Gay porn star Woody Fox is known for his long hair. But I think he looks so hot with short hair like this. I already posted some pictures from his latest porn shoots with Falcon and Raging Stallion. This week you can finally watch him in action again from a long hiatus. He stars in this first scene from Hot House’s new movie JOCK DOC. In this video, Woody Fox fucks big-dicked bottom Jack Hunter.

+ Woody Fox Fucks Jack Hunter in JOCK DOC
+ More of Woody Fox | Jack Hunter
456! says
100x better looking with short hair
nohetero says
Yeah, he looks stunning!
Rioss says
I love Woody long haired and prefer him as a bottom! Hope he gets fucked very soon no matter hair
FieldMedic says
Hot House, producing more uninspiring content, must be Tuesday.
I certainly hope that Fox bottoms again, I’m sick of these porn stars who bottom, leave, and then come back as only tops — no, if you won’t bottom then stay away.
JasCo says
He never really wanted to bottom and always implied that he was pressured to do so.
Mike says
Below is what Woody said about bottoming in a 2014 interview:
“When I first got into the industry, they asked me [to bottom] a few times,” he says in the interview segue above. “For me, bottoming was my time where I could be like ‘okay this is my own personal thing and no one else is going to have that. It’s trust.'”
Bottoming seems to be a pretty big deal for him—”it’s so beautiful and personal”—and it shows in this incredibly tense and passionate “virgin” cherry pop.
I’m just guessing, but it doesn’t sound as much like he was pressured into bottoming, but more of not wanting to do it on film because he viewed it as very private and personal.
Woody also bottomed two more times after getting fucked by Paul Walker in the scene. The other 2 times Woody got fucked were in UK Naked Men videos and by Dan Broughton and Mateo Stanford.
It’s kinda’ hard to buy the argument that “he was pressured” into bottoming when he did it twice more after the first time.
In any event, I hope Woody bottoms many more times, as the man is so hot and sexy that he needs a lot more dick in him!
Rioss says
@JasCo – Yessss, you read my mind man!
sammy1023 says
And I think he is dating Wesley Woods…spank me.
lietz says
i’m all woody too!
Jay says
Wood for Woody!
Mike says
Damn Woody Fox looks so freaking hot! I hope that he returns to bottoming and soon, as the first time that he bottomed for Paul Walker was simply scorching!
It wasn’t just fucking, it felt like love making!
PS And I love him with long or short hair. Either way, Woody is totally delicious and oh so fuck worthy!
manu says
I prefer Woddy with long hair and as a bottom
meduel says
two scenes with jack hunter… where’s his appeal cause i can’t see it????
vabballfan says
Definitely love Woody more with the short hair – would love him to get rid of the beard and flip-flop.
andrew says
To show how much gay porn welcomes Woody Fox back, they gave him the sweet booty of Jack Hunter as a welcome back present. That booty is top shelf.
Iverson says
Woody Fox is insanely hot. He looks good with either hairstyles. I’m this Australian hottie is back.
Fabulass1 says
Lose the Condoms