He was Fratmen Dolph at Fratpad, Liam at Corbin Fisher, and now he’s Zane Penn at GayHoopla. We recently just saw him get fucked by Ryan Winter in his latest sex scene last week.
It looks like he recently worked with MAVERICKMEN.COM. I recently met both Zane Penn and The Maverick Men at The Phoenix Forum 2015 last month in Arizona. (Note: Zane is super hot in person.) And I think (hope) they were filming something together in Phoenix since The Maverick Men just teased his fans with this sexy video audition of Zane.
Zane just posted this message on his Twitter:
Scene w/ maverickmen was something I did as a nice guy going out on a limb. Will not be doing anything like that again. Love my fans
Are you ready to watch muscle jock Zane Penn get fucked raw by The Maverick Men? Check out Zane’s audition video below.
Previous Posts:
+ Zane Penn Gets Fucked By Ryan Winter at GayHoopla
mullie says
Yes he did and GH isn’t to happy he filmed with that particular studio. Zane and MM probably made the decision to film when they met at the forum and MM tweeted on April 30th that they had finished shooting with a 6ft muscle jock and the forum ended on the 29th and i assume the muscle jock was Zane. Maybe they didn’t have time to get tested for this bb scene and that is maybe one of the problems GH is having with this. Zane is doing some damage control by being very apologetic about having filmed this scene.
Jace says
Philip/Tanner does BB with Corbin Fisher and condom sex with Gay Hoopla, so I can’t see the yh problem here. Zante also did BB with CF before GH.
chuck says
love maverick men. hunter is a dream.
ed says
Love Zane, is he gay for pay? He looks hot getting fucked tho but MM have some nice videos tho.
kevinn says
He needs a better agent.
Eric from Sweden says
He’s so hot! And he looks like a really nice person.
sxg says
Perhaps Zane should have checked with GH first before filming that. I wouldn’t be surprised this will be the last we see of him at GH because of his decision.
And while I find Zane hot and I commend GH for giving him a chance because most studios wouldn’t, he’s not a good performer. I don’t know whether it’s the director(s) at GH or it’s him, but he is never all that lively in any of his scenes, and he is barely animated despite the position he plays.
And there are those marks he has on his arm. Not sure if they’re burn marks or scars from an accident, but they’re noticeable. And while they don’t bother me, other studios might not want to work around those scars or invest that much on makeup to try and hide them. So hopefully this didn’t affect his GH exclusivity, and if it did I hope he finds a new studio soon if he plans on staying in the industry.
mullie says
GH is having a problem that Zane filmed with that particular studio. Zane apparently thought Maverick Men was like CF and GH and he now doesn’t want to be associated with MM.
Robert Alvarez says
Damage control? Sounds more like back-pedaling to me.
Granted, I do not know this Zane personally, but his Tweet sounds like a smack to the face to The Maverickmen.
Cole and Hunter have been fucking other guys for years, and I have yet to hear about or read a story about one of the guys they fucked contracting an STD from either Cole, Hunter, or both.
Before his hormones got in the way, could Zane not have considered the possibility that it might be a problem for GayHoopla? Or any of the other companies with which he has contracts?
Jeff says
Hmm…I guess Maverick Men has more cash on hand than I thought. If men who technically ID as straight are nailing or getting nailed by another dude on camera, then a check of some kind has changed hands.
Johnathan says
haha kevin. So true. But he’s a pretty boring performer though. He seems like a nice guy though. responds to your tweets and all.
Will says
Who knows what all goes on at these get- together’s…..and bareback is here to stay guy’s so get on board or sink with the ship in the storm.
chris says
He just need to get tested and I think GH would be fine if he is clean. Like somebody said, GH models work with other studios all the time.
Nick says
I can see why GH might be upset with this. GH and MM don’t exactly share the same target audience (unless, of course, we’re speaking of guys who have pretty diverse tastes) and association with the other might stick with him. He’s not the best performer and I think he’s not been lucky enough to have worked with a good director who would give him some cues on how to act and sell it, but still I think he’s very attractive. That said, I’ll definitely look away though from the sight of him fucking/getting fucked if it’s with those two at MM (it’s a personal preference. don’t hate).
I think this is nothing more than a bad decision on Zane. Now, I’m not entirely familiar with US law and jurisprudence but one of the first things you learn when you get employed is the concept of non-compete. You may not fully understand your contract with the whole legal mumbo-jumbo but NCC aint that hard to comprehend. And even if you’re unsure or forgot if your contract has this, the prudent thing is to assume that it does. So like i said, a bad decision for Zane.
If GH won’t have him back, that would be a shame ‘coz i just renewed and I like him hehe and he pretty much fits the mold on which SC, CF, and GH banks on which might become a problem because I don’t think the first two will take him. We’ll, I can’t recall any SC model who started out with another studio and I’m guessing CF doesn’t take talent back who’ve jumped fence (I’m guessing Philip/Tanner’s scenes with CF were filmed long ago and released when he’s already working for GH). Anyway, he still seems too nice to be in porn though. haha
@sxg: if i remember right, in his solo at CF he said the burns on his arm were from a motorcycle accident. whether that be true or not I don’t care either. with the story i think it even adds to the charm.
Nick says
that was long. lost track haha
Mark says
I don’t what really happen but based on the comment above I’m hoping GH give him a chance and if he kick out from GH please welcome to Falcon/Raging or Men.com… Main point condom studios… You too gorgeous and pretty to get infected..
beetlejuice says
I doubt there’s anything complex behind all this. Money talks. Zane realizes that his core audience doesn’t want to see him getting mauled by x2 older queens. I’m not ‘hating’, but, in general porn is a fantasy for the viewer where two attractive people go at it. Yes, there’s plenty of different types of guys/porn to see – & beauty is ‘in the eye of the beholder’, but, personally, I want someone as physically attractive as Zane is. As it happens his performances have been somewhat lacking, so I will defo watch the scene, ‘cos MM like to kissy-kissy, so this will be fascinating to watch….
mullie says
@QMN Do you know on which day Zane and MM met for the first time?
Yannick says
Disappointing from Zane. GH has a safe sex policy and their models look safer than ratchet MM, they should keep an eye on their models during their agreement.
jude says
Zane is so gorgeously HOT! I want him to do a scene with Kris Evans or Connor(CF) or David(SC) or Jarec.
Jon says
No thanks!
jude says
Maybe Zane snd MM did DP?
mullie says
@beetlejuice This was done within 24 hours, they met at the closing party and the next day filmed the scene, he didn’t think things through and now realizes his fans are going to see him get used by Hunter and old grey mare. As i understand GH doesn’t have exclusive contracts with their models so he is free to film with other studios but apparently the models like the atmosphere over there and don’t want to get thrown out. Maybe this wouldn’t be a problem if had filmed for example Guysinsweatpants or a similar studio with younger attractive guys.
mullie says
MM has just released a trailer for this scene and seemed just fine and he Zane seems just fine. Seems like MM is going to milk this one for everything that it’s worth. They need get more gay guys at GH to make the straight guys more comfortable.
Nick says
Jake Davis, whose scene at GH just got released, seems to be jumping fence as well. This time with new bareback studio RB. Not sure if this is a (seemingly) spur of the moment decision as with Zane’s or if goodbyes have been said. Either way, yikes. I renewed at GH for the guys, not really for the video quality, so GH better set up a fence. This just might be isolated cases but I hope CF sets up a catch net for these guys. They’d fit in the CF roster quite nicely.
mullie says
@Nick I think Zane really wants to stay at GH and doesn’t want to jump ship. In the trailer MM made Zane wear one of their signature jockstraps which says “this ass belong to Maverick Men” and made him say that MM was his favorite site. That could piss GH off.
edward says
He is so fucking cute. Cute smile. Nice ass. beautiful body. I am jealous that he made MM tap that. Kinda confused by him though… He says he is straight yet on his twitter he speaks about giving his bf handjobs. Straight, gay of gay4pay, cant deny he is one hot mf.
beetlejuice says
@Mullie Poor Zane! And yep, MM will dine out on this. I actually love Zane’s look & the scar adds hotness & character. GH has gorgeous guys to look at, but the performances are very ‘robotic’. I dont get off on G4P unless they kiss realistically (Jordan Levine can!), or G4P gets ‘carried away’ in the moment and goes ‘all-out-frenchy’! But, I think GH will deliver with Sean Austins biggy, which they’re holding back…!