MEN.COM is about to release the scene I’m pretty sure Zeb Atlas and Colby Jansen fans have been waiting for. It’s the first episode of “Tour Of Duty.” You can watch Colby Jansen getting fucked by muscle god Zeb Atlas.
Don’t forget to watch the hot scene called “Master” where Sebastian Young plays a submissive bottom who begs Jarec Wentworth to fuck him harder and deeper. And the orgy scene called “Houseboy Part 3” starring Johnny Rapid, Landon Conrad, Logan Vaughn, and Paul Wagner.
+ Tour Of Duty Part 1: Zeb Atlas Fucks Colby Jansen
+ Master: Jarec Wentworth Fucks Sebastian Young
+ Houseboy Part 3: Johnny Rapid, Landon Conrad, Logan Vaughn, Paul Wagner
PSR says
Johnny Rapid is so gross. That scene would have been A+ without him. Yuk!
Bimyself1 says
Did Men really think people wouldnt notice fake sex in Sebastian bottoming or ?
mark henny says
Iprefer Colby Jansen as a Bttm! He’s gotta tasty Ass! It’s about time Zeb gave up the Candy too!
mark henny says
Want to see Colby fucked by a Phat Daddy sized Dick!
DD says
Bimyself1 – All of the videos I’ve ever seen of Sebastian (whether topping or bottoming) contain fake fucking. The editors deserve either an award or condemnation for semi-convincingly showing that Young isn’t a lame lay. Jarec deserves a better bottom and we as consumers deserve better scenes. Leave Sebastian in jail for all I’m concerned.
pornobb says
Johnny Rapid must have been fucked by everyone by now.
pornobb says
From their faces here, none of them seems to be having any fun.
grogi says
Colby Jansen sooooo hot love him as a bottom
chuck says
I agree. Colby appears to be so down to earth.
grogi says
If Colby, Jarec, Zeb ans Sebastian could just sit on my face I would be the happiest man in the world. I would spend more time pleasing my man Colby though. Sexy beast :p
balfo says
IMHO it’s nothing special. And it’s just because Zeb is not a top I like to watch. Colby (and his ass) is pleasure instead.
The positive side of this video is we can be sure it doesn’t contain any fake fucking, since the camera always focuses on the ass. Great
JerryBlanc says
Zeb Atlas – in my opinion – is just gettin’ paid. I know porn is scripted, but there’s nothing spontaneous or genuine about him. For those of us who remember, he’s like today’s Mark Slade / Frank Towers. Great body, hot guy, but very, very mechanical.
grogi says
Can we change the title also and make sure Colby is described as an “ass God” ?
TJ says
I think zeb needs to just put more effort and passion into his scenes, like looking like he actually enjoys the men he’s fucking, or at least be fucked by several men.. bareback if possible.
Donald Horn, II says
Johnny did not shine in this most recent video. He should go to another studio. His scenes are getting boring.
Simon says
No, but we will change the title to: “Over the top g4per mechanically fucks a FUPA guy with a tiny weener”.
grogi says
I will say this: the scenes from MEN that are shot in Europe ( I think staghomme does it) tend to be a lot better than the American ones. They just seem to have a better understanding of gay sexuality, most of the american scenes are very cold.
I look forward to seeing the great Colby Jansen with Dirk Caber, please either change the american directors or include more ass eating, kissing and reciprocity in scenes. Gaping holes between dick thrusts are nice too.
I’m glad that many scenes include the guy shooting cum while getting fucked, this is a very good point.
It’s the most exciting month since th ecreation of MEN but I think these pairings could benefit from better direction.
dvlaries says
If I were Rapid, I’d seriously investigate getting my rectum steel-reinforced; he may need it still when he’s 55. :O
No complaints about this clutch at all; Jansen bottoming, Young bottoming, Vaughn bottoming (a first time ever with Wagner), luscious Logan, Jarec, divine with that beard….
Welcome back, Colby, my fine tiger. Please don’t stay away 72 days again!
JerryBlanc@10:04 am. The Slade/Towers comparison is quite apt, but one could say that Ryan Idol and Jeff Stryker, despite even more sweeping popularity in their time, were also not without some of Atlas’s same attitude– “It’s enough that I exist for you to look at and worship. I can leave the real work to these lesser mortals gathered with me. Hey, packing these muscles on was hard work enough; now just shut up and revere me.” What other conclusion are we to draw when the scene starts off on the demeaning note of Colby on his knees taking mud off Atlas’s boot with a toothbrush?
This is only Colby’s third bottoming, I’m grateful anytime he does, and it’s thus essential for now since there are so few. It succeeds despite Atlas, not thanks to him. But I nursed no illusion that the scene would have the warm-bloodedness of his cherry round with Tommy Defendi last October, and the downright romantic atmosphere between Colby and Woody Fox this past April. I’m saving that kind of hope for the coming flipflop with Dirk Caber.
alex says
As long as Sebastian is fed some dick, I’m okay with the padding. He’s a gorgeous guy — and very masculine. Colby really feels a niche that seems to be missing from gay porn these days. Or maybe it’s just that online stuff is so meh. I don’t know how guys get off watching guys with no asses get fucked — especially Johnny Rapid. If they can’t get Zeb or another current top to bottom — I think the next stepi is a flip flop between Paddy and Colby.
DD says
I got it! I want to see Colby Jansen topped by Jarec. Now that would be a hot scene. Colby needs someone who knows how to fuck and now that they’re under the same Men roof, it needs to happen.
Also, in that Jacec/Sebastian scene Jarec even has to tell Sebastian to man up and stop his whimpering. Sad and not hot.
danny says
I just rejoined a couple of months ago because of a special offer. What happened? Most of the scenes aren’t hot, sexual, but are boring. I think the site needs to let go of some of the performers who have stayed too long. Get new performers, and try to hire gay only. If the guy is g4p, make sure he’s worth the time and effort (and money), before more scenes are ruined, and people stop watching!
Johnny is the same in all of the scenes he does. Zeb is very boring (and I’ve never understood his popularity). He brings nothing to his scenes. And I like Logan, he’s a hot guy, but he has no business topping. His dick doesn’t compare with most porn actors.
dvlaries says
To those who are bashing on Sebastian, may I respectfully remind than neither he, indeed none of these guys, regardless of whether they identify gay, straight or bi, are having sex for their own pleasure, but rather following a director’s dictates in order to get paid. If the finished work disappoints, all the blame never belongs with the performers alone.
We rarely meet porn directors at all, and especially not those of on-line clips, and who knows what kind of minds we’re dealing with? “Sebastian, I want you to pretend it hurts whether it does or not, and show some resistance, and Jarec, I want you telling him ‘Quit whining, and take it like a man’-that kind of shit.”
Sebastian Young’s nasty-ass, punk reputation may be something he’s ready, even eager, to leave behind for something new, but it’ll never happen in timid, unimaginative hands. With a brave and adventurous director, willing to supportively cast him against type, it’s my instinct Sebastian Young might surprise the hell out of all of us.
Dan says
I’ll never understand the low standards some of you have in porn. What is it about Zeb, Johnny or Colby for that matter is there to rave about, like someone please enlighten me because I’m lost as to why these lame fuckers are popular in the slightest. Johnny is basic, Zeb is a robotic g4p and Colby is one cheeseburger away from beer belly status (and his ass IS overrated, sheesh)
JerryBlanc says
To dvlaries 12:47 pm – Nice comparison reaching way back to Idol (10 more years as a guest of the State of California) and Stryker (on the cusp of a perpetual comeback). Yes, I AM old enough to remember.
Beni says
Só eu notei que em todas as fotos Colby está descalço, mostrando seus lindos e sexys pés nús e que no vídeo, infelizmente ele está o tempo todo com aquelas botinas? Que pena, muito mais sexy descalço.
Mesmo assim adorei a cena. Só ainda penso que falta a Men dar a Colby um parceiro ativo que realmente esteja a altura, que o faça gemer de prazer.
Espero ansioso a cena com Dick Caber, Caber é maravilhoso. BrasilFã.
I just noticed that in every picture Colby is barefoot, showing her beautiful and sexy feet naked and in the video, unfortunately it is all the time with those boots? Too bad more sexy barefoot.
Still loved the scene. Only still think the lack Men give Colby an active partner who really is the height, which makes her moan in pleasure.
I look forward to the scene with Dick Fit, Fit is wonderful. (Sorry, Google translation)
alex says
I don’t know what your tastes are in porn, but we obviously don’t all like the same kind of performer. Johhny Rapid is actually a boner-killer to me. I hate when he’s in a scene with a guy I do like. Zeb appeals to those who like huge, muscular bodies. Colby is a good performer/actor and a very candid/open guy. Sure he’s hefty, but he’s also muscular and athletic. If he was just some fat slob, he wouldn’t get the attention he does. I would have lost interest if he had never bottomed (the same as I lose interest in all exclusive tops), but it’s just so rare these days to find a big guy with a big ass who is willing to get fucked — especially in an online venue.
Kyle says
Dan, you need to get that sand out of your vagina!