if I want to seek out and post pictures of retired pornstar, I will. Because I want to.
XavierMathews says
Brady is the hottest guy on this page actually!! Gotta love that man!! Anddddddd Morgan is doing nothing for me but he is still hot.
Whats Tylers purpose??
Vince is sexy but gets annoying.
Rictor says
I hope Kevin Crows bottoms in the upcoming movie!
Billy Blue says
Love the picture of the guys in the sofa.
leev says
ferelli looks a lot better in candids then photoshoots
Luca says
I think that Riley Price is really a cute guy. Am I missing the reason for the hostility towards him?
Phis550 says
i thought Cliff was gay-for-pay too, but if u look at their tweets it seems like it might be the real thing… they say they miss each other, cliff dedicated a song to austin, they have had phone sex, And austin tweeted that they are together. if it is tru i think they make a cute couple!!
Allicide says
I like the guys that Cocksure have signed and I think it is a good diversity of taste. Austin and Cliff worked together and apparently spent alot of time together over the last few weeks but how much of their twittered “relationship” is true and how much is a tease only they can say… as for Cliff being “gay4pay” don’t believe all the stuff you read on Suite 703. Those are actual “scripted” scenes and the guys are playing “roles”. Alot more of the new guys are identifying as bisexual. I’m all for getting rid of the gayforpayers that are just going through the motions but if they don’t come in with that “straight guy doucehbag arrogance” that I find repulsive (Tyler Torro) expecting gay men to through money at them while they do nothing then give them a few scenes to prove themselves. Not years like Cody or Mark Dalton but at least half a dozen scenes. I’m not saying you are wrong about Cliff. I haven’t heard him speak negatively about gay sex (unlike Torro) so let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Unless you know something I don’t?
XavierMathews says
Just seams pointless. I never see Jack Manly or anyone else doing that but two diffrent blogs.
Billy B says
Why all the black suits? Was that a funeral turned orgy?
mick says
About half of those Tyler Torro shots were taken while he was supposedly working as my assistant during some NDS model shoots. It was very distracting when Tyler would pull out his dick and jerk off right along with the models. I loved it! He’s a great guy and has a good sense of humor about himself. Give him some slack and some time and he might just come out of the closet.
steve says
Ferelli looks old and haggered. The cocksure guys look hot all suited up and Mojo looks adorable all curled up and asleep. The rest seem to just make up the numbers. The industry is stale and needs some new HOT blood!
XavierMathews says
Last word on Austin and Cliff ….. if they are together its not like Samuel and Chris….like thats serious.
leev says
eh???????mick hicks if tyler torro is in the closet well he isn’t anymore thanks to you now lol…so if it’s ok for you and other insiders to speak freely about his sexuality publicly why is he denying it?btw he outed himself already as bi…so I guess it’s just a technique to keep your models “straight” as long as possible just like it happened with parker london/rod daily/vance crawford considering what you recently wrote in your blog about them.
joey says
it does look like a casket behind the coksure guys
james william says
I,M VERY SORRY FOR YOU PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THESE SO-CALL GAY FOR PAY MEN ARE ( straight ). IF THEY WERE TRULY (straight). THERE IS (NO) amount of money you could give them to have sex with other men. The truly straight guys. you only see in straght porn. I,ve seen so many of these gay for pay so-called straight guys on gay sites. kissing, fucking, sucking, licking, getting fucked with other guys. but at the same time, they are still saying they are straight. no way in hell are they straight. they can say they are bi-sexual. And what i,m seeing is YOU guys are calling these guys straight. are you guys slow or what. If a man have sex with another man. he is bi-sexual or gay. even if he is getting paid for it. And letting the world see him in man on man sex. come on guys gey real. straight, no way in hell.