’s exclusive gay porn star William Seed recently tweeted a picture of himself with a butt plug sticking up his ass with a message: “Virgin Ass No More!” His buddy and fellow exclusive model Ryan Bones also tweeted a picture showing his butt hole and a video mentioned that he and William Seed just shot a scene together.
Well, I know, they might just shot a 3-way where William and Ryan tag-team a bottom. But now it’s also possible that they were filming a bottoming debut. What do you think? This week you can watch Ryan Bones fuck Thyle Knoxx in Ass Controller Part 3.
A little bath before the @Men shoot with @William_SeedXXX ???
— Ryan Bones (@ryanbonesxxx) January 12, 2018
William Seed and Ryan Bones recently shot a sex scene together.
+ Ryan Bones Fucks Thyle Knoxx in Ass Controller Part 3
+ More of William Seed | Ryan Bones
FieldMedic says
Maybe this will make him interesting? Probably not, I’m not holding my breath. Makes me seriously doubt his bisexuality claims, lol. Please, that charade was easy to see through given his porn performances.
nohetero says
His performance is not worse and not more limited than that of Tim Kruger. And Tim claims that he’s “gay”.
Mike says
I agree with you 100% re: Tim Kruger, as he’s a “weird” gay porn performer in my opinion. He claims to be in a long term relationship with Grobes Garrett, so that seems to make him gay. However many of his performances that I’ve seen make him seem somewhat “gay for pay.” Tim is a powerful top, but he won’t suck cock or bottom. Not saying that either sets the standard for being gay, but there’s just something odd about Tim.
c_4 says
Tim has already sucked cock on screen before so not sure what your point is and not all gay men want to be versatile, there are exclusive tops as well as their are exclusive bottoms and another surprise not all guys are into getting their dicks sucked. I know a lot of bottoms that don’t like it. Just because you personally may like something does not make it some universal rule that all gay men must to. Surprise, surprise people are different.
nohetero says
So if you support such limited and boring performance from “gay” men, don’t attack William Seed for doing the same. Sucking cock once 20 years ago doesn’t count.
Sam says
Just because it’s porn does not mean it has to copy straight porn where everyone is shown doing the same thing ad nauseum, unless it’s fetish, kink or instructional.
I don’t know. All I know is that there are way too many exclusive tops in porn in comparison to all the complaints that there are too many bottoms in real life. And that porn demonstrates, almost without fail, top=active; bottom=passive when it comes to sex acts. Well, all that is is “porn is formulaic.”
nohetero says
Absolutely agreem gay porn is INFESTED with “exclusive tops”. This is not str8 porn and we need versatility!
Haha says
The only odd thing about that guy is that he’s ugly as fuck and gets to fuck the hottest guys.
Terry says
I think Tim’s homosexual. Before starting his website he did some scenes where he would definitely suck cocks. And he was quite good at it. Deepthroat and no gag reflex. Didn’t see him bottom, though
nohetero says
I don’t think he is. He’s a very limited g4p. Don’t suck, don’t kiss, don’t bottom and always distracted from his scene partners and doesn’t want to be there. People who let Tim get away with it but then attack other g4ps for their limited performance are the biggest hypocrites.
andrewhatesG4P says
Aren’t you the one who is always yelling “bi-liar”?
Now you are talking hypocricy. Well well well.
Even if Tim is a G4P, at least he is now in a relationship with a man with a penis.
And your lovely William Seed, who I know for sure is your biased favorite, can get away with calling himself bi while you and we know nothing about his priviate life.
Don’t suck, don’t kiss, don’t rim, don’t bottom, hey that is your William Seed right there.
Bastian says
Well, not sure if fucking ts girls still makes him gay.
Koala says
Tim Kruger is definitely gay.
I don’t think William seed is though. And wow. These comments are terrible. No wonder gay porn is such a sad thing for us gays.
Dino says
Their scene better be a flip fuck, if not, they’re cancelled, with all that talk and teasing, they better back it up
Kevinnnnn says
Let’s hope they both fuck each other. It’s your turn to take it big guys! don’t worry, it feels good.
Wildpn says
A flip flop would be a dream
Meh says
I hate how on Ryan’s twitter he always boasts about his “big” dick. Please. With the likes of jj knight, Rafael alencar, Tim Kruger and etc. You think you’re big? Please.
lolo says
Hopefully there will be Part 1 Ryan fucks William and Part 2 William fucks Ryan. I d rather see 2 different scenes in which both of them bottom exclusively rather than 1 scene where each is fucked for 2 minutes. By the way, Ryan’s page on lists him as versatile from the beginning (not even versatile top) which leads me to believe the company ordered him to hold on on his bottoming to make it an event.
alex says
Wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve often wondered if more bottoms watch porn than tops. Porn seems to cater to those who think a big, masculine guy will only top (I guess that’s a bottom’s dream?).
red1979 says
Let’s hope it’s better than their last Top to Bottom vid. First one in 2 years and it’s with a guy who has bottomed for other studios already.
nohetero says
but Darin hasn’t bottom for a very very long time.
andrewhatesG4P says
Look at your bi-liar William Seed.
Where is his boyfriend?
andrewhatesG4P says
Oh, one more thing. Before you call me having G4P fetish.
I hate it G4P to the bone especially your bi-liar WS right here.
Eric from Sweden says
I doubt William or Ryan ever will bottom. But that doesn’t bother me. They are both scorching hot! Still, if I had to choose only one of them, I would go for Ryan. To my eyes he radiates more inner warmth. William seems a little bit cold, even if his body is to die for.
ShawLover says
To be honest, I dont find William hot. Not at all. Hes just pure muscle. Ryan on the other hand is pure Gorgeous. Handsome face, gorgeous body, delicious cock and bubble butt.
Plyt says
Only qmn reported this
Other sites didn’t
Btw William has changed the description of his tweet…. No more real bottoming i guess
nohetero says
Both William and Ryan are such sissies. It’s just a dick damn!
Terry says
I wouldn’t be surprised if they both had a scene together where they just look at each other masturbate and then use a dildo up their own ass
alex says
I’d watch that!
manu says
It would be great if they both finaly started taking it up the ass!! I ve been waiting for this since they first popped up, very good looking guys but I had no interest in what they did . That would completely change it. I hope they kiss too, I know Ryan does it every now and then but MEN needs to focus on that more. More kissing more ass eating more big dudes bottoming :))
Kyle says
They are all playing you. Clearly these two aren’t gonna bottom any time soon. They just want more popularity by teasing the audience. Just like William Seed is lying about him being Bi just to be more appealing to his gay fans.
Thomas says
Tim Kruger is definitely versatile. He just doesnt bottom on screen. Dont assume knowing someone just because you see porn lol. He is on gay dating sites like planetromeo. You can check yourselves
alex says
I agree with you, 100 percent. Some of the most famous tops in gay porn were well known to take it up the ass! The reality is that if you’re in porn of any kind — you’re probably very sexual — and experimental! Even some straight performers have probably used a dildo — or the real thing on occasion.
Oliver says
Just a stunt from both to get more onlyfans and it’s working. Gays on twitter are getting fooled so hard it’s sad. Ofc they won’t bottom. They are playing everyone.
Fabulass1 says
It wouldn’t matter if they spit gold quarters out of their asses after being Fucked by Hugh Jackman……. Its The scene will be LOUSY & SEXLESS! They have a LOT of HOT guys that are being COMPLETELY wasted!
Boss says
I think they’re both sexy AF, but those glasses Ryan Bones has been wearing are hideous. They make him look really old. Idk why wouldn’t tell him that before filming a scene with him wearing them. Also, I think I’d wanna see Seed bottom, but I prefer Bones as a top.
alex says
I love those glasses — they do make him look more mature, but that ain’t always a bad thing!
Bucko0710 says
Yes! Would be awesome if it’s a 2 part Top to Bottom. I hope they revive this series as it’s well anticipated.
@red1979..which guy was the last top who had already bottomed else where? I thought Adam Bryant was the last guy and he hasn’t bottomed before…
Grey says
Im not really excited for their bottoming debut.
Both of them are bad actor for g4p
Yes they’re gorgeous but dont forget they sooo boring af.
All of their scenes so dry.
andrewhatesG4P says
Thank you.
Glenn says
Gee, anyone have anything positive to say? about anything?
Radek says
alex says
Ryan Bones — I want that ass! But I’ll settle for watching another competent top have his way with it. If Ryan does finally bottom at — I hope he’s wearing those specs — gives him that hot dad look. Gay porn hasn’t gotten so dull and repetitive with too many of hot performers only topping — and seems to be okay with it. Hopefully, this is an indication of change ahead!
Oscar says
Would be great to see Ryan Bones and William Seed fucking Jack Kross and, after that, fucking each other
Fred says
one of the reasons i stopped subscribing to + the lack of decent hot oral, foreplay and especially the hot french depp tongue kiss (a big NO on, they have a few cut emodels (this one is not among them) but the videography, styling and all that : give me a break
2. Tim Kruger is of course gay and at least he can kiss they way it should especially with young latinos, by far his preference (and mine too) his joaquin is stupendous, ian torres too
griffrag says
not posted on yet probably next month videos.