I think Xavier Robitaille is among the hottest porn models sharing their private videos online these days. I posted about his first ever sex scene with his boyfriend Colby Melvin back in 2020. You can now watch hottie Xavier Robitaille bottoming for Colby Melvin on TOPFANVIDS.COM. Be sure to check out Xavier’s JustFor.Fans page.

The very first time we fucked on camera together… this was before we even started dating!
+ Xavier Robitaille Bottoms For Colby Melvin on TOPFANVIDS.COM
rangerwilcox says
Xavier is certainly a hottie!
Hot guy says
He’s got a solid face & his BF’s face looks like he really enjoyed it 😛
Louis says
Like rock hard solid…
Look at the eye shape.
Will probably be the best-looking newcomer of 2022
Avi says
Why is he hiding hes dick???
Ian says
He didn’t bottom as frequently at the beginning, this is one of the first videos they did. He’s hard in alter videos as he gets more into bottoming.
RawGayWorld says
Xavier Robitaille is ultra sex. I wish him a lot of success, he has everything to make a huge gay porn career.
WildPn says
He’s holding his dick to hide his lack of erection, huge turn off!
fred says
turn offs? He doesn’t get a had one, BAD kissing from both and the top’s face while fucking, geeezzzz, bottom is cute though
Rizz says
I think he’s very hot! Enjoyed all his scenes esp when he flipped. Nothing sexier when the guy is versatile.
gus says
wow, really hot when the bottom is so limp he needs to cover his dick so as not to make is visible how limp he is